Help with a translation...much appreciated

Would anybody be so kind to help me with the translation of this?

Em không biết rằng sẽ còn phải chịu đựng bao lâu nữa. Em đã cố giấu mọi thứ sâu trong trái tim mình. Bao lần gặp mặt, những lần đối diện, em tỏ ra hờ hững. Anh có biết rằng em phải cố ép buộc bản thân mình bao nhiêu? Sao anh không nghe thấy lời trái tim em đang thổn thức yêu anh? Nhưng em lại không thể mở lòng với bất kì ai. Sao anh không nghe thấy trái tim em vẫn đợi anh nơi này? Chờ tới lúc anh biết được, em vẫn hi vọng một ngày anh sẽ nhận ra.
Dù cho em yêu anh, dù cho em có cảm nhận được. Nhưng trong sâu thẳm, em không đủ can đảm...

I get multiple versions on online translators and I need a precise translation.

Thank you for your help.


I don't know that I can sustain how many time more. I hide all things deep in my heart. Once time that I met you, I pretend indifferently. Do you know how  I  can cover my heart? Do you listen the beating of my heart? I can't tell it to anyone. My heart still wait for you. i hope that you know it. I love you but I'm not bold to tell you....

I try to translate, my grammar must be not good. I hope that you're happy with the contain,

I said " go"
why you no stand

I said "no wait"
Why you've gone then

The wind took away my words
But the eyes keep tears in my heart
So Why didn't you know
Why didn't you look into my eyes

    Em bảo anh: “Đi đi!”
    Sao anh không ở lại?
    Em bảo anh: “Đừng đợi!”
    Sao anh lại ra đi?
    Những lời em trái ngược
    Mắt em lệ đầy vơi
    Tại sao anh tin lời?
    Sao không nhìn đôi mắt?

    а, я сказала: "Уходи"
    Да, я сказала: "Уходи", -
    Но почему ты не остался?
    Сказала я: "Прощай, не жди", -
    Но как же ты со мной расстался?
    Моим словам наперекор
    Глаза мне застилали слезы.
    Зачем доверился словам?
    Зачем глазам не доверялся?

Thank you:-). This is very much appreciated. Yes, I'm happy but only in part as right now the person who wrote this does not want to talk to me. However, I just need to be sure about the correct translation on this specific part:

Bao lần gặp mặt, những lần đối diện, em tỏ ra hờ hững.

Can this only mean "that once time I have met you, ...."? or could it be translated also differently? Is this phrase in the past tense? Would you explain to me why it is "once time" rather than more times, so I also learn something about Vietnamese, which appears very complicated :-)

Thank you again.


Every time we meet ( more than 1 )
Past tense :)

My goodness, is this a love letter from a girl? If yes, why did you post it in public? If no, I could help you to translate it! :)

So funny LOL

Dear JeanFro,

Hope this translation can help:

"I do not know how long I will have to sustain. I have tried to hide everything deeply in my heart. A number of times we have met, each time facing you, I externalized stonyheartedly. Do you know how much I attempted to force myself being like that. Why don't you hear my heartbeat loving you? However, I can share this feeling with no one. Why don't you know that I still wait you here? Await until you are aware, I keep hoping that one day you will realize my love for you.

In spite of loving you, although I feel I love you, but in the bottom of my heart, I am not brave enough... "   

This woman loves you so much, JeanFro. Well, let's come to her with this letter (the Vietnamese version) along with a rose (maybe), etc. to win her back. Perhaps, with your sincerity... Happy ending to you...

Good luck,