House swap Efate, Vanuatu.
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Hi we are looking for a executive house swap for 2 adults from mid Jan15 for a year. Would consider car swap as well. Our house is on the Sunshine Coast, Qld. It is an executive beach front home and we would like to obtain a similar standard property near the ocean in Efate. Look forward to hearing from anyone interested.
Hi Stuf,
Welcome on board
I invite you to please drop an advert in the Home Swapping in Vanuatu section
Thank you
We have been involved with house swapping since the mid 80's when was in it's infancy. Over the years we have swapped well over 25 homes throughout the world. I have never understood this requirement of some people wanting a swap with a property equal or better to the standard they perceive their own home to be. The whole idea of swapping is experiencing new cultures, enjoying a new experience. It's got nothing to do with luxury. You can have as much fun in a 2 bedroom apartment, as some so called mansion.
We have exchanged from 1 bedroom apartments, a lean to in Guam where the sink water drained out onto the floor below, a travel trailer park in LA. To the odd mansion. None of it has mattered that it didn't mirror our beautiful homes. Everyones home is their castle, chill out, you may be lucky to find a gorgeous little cottage, that you will have as much fun in, as any OTT home. I hope you find your "ideal mansion", but putting labels on your requirements, cut your chances down by at least 50%, a shame really. BOL
Hi I wonder if you have a private email so I can send you some information that is not really for the open forum? we have be able to make some plans together.
Talk soon,
I saw your article appear again in the, I did reply to you last time but perhaps you didn't receive it.
My number is 0418 723 125
We have a house in Port Vila and I have a business at the Sunshine Coast.
call if you would like to discuss further
Your previous message was moderated out for some reason. Ill give you a call tomorrow.
Hello everyone,
I replaced K-sea' s post back but please note that free advertisement is not allowed on the forum.
I invite you with pleasure to register your business in our business directory.
Thank you.
[sorry for the off topic]
Hi I just saw your post about a house swap. I do this with my house in Vanuatu all the time with a house which would be very suitable for your needs- but cannot do it with you as it is for such a long time. I was taken back by the response from the person who criticised your post and wanted to let you know that not everyone responds with such criticism to someone who is looking to come to Efate and bring their family. You are quite entitled to swap a house which suits you and while that poster made it very clear what they think of your needs I can tell you that they represent themselves and not the rest of us here. While those people cannot understand why you want a place like your at home it is not up to them to criticise your choice -especially in such a vehement way.The purpose of this forum is to be helpful to people. We welcome you to Efate and hope you have an exciting and culturally enriching year. I also saw that Kathy replied to you. Kathy's house is a couple of ks down the road from mine and I can recommend her as a very nice person to speak with. Good luck with your year of adventure.
Hi Bakura,
My response to the original home swap was not criticsm, far from it, it was an attempt to point out the "spirit" of home swaping.
If anything, I was trying to help these people to open their minds to ALL offers, whether it be a 1 bed apartment, a wee cottage in the burbs, or an executive home.
If they join any Home Swap websites, and they don't curb their preferences, they will get few responses.
Can't offer you a house swap but I do have a house in Pango village for rent. That is about 5 min drive from Port Vila. 3 bdrm, 2 bathroom house a short walk from surf and swimming beach. Quiet village location. Contact me for more.
The house is in Pango village. Solid brick and large yard. I can send photos and more details to a PM? Still trying work out how this blog works. The house is available now.
Wenta, is the house still available for rent?
Hello Wenta,
It would be best if you can post this housing offer in the Housing in Vanuatu section please.
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