
Teaching English in Recife

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Hello there!
I’m Andy, I’m American and I’m married to Marcia, a Brazilian who lives in Recife, Brazil.
Since I moved to Recife in 2008 I began teaching English and now I own a small English Course called Inglês.comAmericano in Casa Forte, in the north part of Recife. As I have many students, we’re considering finding someone else to help me with the classes.
No previous experience is required however we expect possible candidates to be able to speak English correctly. We will provide a short training course and most of the classes are pre-prepared. Because our classes are aimed at improving our student´s speaking ability (conversation skills) there is little need for preparing written class material. We also have a fully furnished room for the class with all the necessary equipment and materials. Classes are small with a maximum of eight students per class. The only prerequisite for you as a teacher is that you must be a native American who enjoys meeting, talking and helping people improve their English.
If you are interested, please contact us at the following:
+55 81 9944 2015
Classes are scheduled in the mornings, afternoons and/or evenings, depending on the courses in the current semester. Please, get in touch with us if you’re interested and we’ll set a date and time to meet.
Best regards,
Marcia & Andy

See also

Working in RecifeThe Brazilian labour marketFinding a job in BrazilInvest in BrazilInternships in Brazil

Hi Andy,

As I have already responded to Marcia's topic posting I'm not going to repeat myself again here, other than of course to welcome you.

On behalf of everybody here at Expat-blog welcome on board. I'm sure you're loving Brazil and that you're well on your way to living out your dreams. Not easy I know as an English teacher myself.

Feel free to contact me at any time either by posting here or sending me a private message if you need any information, advice or assistance from my end. But, it looks like you've got things pretty well organized since your recruiting has gotten you to the point where you're now looking for additional teaching help.

I've been teaching for over 26 years now, 13 of them here in Brazil. Presently I am teaching in-company classes for executives at Petrobras here in Macaé. My classes are all computer based either with my own material and PDF format material from Cambridge, Longman, MacMillan, etc. I've written 11 textbooks to teach English (ESL) since coming here and hoping now that I've finally gotten through my own personal nightmare with getting permanency I can register them and hopefully sell the intellectual rights (as a complete teaching program) to some investor looking to get permanency through investment. I'm really not thinking in terms of publishing them myself; too old for that and I'd rather just sell the bunch and be done with it now. I'm sure that with any luck it will provide a nice nest egg for my Brazilian wife and our beautiful 7 year old son.

Hope to see postings, and hear from you both frequently. I'll be very interested to see how well you're getting along with your school, it's not an easy task. Great luck with it.

William James Woodward, Expat-blog Experts Team


Hi there
This is Raz with u ...u mean u r hiring people those can teach english ?? Actually i came from uae and now i find work in brasil bur currently i am in recife waiting for my visa get done.hope to hear from u in detail.


Hi Andy , i,m looking to do something here in Recife ( I live in Olinda at the moment ) , i would love to help out with your English courses , my Portuguese is very very limited but my English is quite good ! ( i am English and not American  so i hope this would not be a problem )
I have lived here since the end of 2012 but i have been back in Europe for around 5 months this year , i am all legal to be here and as i said before i live in Varadouro ( Olinda ) with my long term civil partner , he is brazilian .



Hi Andy I am in soa Paulo , came from philadelphia lived there 18 years done school from Oklahoma City univercity .orginaly from Pakistan once a upon a time. Now trying my luck in Brazil.
I never thought english. Can speak all you name it from hill billy to hip hop.
Give me a buzz.


As a teacher with a career of over 26 years I can tell you all that there is a WHOLE LOT MORE to teaching English than just that you can speak it!!!

If you haven't studied the language in-depth and don't have some kind of teaching certificate or a university degree with an English major you're not going to make it big in Brazil. Even if you do, you're still not going to get rich teaching for any of the established schools, they pay slave wages at best and only for actual classroom hours. You will not get paid for class prep, correcting homework or anything like that. Many schools won't even pay your transportation.

Trust me, I have a BA in English, BEd in English and when I worked for even the most well known schools in São Paulo didn't make enough to live well on.

William James Woodward, Expat-blog Experts Team


I know Mr wood ward first of all I know there is always a smart guy in a class and on case happen to be you .trust me no body is perfect in a way and no body said they can be the best teacher I am helping two people from here and in two months they can carry conversions ,any way no body is trying to get rich just making ends meet in Brazil. As per your CV is quite impressive hope you are rich by now.
Encourage new comers please


dear mr raza i am zain dar . my education is intermediate. i want to go to brazil for job. what are the chances of job. what is the per month salary. can i come to brazil on visit visa and get job and settle there. please guide me. awaiting your quick response. mith regards

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