
Working on my surfing skills

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Hello! I'm from Texas and interested in moving to Puerto Rico this July for a year. I have some money saved to get me started on this adventure but will need a small job to keep me going. I am also  working on my surfing skills and would appreciate any ideas on where or how to start!

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It's no better here in U.S. Minimum wage jobs prevail and same supposed financial crisis..


Well I will be here permanently in July and I've heard Luquillo has great surfing. Was thinking of getting into surfing a bit myself good luck. Don't know about jobs.


Rincon area has surfing, also.


IMHO Luquillo does not have great surfing, not by a long shot. I've been there, seen it. Best surfing in PR is in the northwest, e.g. Rincon, Aguadilla, Aguada, and Isabella.


I've come to look at moving to Puerto Rico as less of an adventure and more of a daredevil stunt. If you can pull it off it's wonderful and rewarding. But if you aren't fully prepared to execute it properly, things can go very wrong very quickly. I also agree with Victor about the surfing. Luquillo has some beautiful beaches , but the surf in the west nortwest is the best. People come from all over the world to surf there. I think if I was considering going there for the first time I'd give it just a little while longer to see what happens with the economy. It's in dire straits right now and the electric company is on the verge of defaultling. Jobs are extremely hard to find. Even part time. You essentially have to know someone in order to get a job. Believe it or not Johnny, finding a job is considerably easier to do in the US. But you are right about the bulk of them that are available are only part time. Get used to it everyone. We voted in the people responsible.


GreggK wrote:

I've come to look at moving to Puerto Rico as less of an adventure and more of a daredevil stunt. If you can pull it off it's wonderful and rewarding. But if you aren't fully prepared to execute it properly, things can go very wrong very quickly.

Exactly my thoughts GreggK. I am trying my best to prepare. I must admit I am nervous but I need to get away! haha =)


I agree with Victor and Gregg -- surfing is in the Northwest although I know a couple of surfers who love certain beaches in Dorado.

Also jobs are hard to get and even more if you're not fluent in Spanish.


Hi kamrteaga,

I have created a new thread with your post on the Puerto Rico forum for more visibility and interaction.


Priscilla  :cheers:


My son and I moved from South Padre Island TX to Rincon in May.  We love it here. My son William surfs daily and would be more than happy to show you around at no cost. Just give us a shout when you arrive.



There's a great surfing school based out of Piñones, Carolina. I believe I posted their contact info on this forum a few years ago. As that was a long time ago, let me know if you want me to dig it up again.

Good luck!


Hello! I've been here since Tuesday but would love to get together! It's nice knowing someone is here from the Valley.


Welcome to the island, Kamrteaga!  Where are you located and did you find a job?


I'm in rincón and still looking! :-)

Thank you all for the help :-)


We will be out snorkeling & surging tomorrow. We will then go out to the Art Walk down town . Give us a call in the morning!


At which beach will you snorkel and surf? Steps beach has great snorkeling!


Steps is where I go for snorkeling. My son surfs sandy beach in the morning  and twice a week we go to jobs @ isabella


Jobos @ isabella


I never been to the Rincon area and in some of the previous post here I was given the impression that the Surfing crowd leaves around the end of April, and the town basically goes to sleep and some restaurants and bars close.
Why is that? Are the waves smaller? Is it because of Vacation time frame? Please clue me in.

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