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Hello Everybody,

I'd just like to share this very special day with all of you who have made it possible. It is a day that I never imagined would come when I joined Expat-blog on June 10, 2010 because I never dreamed it possible. Today I posted my 5000th posting on Expat-blog.

When I first joined as a regular member, Expat-blog was still in its infancy. It was good and it was growing and getting better all the time. Over the ensuing years I've watched it grow and change into the Expat-blog that we know it to be today, one that is much different and superior to the one I joined. I also have the secure knowledge that is will continue and will become light-years better than the one we have today; Julien and Team won't stop until it is.

Just a little over two years ago now I was invited to take on the volunteer position of Brazil Animator (now the title has changed to Expert). The invitation was based on my many postings helping other members on the Brazil Forum with information and advice about the bureaucracy, life in and living in Brazil. I was extremely honored by the invitation, which I gladly accepted, and I vowed to myself that I would continue to do everything in my power to help others in every way that I could. It has taken many hours of hard work, research and learning; but it has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.

When I used to see topics posted by our founder, Julien, and other members of TEAM I was amazed at the number of BLUE posting stars (now suitcases because we've changed the stars to signify Karma) that they had. Here I had just earned my lonely little YELLOW star and earning more was just a distant objective. I didn't feel that it was a big deal and of course I realized that those guys all had lots more postings because they were full-time employees of Expat-blog so that kind of made sense to me. I never dreamed that one day I'd be here with 7 BLUE suitcases and the "Expert" title under my avatar photo or what a big deal that really would be for me. I never knew how many of you it would take to make that possible or the many different ways in which I would help you all.

Over the ensuing couple of years since I took on the position I've received so many topic replies and private messages thanking me for my assistance, outpourings of gratitude from so many members that I can't even count them anymore. I really has been rewarding and I get messages all the time like, "I'm now in Brazil and finally married, I can't begin to thank you enough for all your help." Things like that no amount of money can buy.

Why have I done it? Why have I devoted so much time and energy into Expat-blog? Well, when I first came to Brazil over twelve years ago now there was absolutely nobody to turn to for advice and information, nobody! Expat-blog didn't even exist at that time and of course all of us foreigners that came to this country were forced to find out everything for themselves, usually by trial and error. We had to re-invent the wheel every time we wanted to do anything, even the simplest tasks in this country are so complicated it's mind boggling. When I found Expat-blog I said that I'd do what I could to help others in that situation to avoid the pitfalls that I came upon, help them to avoid the necessity to re-invent the wheel for everything that they needed to do. I truly hope that I have been able to fulfill that objective, God knows I've tried.

It is also very gratifying to have been part of the phenominal growth and improvement that Expat-blog has undergone in the past few years. The Brazil Forum is the eighth most active forum Expat-blog has and I know that is partly due to the hard work I've put in as Brazil & Canada Expert. New national Experts are coming up through the ranks and we're all working very hard to help Julien and TEAM keep things getting better all the time. Soon, Expat-blog is going to be something we can't even imagine right now, be very sure of that!

Thankyou, every one of you for helping this day come to pass for me. I know I couldn't have reached this milestone without you all. I will continue to try my very hardest to continue exactly the same way even though 7 is the magic number and I won't be gaining any more suitcases. I guess I couldn't afford to pay all the porters anyway if I did get more.  :lol:

With sincere thanks,
William James Woodward, Expat-blog Experts Team

See also

Living in Brazil: the expat guideUSA "Real ID" identification. How does this affect EXPATS?Wise Multi-Currency Debit CardHigher education certificate accredited by MEC for Naturalization.Brazilian concept of "beauty"

Congratulations James. You are a great inspiration and in some cases, a mentor!!!!


Congratulations, James. You certainly have earned it.

Even though I did not make it through my nightmare journey in Brazil you certainly helped me navigate through the Brazilian "b/s."

Now that you have those suitcases you should be able to fit everything you own in them and fly back to Canada.


Hi Matt,

I'm a "lifer" by choice. Despite the fact that my relationship with this country is clearly a love/hate relationship my life is here now. I hope one day to go back to Canada so my 6 year old son will get to know the country that is his heritage, but I plan to live out the rest of my days here.

You found out that it's clearly not for everybody. Adapting to life here is a daunting task for anybody. I'm glad that at least I was able to help reduce the level of trauma that you went through.



PARABENS, William!!  :up:

FELICITACIONES, William!!   :one

CONGRATULATIONS, Willliam!!  :cheers:

In any language, you're a GEM and a God-send for everyone and anyone wanting or needing to make their way through the Brazilian maze.

Thanks again for all your help thus far and thanks IN ADVANCE for all I've YET to need from you!  :thanks:



You're more than welcome Dalia. I'll be here anytime you need me.

I guess that I've really found my calling with Expat-blog!



Well done and look forward to the next 5000 posts  :)


And just noticed, William, you joined the Blog just 4 DAYS after my partner and I MET on June 6th, 2010!

To some, that may be a minor detail, but, call it KISMET or KARMA or DESTINY, to ME, it was ALL meant to BE!

And, yes, I know where to find you, my friend.

Looking forward to my contribution to your NEXT 5000, as stumpy said...



You earn and deserve it James.

Congrats,  thanks, danke, bedankt, merci, mabrook, gracie are a few international words what I can say.

You are my favourite member !



stumpy wrote:

Well done and look forward to the next 5000 posts  :)

I'll get right on it, boss! Well.... at least I'll try.  :huh:


Congratulations for y ou incredible contribution and unstopable patience with all members' questions.


Have you considered taking up golf?


Golf? You're joking, I don't have that kind of coordination. I don't like TV very much either, so it looks like you're kind of stuck with me here kiddo!

xxx ooo


Lucky for us all.

If you ever DO take up golf, just make sure you take your laptop with you!!!! LOL.

Articles to help you in your expat project in Brazil

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  • Childcare in Brazil
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  • Driving in Brazil
    Driving in Brazil

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All of Brazil's guide articles