
Puerto Plata apts,etc

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Having been away from DR for a while planning to return soon.
Sure hope the overstay fines system is stil in place as I recall there was talk in the recent past that they might stop it sometime in the future.

also this time planning to stay in Puerto Plata (not Sosua as before), so would welcome any advice about renting small apartment, furnished if possible, although I know this can be difficult.

as I will stay longer period, really prefer some local apartments among Dominicans not the pricey holiday tourists lets.

and how is the electric situation these days,still power cuts ? ...expect so despite the promises in the past that things will get better :-)

and water services in PP ??

See also

Real estate listingsBuying property in the Dominican RepublicLiving and accommodation on the South Coast of the Dominican RepublicLiving and accommodation in the up and coming Southwest of the Dominican RepublicAccommodation in Santiago de los Caballeros

Apartments in Puerto Plata require you to put your boots on the ground to find.  One of our members will be able to help you,  I will have her come respond to you!     

Remember if you are wanting a place  for under a 1 year lease, you will need to pay more!    But there are  apartments available, furnished in decent  areas, but still among Dominican!

Electrical outages - fact of life here. Make sure to double check the electrical in that specific area.  Do not believe the owner or neighbors when you ask - DOUBLE CHECK the circuits!    I believe water is sorted by the rains lately....LOL


Hi Planner thanks for prompt reply......
yeah boots on the ground is probably the best way. Guess best stay in cheap hotel for a few days and start hunting...

re electric ...Yeah , see nothings changed then :-)

>One of our members will be able to help you,  I will have her come respond to you!

OK thanks for that!

Bob K

Yes best off being here to find and apt.  Make sure electricity is included and that there is a back up system.  Plan on being with out power everyday for varying amounts of time.   Security is also something to consider.

Over stay fees are still in place and will be for the near future

Bob K


Hi... (Moderated: do not leave your personal details on the forum pls).  I live in the Puerto Plata area, a gated community/village Costambar...and I could introduce you to the community.  Its pretty self contained with convenience store, library, pharmacy, hardware, 9 hole golf course and many different ethnic restaurants and plenty of beach bars.  Regards...Annette


Please do not post your number and email on a public board, for safety reasons. i am having that part removed. Send it in a private message salsamama....LOL


Question for Bob or ? Am reading alot of negatives? about Puerto Plata? Is is safe? Sounds like its a tourist area and yet maybe not safe after dark? And certain areas not good to live in...Might you be able to clarify? I know I have said we are coming (I do believe we are still, life has just delayed us a bit) From all I have read for awhile now the north coast and the area's around Santiago/Jarabacoa and also Samana area are at the top of my list. Have no desire to go to the south/east coast, hurricanes especially are the reasons and heard Punta Cana area's has large spiders in the jungle icchh... Anyways. I am still actively researching in the midst of trying to wrap up a very intensive class and complete a second in between...Very real possibility that we will be ready to finally come down long term by April - June window...Am trying to see if can make a short visit between now and January to explore a bit first. SOOO any reasons I should rule out Puerto Plata?  I love the mountains more than the beach but would like to be in somewhat reasonable distance to the water.  Also does anyone know how long it really takes for things shipped down to actually arrive? We would be sending some things. Thx

Bob K

Glauriel are you talking about Puerto Plata itself or the surrounding areas?  Sosua/Cabarete/Costombar are all different then Puerto Plata.

Have you been here before?

Let me know exactly where you are looking at and I may be able to give you some ideas.  As to Puerto Plata, just like any city anywhere there are good parts and bad.

Bob K


I  am not BOB but having living in Puerto Plata 7 years and visiting often,  I can tell you like any other city it has good areas and not good areas - same as Costambar, Sosua and Cabarete. It is not different then anywhere else.

I am a single female who has managed to stay very safe for over 11 years.


Hi Bob,

No we haven't been THERE but next door in Puerto Rico...Just was reading your remarks to some other comments and started noticing some negative things about Puerta Plata.  I have been researching the site and online for about 3 years now.  Am truly going to try to come down before Christmas or soon after. We want to come down and try it for at least a year after that...Our game plan is around April to June sometime to come for long stay. Need to wrap up 2 classes here that I need first. Just want to have my eyes wide open. I don't want to be in a "city" but don't mind being close to one if there are mountains to be had. Need place with some space for my dogs to run/play. Hoping to either rent long term or maybe even purchase something not too big couple of acres maybe.  Do you or anyone have any idea (just wondering) about how much it cost to build something small? I have some ideas on a house if the vendors deal with the DR.  Have some funds now to work with but not unlimited. Want to spend wisely...

Bob K

Ok first off this is a lot different here then at out next to neighbor's place (Puerto Rico).

This is not a US territory, does not have much that is up to US standards, much more corrupt, less reliable services, much worse infra structure.  In many ways a third world country.

Before you make any kind of commitment you need to come and stay for a month or two and explore.  There are multiple different areas, Beaches, mountains, cities and so on.  Lots of places you could live and lots you  should avoid.  Some areas with more expats, some with more tourists and some with basically NO gringos living there.
This is a whole different experience than Puerto Rico.

Bob K


And for all the  less desirable things, we have a sense of freedom here you won't find in Puerto Rico or many other places.

In addition we have a growing economy and changes they are happening..........LOL

For all of us to know -  we are a developing nation. We no longer use 3rd world as its now considered derogatory.  Go figure.

Come down for a few months, live here, explore and get to know this place. Then you can decide if this is for you or not.



I am not unaware....please don't think this is a light sporadic decision of mine. You don't know my history and what I have lived through. I am not worried about that. And have you lived in Puerto Rico? There were things there we didn't have  either like hot water...We had to wait till mid day and take as quick of a shower as possible to get what little bit of water was heated in the lines by the sun...I am used to doing without. But now am sorry I asked. Think I will just keep reading and get my anwers to questions that way or from another source. Sorry to have troubled you.

Bob K

Don't be sorry you asked or think you are a bother. Most who inquire here (similar to your questions) have no clue.

Being exposed to this will only do you good in moving here.

Bob K

Bob K

Planner  sorry with electricity, sanitation,  and medical care in some areas it is still third world. In other areas it is definitely developing and on the verge of "modern" in some rare cases. 

You can put clothes on a pig but it is still a pig.

Bob K


Hahaha.  Its the terminology that has changed Bob, that is all. 

Glauriel it seems you are somehow offended. Not our intent.  We dont know anything about your background - frankly we dont know anyone elses either.  We give pretty much similar advice to everyone!


yeah Bob is right still rather 3rd world in some respects- I may consider changing that statement when we can have reliable electricity :-)  and some water would be nice at times too :-)))

anyway its more fun than Europe despite its bad points. England is a nightmare! a virtual police state with millions of cameras watching your every move...DR is no paradise but feels much more like Liberty and freedom so can live with the bad points!
re apartment hunt- iTs progressing, as expected finding furnished is proving rather difficult....met some Dominican guy last night said he knew a place for rent.... Yes I know be careful with people you dont know :-) anyway can take a look no harm to try..
re electric always advice from members says check for the area, but exactly how can one do this? is there a website or something?


there is a website that you can check plus you need to ask around in the area but not your direct neighbors. Ask landlord in furnished place if there is an inverter and batteries!  OR a backup generator. 

Here is the website link:




First welcome to the forums. Second you are asking a really really broad question. So where do you want to live? how many bedrooms? with furniture or are you going to buy your own?

Let me suggest that much of this has been covered, please go read some of the threads to get an idea of costs of living. Yes you can do it on 1,300 US a month for just yourself without a high standard of living, not a lot of eating out of expensive meals or "entertaining".... if you get my meaning.


as I told on a previous post, I moved to sosua in the spring of 2002. I had a couple of thoisand dollars.  enough to get a reliable  toyota, a 650 cc mototcycle. enough to buy the other things I needed to make life comfortable.  my monthly income at the time was $600. as the S.S. increased it brought it up to 650 per month.  for 8 years I lived well & happy. with many contacts was able to find good deals to buy & re=sell.  you can live very well on $1300.  providing your'e  happy with a moderate life style.  I lacked for nothing.  had plenty of friends, girls, food, ( retired chef & bar owner), explored the island on my bike.  in general had a ball.  if you can cook, & shop wisely, food will be a small part of your budget.   we don't have to live in a fancy, gated place.  cheap , adequate apts  are available.  it just takes time to find them.  sit down & ponder what you really require to be content &  remember that this is a different country w/ different people.  it can be close to a paradise as you make it.  but even paradise has a satan.  most times satan comes from within!  what it boils down to is,  it is what YOU make of it.  good luck to you.  enjoy this country,  it has so much to offer!




Gypsy, I like your reply best of all....

Is it what you make of it, what your expectations are or aren't.  Everyplace has good and nightmares...I do know. I have visited Europe: Spain, Portugal, Ireland, France, and Wales... I have been through many states in the US and lived in a few of them also as well as Puerto Rico and Hawaii  (yes know its a state but it doesn't feel that way there). I have always had enough or close to it. Its all about what your needs really are not your wants. I love new places and cultures, feel we can learn so much outside of our bubbles...I love the tropics more than anything. I have met several Dominicans here from all different parts of the island. Everyone one of them radiated the same joy and love of family and life that to me is so attractive. It isn't about "things" with them but the important things in life. To me that is invaluable in a culture...Not possessions. If that is a cultural thing then its very attractive to me. I also want the simple things in life: peace, quiet, happiness, family, enough food and adequate shelter without alot of "things". I am going to move somewhere and really soon. Trying hard to decide between the DR (top of list) and Equador (have friends going there) and Costa Rica third. Have heard lately though that the prices there are going up because of so many expats moving there. Guess its all in what you want and can afford. Am also considering starting in the DR and then if for some unexpected reason I decide want to try another country I will. Its an adventure after all.... So thanks to all for their advice, know its all meant to serve and advise even if the delivery isn't always taken that way. Later.,


Glauriel have you looked at Panamá? Was recently voted one of the happiest places on earth :D


general rule of thumb---- spend no more than 1/3  of income on housing. in the d.r. you can spend a bit more & still lve well. what do you mean. close to the beach? a 5 or 10 minute walk or drive? define close for me please.

Gayle and Alan

I will be moving to Puerto Plata with my mother in December.  Can anyone recommend a rental agency or realtor for the area. We will want to rent long term and I am having trouble finding long term rentals online.  Also any advice for new ex pats would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you all for the great posts.


Gayle and Alan , welcome.  Salsamama may be able to help you out.  There is tons of info on here, start reading and come back with questions or ask them right in the various threads.

Great post gypsy....its all about our attitude and expectations..... 

Glauriel I think you could love it here..... there are such different areas - the north coast is really different from the south or the east, then santiago, Jarabacoa, the capitalnetc, there teally is something for everyone....


Thank you  Planner,

As always you are so gracious and well as informative.

I am pretty confident that I will love the DR.  I tend to blend in well where ever I go. Well one exception:France. They didn't much like us when they discovered we were American. Other than that it was great. 

I tend to love the Latin cultures best, more laid back, more the food, the music, the love of family and strangers too...

RE: Panama I have a friend here that is from there. She married an military guy. She has always encouraged me to go there, thought about it but well it just never really called my name like other places.

We have decided to unload about 50% of our "possessions" in preparation for moving. Only have a few months to do this as our short term lease will be up and then we need to make a move. We don't have much to start with but am realizing the difference between need and wants even here. Also am learning to let go of the past re: possessions. Discovering some things are really more sentimental than necessary. Those are the first things that are going. Its very freeing.

Time will pass quickly then it will be here. So we are preparing mentally and physically to make the big change. We are ready for a positive change finally.


positive change , a big YES,  but....some negative things will creep into your mind too.  not big ones, however they will tend to make you question your decision.  they are not over powering doubts,  but more like sand spur on your shoe lace,  annoying only when you tie or untie them.   don't expect a quiet paddle on a calm lake,... there will be minor rapids ahead.  take them in stride as a bowman in the canoe... you will chart your way through the bumpy parts.  thanks to this site,  you will have many guides to help you. I'm not being negative,  just realistic. as one who has ridden the bumps, I know you will make it fine.  these thoughts are coming from the gypsy curmugeon. (sp).  welcome again & embrace the challenges of your new adventure!!!!!    PM me & I'll send you a link to a great introduction to Spainish that will open your mind to learn very quickly the way to speak Spanish.. the intro is free & you will be amazed as to its' simplicity.


Thank you all...Yes there are fears and doubts that creep in, of course. And it doesn't help that my family keeps reminding me how far away I will be if something goes wrong. But then you only live once and rather look back and see an attempt was made even if it fails as opposed to always dreaming about what could have been...that to me is worse.

The tropics have always felt more like home to me than the four seasons. Even though Hawaii wasn't my birthplace I always thought of it as home...Then Puerto Rico although different from Hawaii's culture was still more home than the mainland.  Ireland was tempting, so rural and ruggedly beautiful but those coooolddddd winters! No thanks.

Again, thanks all. Lots of good info here. If I want to review past posts how do I get to them? Thanks.


what does a 1 b/r and 1 bathroom apt go for in a nice area and descent apt? My social security is $1300.00 to live on.
thank you, sal

Bob K

That will be a tight budget but doable if you don't go out much , drink much or plan on entertaining much.  you could find a I br apt with security, 24 hour power, add internet and TV for a total of $400-$500 a month + electricity which can be expensive if you use lots of AC

Bob K




looking for apt for about $400 a month where should I start looking?

Bob K

It is a big country.  First decide on an area and then start looking.  Everywhere will have apts for you but level of comfort will vary on specific location, size, amenities etc.

Bob K

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