Medical requirements

hi guys please eligthen me about the medical requirement for a working visa, have a chance to work in KSA. thanks

Chest Xray (TB)
Hepatitis B Test
Aids/HIV Test

are all COMPULSORY and needed for the issuance of entry Visas

other preliminary stuff like eye tests (you have to be able to see if you wanna work here any way) etc are negligible and can be surpassed without too much issue

Hi 2ink

Dont do the tests now, only when your medical is due, because if your medical results are 3months or more old, they ask you to redue them.

See ya in KSA

Go to the KSA website in The Philippines and click on "work visa", there you will see all that is necessary to get a visa from your country to work here.

I just went through all of that.  You will need a mini physical (the forms are available on most Visa processing web sites) that includes a Blood Pressure test, eye exam, urine exam, blood test for many things including; HIV, AIDS, Syphilis, you will also need a chest xray (which can get a bit expensive).  You will need three originally signed forms, your blood test, xray test, urine test results and one additional photograph.  Mine took a week to get.  I used my health insurance to process most of the needs.  Hope this helps. Oh by the way I'm fine, thank you.