Exodus of Doctors?

Just read article about doctors leaving PR.
"The issue has contributed to a steady drain of doctors as advocates say nearly 400 of the island's estimated 11,000 physicians leave the island every year. "
http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/won … ew-crisis/
Can those of you in the island feel the decline in doctors?
How bad is it?

As a soon to retire person, I am not interested in the lack of jobs in the market, but I do care about a possible lack of doctors.

I know of two doctors who recently moved to Puerto Rico.  My first-hand experience with healthcare in PR has been positive.  There are four hospitals and plenty of doctors in Humacao.

It sounds like it's a real problem, though.
Read some background information in this article in Caribbean Business.

frogrock wrote:

I know of two doctors who recently moved to Puerto Rico.  My first-hand experience with healthcare in PR has been positive.  There are four hospitals and plenty of doctors in Humacao.

If the numbers are correct, there are 3.5 million Puerto Ricans and 11,000 doctors, that work out to 318 patients per doctor, which is not bad considering that not everyone goes to the doctor all the time and there are 365 days in the year. That means that if we assume doctors work only 1/2 of the year, each doctor would only see about 1.74 patients a day assuming a spread over the year.

Those numbers could explain why you have been receiving satisfactory service.

So maybe is not as bad as the article paints it, but the exodus could accelerate given other news articles that state that some doctors are not always being payed.

Gary wrote:

It sounds like it's a real problem, though.
Read some background information in this article in Caribbean Business.

Interesting article but I do not believe the line: "Recently, graduated doctors stand to earn an average of $100,000 a year stateside versus a paltry $21,000 a year in Puerto Rico, according to data provided during the Chamber of Commerce's (CofC) annual Health & Insurance conference."

A brand new doctor in the US making 100K with no real world experience is darn good. A PR doctor at 21K??? No way, I would believe 50 or 60K but I can not believe 21K starting salary for a doctor.

A person making 10 bucks an hour (10X40 = 400 a week, that is 400x4 = 1,600 a month,  that is 1,600X12 = 19,200 a Year). No way a new doctor gets payed $11.00 an hour!!!!!!!

Heck, for my retirement I am targeting a budget of $5,000 a month which is 60K a year and I will be in my Hammock drinking Pina Coladas instead of working.

I guess there's always a slow news day!  I have a dear friend that's a doctor in mayaguez, from Spain. I'm currently waiting for an interview to work in that hospital. (I'm an xray tech) plenty of doctors, plenty of offices. The only thing you will find is that depending of your doctor the wait times vary. Some do appointment, some by walk in and wait. My Dr friend only schedules 15 patients a day and only works 4 days a week. Not because he can't but he told me " I just live very comfortable with what I make and I love my off time".  Another thing you will find is that they're more approachable and they do treat you like a person and listen to you. Not just rush you out. My primary care Dr is in san german. I have both his personal cellphone number and my childs pediatricians too.  Can't complain.

taylor_girl wrote:

My Dr friend only schedules 15 patients a day and only works 4 days a week. Not because he can't but he told me " I just live very comfortable with what I make and I love my off time".

So obviously he is making more than $21,000 a year if he is that happy.

Some of these articles are a little exaggerated. Glad you are doing well with HealthCare.

Here is a link to another article:
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world … 71083.html

It's not just a slow news day...people please don't underestimate the problems in this island...they are very real. The island is in serious debt...people and Doctors are leaving and have been for years. The main problem is the specialists...I have known people with very serious health problems that have had to wait a long time to see a certain specialist and in the meantime things got worse! Overall I have not had a problem finding specialists but right now I will have to wait 6 months to see one. It really surprises me when people say they have had only positive experiences with healthcare...maybe they don't have many health problems? Sure sometimes things work out ok...but I personally have not had all positive experiences...and I know many Puerto Ricans who have not as well.

Starting salary for doctor in Puerto Rico.  General physician, ay least 40k

Totally misleading

Lsotomaymd wrote:

Starting salary for doctor in Puerto Rico.  General physician, ay least 40k

A lot better than the article I found that said they were getting 21K. But still not fair. A brand new fresh out of school computer programmer in the mainland gets around 40k-60k depending on area, and they do not have the responsibility of a doctor.
Experienced ones get between 85k and 140k

As PR is loosing population, it makes sense doctor's are leaving as well. The ratio of doctors vs. patients may stay the same but I doubt the quality is improving. Most likely, the quality is worsening (when viewed as a whole).