
Hello from New Mexico, USA

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:)    My name is Judith but I use the handle of JasmineinNM.  I currently reside in Rio Rancho, NM but want to move to Cuenca, Ecuador.   I am trying to learn all that I can about Ecuador and have so many questions. 

I am a retired lady with one dog and one cat (I didn't see a picture for both dog and selected the next best picture.  :)

I am hoping to make new friends here and hope that you all will "show me the ropes" so to speak.

See also

Living in Cuenca: the expat guideDating in the ECOnce a Ham, always a Ham.Jason hereMoving to Cuenca - 3 Weeks to go!!!
Keltic Tom

Hello Judith,

I think that a lot is up to us as visitors. Keep in mind we stand out like a sore thumb. Know that you will be watched and act accordingly. Do not flash your money around and do not wear fine jewelry out. Remain calm ... things will happen in their own time. Do you speak Spanish? If we as guests show respect the locals will show us respect.

When I began looking months ago I started to rule out certain places ... poor weather, city congestion, air pollution and higher than normal crime. The minimum wage is $265 take home for a month so it is easy to figure a lot of poor people are around you. I think all said and done I will start in Loja. My first stop will be the Loja Police Department. Map in hand so they can circle the nice neighborhoods an X the bad ones. Who but they know the city better. I show them my Dad's card from the Buffalo, New York Police Department and shake their hands. I will then call on ever work shop for autos I see. I am retired from 30 years with D-BAG / Daimler-Benz / Mercedes-Benz so the technicians and I speak the same languages ... Español and autos. I will have ½ page fliers to pass out stating my needs along with a short Bio. Hopefully I will get some leads.

Were I a woman and was going out I would have my bank roll in a place which required a rest room stall for a with drawl. Better to be safe than sorry. My kick off date is the first Friday in September ... Houston - Quito - Loja arriving about 8:00AM Saturday.

Let me know about your plans and your kick off date.

Regards .... Tom     /    Don Chema


Thank you kindly for your reply.   I should have been gone in November to Cuenca but I ran into a snag that seems
impossible to overcome.  My cat had serious adverse reactions to vaccines when he was a kitten.  The vet then gave me
and exemption for him to never take vaccines again.  He is now eleven years old and has always been a house kitty. He is in perfect health as he recently had complete bloodwork done and all was perfect.  I called the consulate here in Arizona to ask for an exemption to get him into Ecuador and the agent there told me "impossible, no can't be done, impossible".   My kitty's private local vet won't even give him the vaccines for a certificate because he is afraid of reaction.  Now I don't know what to do.  I love my kitty.  He has travelled with me some 7 thousand miles all across the country in the USA.....  Everything was a go until this came up with my cat.  I just don't know what to do about it.  I will post this info in the "pets" section of the forum also.  Surely there must be some kind of exemption to such a case.  I just haven't found it yet.  I am just at my wits end on how to get my kitty to Ecuador.  My dog is no problem as he is completely current on all required vaccines.  As soon as I resolve this situation I could be on my way in two weeks.

I am planning to get a "Rosetta Stone" conversational Spanish book/cd and get with learning Spanish quickly.  I will be most respectful to the locals.  Now worries on my flashing my money......I don't have any and no jewelry.  LOL!  I am just a retired person looking for a new life and a great adventure. 

I hope you have a great day and again thank you for your input.   Share more!


Good luck with your cat, mine turns 18 in January, We will probably not try to move overseas while he is still alive.


No need to post again in 'Pets'.

If the cat does not have all of the required vaccinations and the health certificate, he is not entering a foreign county. No, not, forget it. (sorry)

That's just the way it is. Moving animals internationally is very convoluted and difficult, and the bottom line is -- animals don't generate cash.

Every county is interested in income whether it is retirement income, investment income, innovation income, commodities income - ultimately it's all about the money. They may allow you and your money in, but they're pretty much not interested in your pet, and most countries have extremely restrictive animal importation procedures (interestingly enough, the US is fairly lax on this point).

Perhaps your best bet is to find a family member who will keep the pet nicely in the US. I hope this is an option.

But moving pets internationally is a massive headache, and moving pets without the required vaccinations and documents is all but impossible.

I wish the very best outcome for you and your cat -


P.S. I've moved cats all over the world. Smuggling drugs is probably easier, I shot you nit.


and that is what it all boils down to......I just may not move.  Thanks for your reply.



I just got off the phone with a veterinary college in Colorado.  They made recommendations of doing just one
shot at a time but to pre-treat for vaccine reactions and leave him in the vet hospital for observation.  It all boils down to either give him the vaccines or don't go out of country.   :(     I will make some more calls to my local vet and discuss the situation again with him.  I am afraid to give him the vaccines but then maybe I am worrying for nothing and perhaps he
will be just fine.  Then on the other hand if I damaged him or killed him with vaccines I would never get over the heartbreak of it all.   I am so torn about this.

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