
Car Markets (İstanbul)

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Hi everyone,

I am currently trying to buy a car but having trouble finding one. I have been looking and mainly. Every time I read the description or run a number plate check I get those same 2 words over and over again 'hazalı' and 'kasarlı' (damaged and crashed). I appreciate it is Istanbul and cars are bound to have a few bumps and scraps but....

Does anybody know any good car market locations preferably on the European side? I am looking to spend no more than 30.000TL. Something like a Volkswagen Golf/Ford Focus, that sort of size.

I am not interested in any of these 'yabancıdan yabancıya' (from foreigners to foreigners) cars, my wife is Turkish and my family here may occasionally need to use the car.

Many thanks for your help.


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Hi David,

You can also post your request in the Cars for sale in Istanbul section as well, it may give you a boost. :)

Thank you,

Priscilla team


There is one located in çobançeşme area which is calling cobancesme oto pazarı very close to the Ataturk to Kultur Univercity and Airport AVM.(shopping center).
pls google it you may find more details.

good luck


Many thanks for your suggestions guys, I've tried DOD they don't seem to sell anything under 30.000TL (for Volkswagens at least), I will search this intercity place.

Yes I know where Çobançeşme Oto Pazarı is, between the Airport AVM and Autocity that's not that far from me. Thanks for the suggestion I will take a look on Sunday.

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