
2 Filipinos: Same Sex Marriage in Rio De Janeiro


My name is Dennis Vinoya and John Lyle Gomes is my' fiance. We are planning on getting legally married in Brazil very soon, and would like your help.

Is it possible to get married in Rio De Janeiro for non-Brazilian citizens?

Lyle and I are both citizens of the Philippines. Lyle is currently based in Houston, Texas, where he ia completing a residency training program in Neurology. He is on a non-immigrant visa here in the US. We understand that every cartorio may have different requirements for marriage, and although we plan to get married in Rio de Janeiro, we are open to considering other areas (such as Sao Paulo or Brasilia) that may have less stringent requirements. Our priority is to be able to get married legally on May 9th of this year. We would like to get the documents ready as soon as possible.

We are currently in the process of having our birth certificates, certificate of no marriage (certifying that we are both single, issued by the Philippine Government's National Statistics Office), and passports authenticated by the Brazilian Embassy in Manila, which has jurisdiction over our documents. Lyle is having problems getting his passport authenticated as he is currently not in the Philippines and he have his passport with him. We are trying to work around that but it may take some time.

To reiterate, I would like your help in establishing the following points:

1. What are the requirements for same sex marriage for 2 foreign citizens in Brazil, specifically Rio de Janeiro? Are the requirements different or easier to comply with in other areas?

2. We are trying to get married in the second week of May (May 9th). We have already bought tickets and we need to know if we have to reschedule. We understand there is a waiting period for our documents to be processed and banns to be published to the public for 15 days. Will we make it in time?

3. Are we eligible for marriage through Power of Attorney? If so, is it possible to get the process started without my authenticated passport, as it may take some time? Our documents, along with our other documents mentioned above, will likely be ready by next week.

4. We currently do not have any contacts residing in Brazil. Can you help us with registering the marriage to the cartorio, submitting the documents, and obtaining approved translations? As Dennis mentioned previously, we can only be in Brazil for a few days, and will not be able to travel back and forth for this process.

We appreciate all your help. Please get in touch with me ASAP if you believe you will be able to assist us on all these points. Also please let us know in advance if you require payment for other services such as Power of Attorney, etc.

You may reach me at any time through my email.

Thank you!

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I have never dealt with anything other than a non-citizen marrying a Brazilian citizen or permanent resident of Brazil before, so I can't advise you on the process.

Obviously if it is possible for a non-citizen to marry a permanent resident here in Brazil then in theory it is possible for two non-citizens to marry, I just don't know how. This is something you would need to ask at the Cartório de Registro Civil where marriages take place. The entire process start to finish for civil marriages here in Brazil takes at the very minimum one month.

Given the massive amounts of bureaucracy that exist for foreigners marrying here, you can be assured that even if it is possible you're going to be facing a mountain of red tape X 2, since you're both non-citizens. It's going to involve each of you providing Long Form Birth Certificates, and Single/No Impediment Certificates that have been issued within the past 6 months, they must be legalized by the Consulado-Geral do Brasil in the issuing country and translated into Portuguese by sworn translators here in Brazil.

My best advice to you would be to just forget the idea of trying for a "destination wedding" here in Brazil. It likely is not even going to be accepted abroad, especially in countries where same-sex marriages are not yet considered legal.

Regarding the Proxy Marriage (Casamento por Procuração) in Brazil, that is only possible when one or both of the parties are Brazilian citizens, and can only be arranged for while both parties are legally in Brazil.

James     Expat-blog Experts Team


Oh, and another thing... I would not trust anyone who contacts you here and states that they can help you for a fee. This is not possible and you should report any such contacts. If they come through the private message system then click on the ACTIONS button to the right of the "Conversation with _____" line and then click on report. If the offer is made in the forum then click on the REPORT triangle at the upper right corner of the posting.


Hi James. Thank you for all the advices and help for us.
Currently, we are in the process of completing all legal documents (Birth Cert, Cert of No Marriage and Passport - ALL Authenticated by Brazilian Embassy in the Philippines). We already sent our scanned Birth Cert, Passport and Cert of No Marriage to a Sworn translator ( Also, We already consulted Atty. Alesandro Jacob ( if 2 Filipinos can get legally married in Rio De Janeiro.

We are planning to settle in the US where we know Same Sex Marriage in Rio De Janeiro will be accepted and recognized.

Again, Thank you very much - Dennis


Just remember that same-sex marriages are not accepted in all US states yet. It will eventually come, but it's going to take quite some time yet.

Sorry but as a new member you're not able to post links, so they don't show up in your topic posting. I would be interested in just confirming that the lawyer you have consulted is legitimate, so if you would send me contact details for him in a private message I can check him out. (especially his e-mail address and OAB number if you have them).

James   Expat-blog Experts Team


Hi, i would like to know how did it go after consulting the attorney. Were you allowed to get married on a visit visa?


Hi Johan

In Brazil same sex marriages can be registered in the Cartorio without any issues.  As long as you have all the required paperwork.

Lastly attorneys won’t be of much help as all they will do is follow the same check list that your partner can obtain from the Cartorios office




Dennis anung nangyari sa wedding nyo sa Brazil?


hi dennis anong balita nakapagpakasal b kyo sa brazil??