Cost of living in Dhaka

It would be interesting to exchange on the cost of life in Dhaka, so that future expats in Dhaka can make a budget!

For a start, we thing about the cost of:

- accomodation (appartment, or house)
- water and electricity
- public transport (metro, bus or taxi)
- monthly household shopping
- average price for bread, butter, milk, eggs, kg of meat...
- medical insurance
- visit to the house doctor
- school fees (specify which school)
- petrol
- average price of a good menu in a traditional restaurant
- a beer or a coffee in a bar or pub
- a cinema ticket

and of course, if you think I forgot an important point, just add it up!

Thanks for your participation :)

- accomodation (appartment(15,000to40,000), or house- 90-100,000) (its varies area to area...)
- water and electricity (water400, eletricity-800-1000
- public transport (metro(n/a), bus(cheap) or taxi(meter per km 3)
- monthly household shopping 3-4000
- average price for bread-30, butter-20-50, milk-20, eggs-25, kg of meat- beef-250...
- medical insurance (not sure)
- visit to the house doctor (per visit 500)
- school fees (specify which school)(depends)
- petrol- no idea but CNG is cheaper
- average price of a good menu in a traditional restaurant 600-1000 two people
- a beer(100 in bar) 600 in hotel bar or a coffee(100-200 in coffee world) in a bar or pub
- a cinema ticket 60-100

Please note that- the costs I gave are variable.

Prices are in all local currency (BDT), You can check in to see the exchange rate...

marufa wrote:

- accomodation (appartment(15,000to40,000), or house- 90-100,000) (its varies area to area...)
- water and electricity (water400, eletricity-800-1000
- public transport (metro(n/a), bus(cheap) or taxi(meter per km 3)
- monthly household shopping 3-4000
- average price for bread-30, butter-20-50, milk-20, eggs-25, kg of meat- beef-250...
- medical insurance (not sure)
- visit to the house doctor (per visit 500)
- school fees (specify which school)(depends)
- petrol- no idea but CNG is cheaper
- average price of a good menu in a traditional restaurant 600-1000 two people
- a beer(100 in bar) 600 in hotel bar or a coffee(100-200 in coffee world) in a bar or pub
- a cinema ticket 60-100

Please note that- the costs I gave are variable.

just to correct in few prices...
milk is 50 per lt., beer 200 for a cane, eggs 10 for an egg :(
city is relatively exp. than mumbai and yet doesnt offer tht kind of life, read night life

oh my god, the price has gone up really quickly.. in last few months. living cost in Dhaka is indeed expensive. In Abu Dhabi 1 ltr milk is 2.50AED(47tk)!!

yeah actually it has, my bro putting up in abu dhabi, even he doesnt accept tht dhaka kind of city(pardon my sarcasm :D) cn b exp. :) and thts just necessary thngs, for a cane of beer wen i paid 200Tk i was shocked, and cudnt easily gulped tht cane, no doubt its all without entertainment tax as i brought it at my flat...

thank you
i heard the city is developing so that right?

wont say developing, its nthng compare to any normal city bac in India, just the cost of living is gng high, as ppl r ready to shell out money, which is a bad sign, or mayb i havnt explored much, beer in westing costing so much tht u wil quit drinking, only place to get it is dutyfree

Dear brothers, Can somebody tell me how much it will cost me monthly to stay in one room on rent (furnished or unfurnished, low value to high value)? I mean tell me the range of costs between low and high standards rooms. Actually my company sending me to dhaka for some 2 to 3 months. I want to make a guess about cost of living there.

Hi everyone :)
@Phajja: Accommodation cost in Dhaka
Rent Per Month   
Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Centre     145.00 $
Apartment (1 bedroom) Outside of Centre     78.75 $
Apartment (3 bedrooms) in City Centre     279.14 $
Apartment (3 bedrooms) Outside of Centre     152.00 $

Hope this might give you an idea, about the approximate rental cost in the area.

Dear Yud. Thanks for your feedback. Please tell me what is meant by city centre and outside city centre. Also tell me if it is monthly rent? And I also read these costs on some website, i thought it may be old and not updated, i mean are you sure these are not very old rates, i mean the recent rents will lie in this range?
   And also tell me how to find these kind of 1 room apartments. Coz I dont want to stay in 1000tk or 800tk per night hotels, that will be costly for me. i want to look for these kind of apartments which is on monthly basis. I hope u understand my point. If you live in dhaka, please give me positive feedback. Thanks

Unfortunately, I don't live in Dhaka, but the figures I have posted here come from a very reliable source, Numbeo. Their figures is regularly updated and this one dated this year. Hope this might help you in clearing your doubts, and I hope members from there, will bring their inputs as well.

they seem wrong to me, as per ur data 3 BHK at max is 300$ = 21000Tk, impossible, i m putting up in gulshan, 2 BHK nice flat(furnished) rent sumwhr around 50-70k dunno exactly coz local client deals wid it, bt it surely nt tht cheap...


Considering that a 2 BHK nice flat(furnished) rent in Gulshan is around 50-70k; what would be the monthly rental cost for an unfurnished 2 BHK apartment? Also are the rental rates similar to that in Baridhara?


3 Bedroom apartment with driver, maidservant you are looking around $1500 per month.

Hi, any updates on these prices above..? I am looking to move to Dhaka in August 2012.

The price I mentioned is for NRB. For  you Dave it will cost you little higher. People ask almost double the price when they see a white foreigners. Sorry but that's true.

Thanks for that... lucky for me my business partner is a Deshi citizen!

I moved from Dallas, Texas to Dhaka for 2years. We moved back in May 2011. We rented aN apartment in Bashundhara close to diplomatic zone.  The cost I mentioned is for Bashundhara R/A. You need any help let me know. I hang out in a club called Thousand club. They have pretty much everything gym,  swimming pool, bar, billiards, restaurant, tennis. Etc. I am pretty sure your Bangladeshi partner knows about it.

Again many thanks for your information. We may well call upon your assistance in due course. At least we should meet for a drink in the Thousand Club! D

how to find suitable accomodation there.

Good question... I'm wnating the same information! :)

Hi jaufar,

You may have a look at the Dhaka classifieds > accommodation section and post an advert there as well. :)

Thank you Sri Admin!

I will take a good look now!

