
skateboard shops


Where can i find skateboard shops here in al khobar?

See also

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You will find it in elfaleh sport Store 
King kahlied Street  cross 7 near al  rajhi bank


Or amwaj Plaza mall near akia hypermarket there is big sports shop i can't remember the name exactly  sport land or something


I remember searching in and out of Khobar for just one skateboard. It was rather hard to find one before because it wasn't popular here, but now I'm seeing more and more skate boarding along corniche area.

Anyway, I would rather buy skateboards on the Internet and have them ship it to my address. The qualities (and design) of skateboards you'll find in Khobar sports shop are rather short of the standard.

I bought one at a sports shop in Al Isa Mall (souk) in Khobar.

There's also a sports shop near Ramaniah Mall, I think the name is U-Mark. It is right across the police station in Khobar, left of Ramaniah Mall when you face Al Isa Mall.

They don't sell spare parts in Khobar, as far as I know.


Hey did you find a longboard or a skateboard or like a penny board please answer me