
One-way ticket or Two-way ticket


Hi, I am Djibouti national I have one-way ticket from Dubai to Sao Paulo with Brazil transit visa and want to buy ticket to Ecuador at the Sao paulo airport having one-ticket will be OK, or I will be asked to have the back ticket to Dubi. need help.

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Is it a question about Brazil, Ecuador or Dubai ?  :/


The question is about Brazil Do I book one-way ticket or two-way ticket. I am afraid that they ask me two-way ticket.


thread moved to the Brazil forum, then


If you intend to travel to Ecuador then you should have the onward ticket (Brazil/Ecuador) on arrival in Brazil, otherwise Brazilian immigrations would determine that Brazil is your ultimate destination and you will need to have a VITUR Tourist Visa for Brazil, which would require a return ticket to your point of origin or an onward ticket to some other country for which you presently hold a visa or can enter without a visa under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP). If you do not have this ticket, you would be refused entry to Brazil (i.e. put right back on the same plane you arrived on or held in custody until the next flight back to your country of origin).

If you intend to leave the international transit area of the airport in Brazil or if you intend to transit through Brazil by land (bus or car) to Ecuador then you would require a VITRAN Transit Visa for Brazil. This would require that you go directly to Ecuador and NOT remain in the country.

My recommendation would be to purchase the Brazil / Ecuador ticket before you leave Dubai to avoid potential problems with Brazil's Policia Federal who handle immigrations. If you have the onward ticket to Ecuador and do not leave the international transit area of the airport in São Paulo then you do not require any visa (tourist or transit) for Brazil in order to continue your trip to Ecuador.

William James Woodward, Expat-blog Experts Team


Thank you I have VITRA Visa transit visa to Brazil for ten days but I don't have tickets to Ecuador, I want to buy the ticket at the airport agencies.

Is this OK? if I have Transit visa for Brazil and one-way ticket to Brazil.


I believe William answered very well your question.
Brazilian customs will not understand why you would like to buy a ticket Brazil-Ecuador only when in Brazil. Buying a ticket in a Brazilian airport is certainly much more expensive than to buy one online.
There is not doublt they will question the legimity of your trip. By the way they will also check if you have got an Ecuador visa.


I agree with Bardamu, I think the fact that you have a VITRAN and only a ticket to Brazil with no return ticket to Dubai is going to raise all kinds of red flags with the Policia Federal when you arrive at São Paulo airport. Without an onward ticket to Ecuador they're going to be convinced your real intention is to enter Brazil and then just disappear into the general population of the country, since obtaining a VITRAN Transit Visa is nowhere near as difficult as obtaining a VITUR Tourist Visa.. This in itself could result in being refused entry.

Bardamu is also correct, airfare from São Paulo purchased here in Brazil will most certainly be much more expensive than purchased at a travel agency there in Dubai or online. He is bang on with his statement that the Policia Federal are going to want to see your Ecuador visa too.

My advice remains unchanged, unless you want a whole bunch of unnecessary headaches once you arrive here, you'd be far better off to book your transportation from São Paulo to Ecuador now and make sure your Ecuador visa is completely in order. To do otherwise would put your entire trip at risk.

On another note, what do you intend to do once you arrive in Ecuador? Their immigrations officials are certainly going to want to see a return ticket to your origin in order to admit you to their country.

William James Woodward, Expat-blog Experts Team


Thanks, Fortaleza

     I can enter Ecuador  without a visa my problem is that there are no flights to Ecuador in my area or flights to Ecuador are transit to Europe and they need transit visa or schengen visa to Europe, so my only solution is to go Brazil then get ticket to Ecuador there and proceed my trip.


You should still be able to book a São Paulo / Ecuador flight from anywhere on the face of the earth. You need only ask your travel agent.


Although i have the transit visa of Brazil, it is not useful that i can inter Brazil and buy a ticket to may  destination country of Ecuador to leave Brazil with in the specific days of stay in Brazil ?


Yes it is valid for that, however as you have been informed doing so as you plan will raise all kinds of questions with the Policia Federal and likely cause your being denied entry to Brazil altogether. If you have any knowledge of Brazil and the Policia Federal you'd know they don't play games and they're not the kind of people you want to make suspicious in any way. They can make one's life a nightmare.

The VITRA is valid for travel only, it is not intended for tourism purposes and it is expected that one would be going directly to their ultimate destination. The VITRA is issued for 10 days which would allow you sufficient time to reach the Brazil/Chile border even by ground transportation (provided you did not make stop-overs). Since you'd have to leave the international transit area of the airport in order to go to an airline ticket counter to purchase the São Paulo - Ecuador ticket, you would have to pass through immigrations in order to do so. That's when all your problems will begin. Far better to have the ticket in hand upon arrival and not need to leave the transit area at all.

I really doubt that the Policia Federal are simply going to accept that you couldn't pre-purchase the passage from São Paulo to Ecuador in Dubai. It's a simple matter of going to any travel agent and saying you've got a ticket from Dubai to São Paulo, they will simply arrange the São Paulo - Ecuador leg of the trip. You could also probably do the same online by yourself if paying by credit card using a site like or any of Brazil's national airlines websites too. At least if you do that in advance it's going to go a very long way towards eliminating any potential problems with immigrations.

Another point to consider is that your entry to Brazil will be registered in the immigrations computer system and your exit from the country either via air or land will also get entered into the same system. If that does not take place in the alotted period of time alarms begin to go off.

I really don't understand the resistance to pre-purchasing the São Paulo - Ecuador leg of the trip there in Dubai. If I don't understand it, imagine just how much more the Policia Federal won't understand it either. Even with a VITRA and an onward ticket to Ecuador the Policia Federal may still want to see a return ticket anyway. Certainly the Ecuador immigrations authorities will too. If you don't have one you will certainly be denied entry to Ecuador.

I must ask you, and I do so very seriously... Do you really want to risk getting put right back onto the plane you arrived from Dubai on? That is a very likely scenario. If that happens you have absolutely no option but to come up with the money to pay for that return flight right on the spot, because the airline isn't going to take you back to Dubai for free.

William James Woodward, Expat-blog Experts Team


Thank you william you provided useful information.

Ok if i buy two way ticket from Dubai to sao paulo and sao paulo to Dubai and show that ticket to the Policia Federal and then with in the VITRA period get another ticket in sao paulo to Ecuador and from Ecuador to Sao paulo will that cause me problem or denial to enter to Brazil ?.


Probably not, but it depends on the individual Agent of the Policia Federal. The very best that you can hope for I think is that under those circumstances they will have an Agent escort you to the ticket counter of the airline while you purchase a ticket São Paulo / Ecuador / São Paulo then escort you right back to the international transit area to await the flight.