
Maltese Cost of Living: Unreasonable Request!

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Completely unreasonable request.

Unless you have nothing to do with your life or a passion for spreadsheets, walk away from this post!

This is the second incarnation of a spreadsheet I'm putting together to help us understand our outgoings and income required, moving to Malta

Levels of assistance by degress of unreasonableness:  ;)

Level 1
Are there any expenses we have missed?

Level 2

Play at putting in your own figures based on your experience of living in Malta. Please see notes below

Don't know if I can/how to attach a spreadsheet to this blog post - it's available at the link below.

We will be living in Marsaskala, ideally a ground floor apartment with outdoor space, ideally, ideally a room that could be set up as a dog grooming salon.
We will be looking to rent
We know there is no Council Tax or TV Licence (just like seeing the zero's)!
Please assume only minimum levels (lowest cost) options are what we are after. We are not rich, we don't need to be

Don't worry about bits you don't know (e.g. costs of running a dog grooming business!)
If you have a mind PLEASE check my assumptions for tax and social security (the formulas have been left in).

Thanks for getting this far! Should you choose to accept the challenge  - even more gratitude!

See also

Living in Malta: the expat guideTravelling with 3 dogs from UK to MaltaTravelling to Malta with two dogsLong term room /apartmentHow to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in Malta

Hi, I can't answer most of them but I thought I would point out...
Put water and electric as one, as they are billed together and most of us know the combined costs.
Gas is completely different depending on time of year and if you plan other ways of heating?
I don't think most of us on here have contents insurance, AA cover and I don't think you can get pet cover?!
Bus pass...Are you over 60? (this effects the price.)
There are huge variants to phones, internet and tv which would need explanations given to the varied costs.
It's also difficult to judge fuel unless we know what sort of travelling will be done.
Good luck!




coxf0001 wrote:

Hi, I can't answer most of them but I thought I would point out...
Put water and electric as one, as they are billed together and most of us know the combined costs.
Gas is completely different depending on time of year and if you plan other ways of heating?
I don't think most of us on here have contents insurance, AA cover and I don't think you can get pet cover?!
Bus pass...Are you over 60? (this effects the price.)
There are huge variants to phones, internet and tv which would need explanations given to the varied costs.
It's also difficult to judge fuel unless we know what sort of travelling will be done.
Good luck!

Thanks Coxf0001 - useful info. I didn't know the water and electric would be one bill.
As far as I know the Gas would mostly be for cooking.
We are not over 60 and meant a weekly/monthly ticket for the bus system (I think it's cheaper for residents than tourists?)
We have very poor internet speeds where we are and am looking forward to 'proper' speeds in Malta. I am thinking about 60 Euro a month for TV/Phone/Internet.
No idea what travelling we'll be doing by car yet either! I think the fuel is a little cheaper than the UK. It depends whether Maria becomes a mobile dog groomer or we get premises.
Thanks again for your response
Matt  :)


toonarmy9752 wrote:


Thanks toonarmy9752  - I expect we'll be renting a furnished place and only bringing with us what we can fit in a small car. Not much to insure - so nice to know it's low cost!


we dont have a lot of our own stuff  - or at least until you move then you relaise how much you really do have of you own - to start with you probably wont need it but eventually you will - its all about your own comforts and what is supplied in the price of the accom - make no assumptions about what is and isnt in the property


Hi Matt,

why 'dog grooming groomer' only ? Our dog groomer seems to groom about 50 % cats , at least in spring and summer! A lot of the Persians here in Malta get a trim before or during the summer heat!



Hi Matt,

Gas, if just cooking is only a couple of bottles a year and I think they are 22 euro now but you will more than likely need to heat your place when very cold (although this winter has been quite mild!) So if you're using gas, that can be a bottle every 3 odd weeks!

The buses have changed recently and tourist prices are no longer and I believe you can now buy 10 tickets and get one free (1.50/ticket.) I am not sure if the old deals are still on, maybe someone else can advise.

You are about right for tv/internet/phone.

Petrol is a few pence cheaper and distances are shorter, so certainly not as much as the Uk!

I pay 350 rent a month for a 3 bedroom. second floor flat. I have 3 kids and myself and my water and electric is around 50-70 euro a month...We are very conservative users!

My cable/tv/phone is a lot more than 60 (double!) but I have 3 cable boxes, very high powered internet, 1 contract phone, 1 house phone and 2 contract/pay as you go type phones!!!

For me, that's about it. My bus fare is a student rate and paid out of my stipend (I'm a mature student at uni.)

That's all I can offer I'm afraid...



My internet & landline telephone is between €20 - €30 per month, with at least 30Mb speed.
All local calls are free, to UK 10c per minute.

Bus for me being 60+ is 50c for an all day ticket.
For Lynn it is 1.50

Gas bottles are at a set price and latest costing is on the Liquigas site here:

Electricity/water for us last 3 months was €475. That was high, we know but we used electricity for heating and Lynn needs that as she has arthritis throughout her body and feels the cold keenly and we do not use the gas fire as that introduces humidity. We also have an electric only cooker (apart from gas bbq) Also we had  several visitors staying, several times. Washing machine and sometimes the tumble drier added to our high consumption. (I finally managed to persuade Lynn to use the laundry service, much cheaper and convenient.)


coxf0001 wrote:

I don't think most of us on here have contents insurance, AA cover and I don't think you can get pet cover?!

contents - not many do, but its available
roadside cover - comes free with many comprehensive policies, or only around € 20 a year
pet cover - is available


ricky wrote:

Hi Matt,

why 'dog grooming groomer' only ? Our dog groomer seems to groom about 50 % cats , at least in spring and summer! A lot of the Persians here in Malta get a trim before or during the summer heat!


~Spot on Ricky - we will also be offering cat grooming  :)

does your dog groomer really have 50% clients for cats? - that sounds great - just as well that Maria is undertaking training for that. Although she is a very experienced Dog Groomer (and teaches the subject) cat grooming is only just starting to take off in the UK as a viable business.


coxf0001 wrote:

Hi Matt,

Gas, if just cooking is only a couple of bottles a year and I think they are 22 euro now but you will more than likely need to heat your place when very cold (although this winter has been quite mild!) So if you're using gas, that can be a bottle every 3 odd weeks!

The buses have changed recently and tourist prices are no longer and I believe you can now buy 10 tickets and get one free (1.50/ticket.) I am not sure if the old deals are still on, maybe someone else can advise.

You are about right for tv/internet/phone.

Petrol is a few pence cheaper and distances are shorter, so certainly not as much as the Uk!

I pay 350 rent a month for a 3 bedroom. second floor flat....

Thanks again Caroline - a lot of really useful info. I know we will need heating in the winter, just not sure until we get there what we will do about it!
350 Euro for 3 bedroom apartment- sounds even better than I thought - whereabouts is that?
I'd heard the bus company had pulled out - and also that bus prices have got cheaper since?

Thanks again, great info


MovingToTheMed wrote:

I'd heard the bus company had pulled out - and also that bus prices have got cheaper since?

yes to the first, no to the 2nd for residents, yes to the 2nd for tourists


redmik wrote:

My internet & landline telephone is between €20 - €30 per month, with at least 30Mb speed.
All local calls are free, to UK 10c per minute.

Bus for me being 60+ is 50c for an all day ticket.
For Lynn it is 1.50

Gas bottles are at a set price and latest costing is on the Liquigas site here:

Electricity/water for us last 3 months was €475. That was high, we know but we used electricity for heating and Lynn needs that as she has arthritis throughout her body and feels the cold keenly and we do not use the gas fire as that introduces humidity. We also have an electric only cooker (apart from gas bbq) Also we had  several visitors staying, several times. Washing machine and sometimes the tumble drier added to our high consumption. (I finally managed to persuade Lynn to use the laundry service, much cheaper and convenient.)

Hi RedMik - again, very useful info. Surprised how cheap the internet packages can be (that's without tv?), thanks for the link for gas. also surprised how much the electric is (way more than I was estimating, even at the worst case scenario). I was figuring about 80 Euro a month (worst case) as we pay £80 a month in UK. We are high users too - as we have dog grooming business run from home, with all the driers, shower, washing machine.
Will your costs for electric come down through the year (or does it then switch fto air conditioning)?  ;)


Hi Matt,

I live in the north, St. Paul's Bay, where prices are cheaper and property is readily available. Prices start here at around 200 for a small 1 sometimes 2 bedroom property.
Prices can run up in the 6-700 hundred bracket, where you will achieve modern, well equipped, with views and outside space some with communal pools.
You can of course go higher for villas and own pool (around 1000-1200.)
I can't advise on the south as I have no experience but I know for sure that the Sliema/Gzira/St. Julians/Pembroke area is very much higher than the north.



Costs will reduce through the year. We do not have aircon. Our eating habits change through the year so using the cooker less. As I stated we have to keep the temp up in winter for Lynn's sake.
Our TV cost an initial €350 that covered 12 months subscription and box. I may well switch to another supplier soon at €15 pm for UK & Sky & Eurosport etc TV. (Malta TV is rubbish)

Some links to the two Internet/TV providers.
I think the consensus of opinion is that Melita is the better of the two.
(You may be expected to pay a returnable deposit for services until you have your e-residence card.)




redmik wrote:

Costs will reduce through the year. We do not have aircon. Our eating habits change through the year so using the cooker less. As I stated we have to keep the temp up in winter for Lynn's sake.
Our TV cost an initial €350 that covered 12 months subscription and box. I may well switch to another supplier soon at €15 pm for UK & Sky & Eurosport etc TV. (Malta TV is rubbish)

Some links to the two Internet/TV providers.
I think the consensus of opinion is that Melita is the better of the two.
(You may be expected to pay a returnable deposit for services until you have your e-residence card.)



Thanks again - 15Euro per month sounds good  :)
I realise now that I hadn't accounted for the fact that your electric bill also includes water. This makes it more comparable with my estimates (but still a little higher)  - as you say costs will decrease in the summer. Is it common not to have Air Con (I niavely thought it would be a "given")

With such amazing broadband speeds can you hook this up and watch tv channels on your TV (or computer) using the internet? (We have 1/2Mbps to share with 50 homes in our tiny village - can't wait to get "grown up" broadband!)


coxf0001 wrote:

Hi Matt,

I live in the north, St. Paul's Bay, where prices are cheaper and property is readily available. Prices start here at around 200 for a small 1 sometimes 2 bedroom property.
Prices can run up in the 6-700 hundred bracket, where you will achieve modern, well equipped, with views and outside space some with communal pools.
You can of course go higher for villas and own pool (around 1000-1200.)
I can't advise on the south as I have no experience but I know for sure that the Sliema/Gzira/St. Julians/Pembroke area is very much higher than the north.


Ah, thanks Caroline - we will be in Marsaskala, I think that is the South. My Mother in law has just agreed a 5 year lease for 2 bed apartment at 250 pm. I have only seen photo's. It looks spacious but dated. Key thing is that it is ground floor as Mum in law can't manage her 2 floor apartment anymore as there is no lift.

We MAY take over this apartment ourselves, at least initially, when we come over in Sep/Oct.


you signed a 5 year deal for the apartment which you've never seen in person? that wasn't the best of moves, as pictures are often misleading


Duxx wrote:

you signed a 5 year deal for the apartment which you've never seen in person? that wasn't the best of moves, as pictures are often misleading

he didnt, his MiL did


wow lets hope you like it as pics are often dated and are not a true reflection of reality


Whow !

A 5 year contract without even seeing the appartment .......... normally anything longer than 1 year is risky !

I still remember when my previous appartment was listed 6 months after I had moved out showing my furniture and electronic equipment as being part of the offer ! But the stuff went out when I left -))))

The landlord can sleep fairly relaxed the next 5 years -)))

I have to ask : Why sign for 5 years ?  I did , after seeing my previous  flat , and getting the rent down from 1300 to 800 €/month with 6 months rental payment in advance. I truly hope you got a very good deal and want to stay the 5 years.



nobody said the tenant didnt look at the property ! Its his MiL whose renting the apartment in question, presumably she looked at it


georgeingozo wrote:

nobody said the tenant didnt look at the property ! Its his MiL whose renting the apartment in question, presumably she looked at it

Quite right George. MiL knows the current tenant (who is coming back to UK) so has been to the apartment many times. She has agreed a deal for 5 years because the price is (very) good we think and she needs the ground floor apartment with easy access to St Thomas Bay. She has no intention of ever coming back to the UK - even less when we get out there!

As she already knows the existing tenant she also knows that the landlord is very nice, so no problem for 5 years. Must admit I have some concerns re whether rent is due should she not outlive the tenancy! I haven't asked her yet though. She isn't moving until July anyway. 

It is HER apartment that we may take on (which we have been to many, many times)  :)


Ok ! Sorry about my comment.  For a 5 years commitment you really have to be as sure about the contract as you are.

The price does seem very good even considering the lower prices in the south.

I actually had a 5 years contract myself that worked out very well . In the end after 4 years my landlord wanted to sell and I was willing to move out. I got my deposit back  and everything was fine.

I wish you luck in your new home.



All comments are really useful to me. It's interesting a few people have mentioned that they have had 5 year deals and also to get an idea of "real" as opposed to advertised costs are in various parts of the island.

Thanks everyone.  :)

I think I'm getting reasonably clear on cost of living, the main areas that it will be great to have feedback on surround cars and self-employment.

My MiL is talking about selling her car (old) Rav 4. It's a 2 litre. She says it's expensive to run (not surprised being 2L) and to service (it is a Toyota). She is also giving up driving but says she currently pays 800Euros to insure it! Please tell me this is VERY expensive! I think she (quite cleverly) hass it insured so anyone can drive it  - just in case she were ill and needed friends to drive it.

We are asking her to keep hold of it until we get out there but hope that 2 named drivers with full NCD will be cheaper to insure on it. Also, we presume Malta has the equivalent of the Road Fund Licence?

MiL is going to look for a cheap garage to store it in for 6 months, we hope!

Self Employment: If anyone reading the blogs is self employed in Malta please could you give us a heads up on how much Social Security you pay. It seems that this tax is going to be way in excess of any income tax liability. I may be wrong but is it going to be around 2000 Euros each per year?

Any advice is greatly appreciated.


and do you know what utility tariff it is on.....

and if so make sure you change the number of persons to however many will be resident there




adding any named driver over 25 on fully comp insurance only added around € 15-25 to my insurance cost - I pay around € 200 a year for fully comp, with full NCB

"Self Employment: If anyone reading the blogs is self employed in Malta please could you give us a heads up on how much Social Security you pay. It seems that this tax is going to be way in excess of any income tax liability. I may be wrong but is it going to be around 2000 Euros each per year? " sounds ball park right


it usually equates to around 10%


toonarmy9752 wrote:

it usually equates to around 10%

10% but with a high minimum, thats the problem


however, I think you can partially avoid the high minimum if you accept reduced availability to benefits


Hi , I moved to  Marsascala a year ago with my dog and am loving it , as to phone , internet , we pay €25 a month for a phone line , mobile number and unlimited internet , which is how we watch all out tv . That with Melita . There's a shop in Marsascala and they had it all installed within 3 days .


We ve just bought a rav4 here for 7,000 euros and it's 14 years old ! It s on the old licence so € 160 euros road tax .   If you have owed your car 2 years and can prove it you can import without taxes a big bonus .


When your here you might like to look up FRIENDS of MARSASCALA , they meet once a month , let you know what's going on , they also have a quiz night every other Thursday , croquet on a Monday Thursday morning , walks once a month on a Friday , dancing on a Tuesday night and countless other things , a great way to meet friends and dip in and out of what ever you like .


mandy27660 wrote:

Hi , I moved to  Marsascala a year ago with my dog and am loving it , as to phone , internet , we pay €25 a month for a phone line , mobile number and unlimited internet , which is how we watch all out tv . That with Melita . There's a shop in Marsascala and they had it all installed within 3 days .

Hi Mandy27660, thanks for your very useful tips. We will join you (we hope in 5 months) with our dog Hannah!
The phone package seems even better than I thought  :)

Interesting that you have now been in Marsaskala for a year (and that you are loving it!) Does your dog love it to?
We have a 10+ year old very active collie cross (well, not quite so active now) but we are a little concerned about her access to having a good run.

Sorry to be nosy but have you been "in country" the whole year? If so how have you faired with the year round climate? While I can't wait to get out there I know that my skin suffers with the heat, though I hope to acclimatise!

I have heard of the friends of Marsaskala - and seen the notices on boards around the promenade. I think Mother in Law sometimes gets involved, as you say dipping in and out as her health allows.


mandy27660 wrote:

We ve just bought a rav4 here for 7,000 euros and it's 14 years old ! It s on the old licence so € 160 euros road tax .   If you have owed your car 2 years and can prove it you can import without taxes a big bonus .

Very interesting!! You haven't just bought it from my Mother in Law have you!! I think hers in 1999! Wow 7000 Euros!
Thanks for the info on the road tax, less than UK. We will be driving over (if it makes it) in a 14 year old Honda HRV which we have owned for many years. Glad for confirmation on the 2 year rule, I had read it somewhere but wasn't sure if it was current.

Thanks Mandy


your road tax would probably be much higher for the same vehicle - cars imported prior to 2009 ish paid a higher import tax, but lower road tax.


georgeingozo wrote:

your road tax would probably be much higher for the same vehicle - cars imported prior to 2009 ish paid a higher import tax, but lower road tax.

OK, thanks - you may have just averted a nasty surprise, I'll investigate.


I did put together what I have for importing a car from EU … -to-malta/


I'm very interested in your budget research, but cannot open the file. Do you have it in Excel format?

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