
I like country musics but I is very difficult to understand the letter

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Now I'm trying to understand 'ain't no honky tonks in jail' Someone can help-me?

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Hi Adauyo,

Welcome to :)

Have you tried doing some research on the internet? This might be helpful.

Thank you,

Hasnaa Team


Honky tonks= cheap night clubs :D


Hy Hasnaa, thanks for your help.
As a matter of fact I have been trying without success.
For this reason I'm asking for help.


My suggestion is google the name of the song you want to understand. By doing so you will find the lyrics. If you have a smartphone you can download "Shazam" and it will tell you the name of the song you are listening (and artist name).

For example:

By googling "All my exes live in Texas" the first result that comes up is the lyrics for the song by George Strait

But to answer you question, "There ain't no honky tonks in jail" = "There are no cheap country bars in jail/prison."

Don't worry I feel the same way about Brazilian country music. :D


Thank you,but I'm looking for The letter of The Music " ain't no honky tonks in jail".
I've tried rhe internet without sucess.


Are you referring to the song by George Goss?

I am not following what you are asking far. I just googled the name of the song and found the lyrics and videos on YouTube. If you are in Brazil you may need to change your Google home to the USA.


About brasilian musica, I can help. It will be a great pleasure.


Yes, the music is that.
But I can see only the video without lyrics. Can you send-me the adrress on youtube?


I'm searching.. I'll send you a PM once I find it.

Feliz Natal!


I had change to USA Google. It does not solve my problem.
I can see the vídeo but can not find the lyrics.
Could you please send me the link in YouTube?


Feliz Natal e um próspero ano novo para você.


I looked, long a hard for you, but I could not find the lyrics! I can tell by watching the music video he is not a popular singer - more along the lines of amateur.


Sometimes you can get YouTube to play closed captions (legenda.) Have you tried that?


No, I have not yet. I will try.
Thank you a lot for your help.


I tried again with the features of but I could not result.
I´m triying to understand the lyrics but some keywords are very difficult for me.
I'll keep trying and I appreciate any help.


basically it means there are no bars in jail. Or as I would interpret no fun when in jail, but I am not a country music fan & have no clue about the song.

If you can figure out the meaning of the rest of the song then the one line should make some sense, but shouldn't have to know the exact meaning.


That´s why I´m trying. I would like to understand each word and the context at all.
The texan accent is very fast and it´s a great challange for me.
Thank´s for your help. I´ll appreciate any help..


I will listen to the song later and summarize it for you. But I assure you it is about drinking, jail, and broken relationships like most of the songs :)


It would be good for me to increase my english.
When I began to ransack the lyric I put to myself a challenge... To understand the music.
Thank you again


Adauyo wrote:

It would be good for me to increase my english.
When I began to ransack the lyric I put to myself a challenge... To understand the music.
Thank you again

Why not try something easier, like "Istanbul (Not Constantinople)"?


Life is full of easy things... Why do not try good challenges???
Besides, I am meeting good friends in this journey.


Adauyo wrote:

Life is full of easy things... Why do not try good challenges???
Besides, I am meeting good friends in this journey.

I am happy for you


Pay no attention.


Ain’t no Honky Tonks in Jail
George Goss

Ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail
No cigarettes, they read your mail
You can’t hear the jukebox wail
Ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail

Ain’t no dancin’ goin’ on
No guitar pickin’ all night long
Nobody’s here to pay my bail
Ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail

There ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail
Should have walked that straight and narrow trail
My freedom’s gone and I live in Hell
Ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail

Give me three square meals a day
Some commissary and a place to lay
There’s twenty-one men in a ten man cell
Ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail

I read the Good Book, I’ve got time
I’d love to see that neon sign
I’d love to hear that jukebox wail
Ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail

There ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail
Should have walked that straight and narrow trail
My el Camino’s up for sale
Ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail

They turned me loose on work release
I didn’t come back, they sent Police
Said “Boy you’ll be in here a spell”
Ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail

There ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail
Should have walked that straight and narrow trail
The old man thinks that I have failed
Ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail

There ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail
Should have walked that straight and narrow trail
My car’s impounded and for sale
Ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail


Thank you Mr Woodward


Yes thank you. I searched high and low for this.


OK Adauyo, is there another song with which we can help you?


Thank you wjwoodward
There were some words that I have made a great mistakes and I was full of doubts.
You convinced me to not send my daughters to Texas, but I will study the Texas accent to improve my english.
Do you suggest some other north american state to the education of my children?

I will be enjoying  the lyrics by some days. After this time I will  choose another music.


usmc_mv wrote:

Yes thank you. I searched high and low for this.

Thank you for your help.
Let´s search a new challenge.


Hi Adauyo,

Actually, if colder weather is not a big worry for them or if they plan to travel during the summer and autumn months in North America (June - October) I would really recommend Canada as an option.

Brazilians are received "de braços abertos" all over Canada and most of the major cities have substantial Brazilian communities. The cost of living is slightly lower than the USA and Canada is known worldwide for quality in education.

If you want any further information please feel free to contact me.

William James Woodward - Brazil & Canada Expert, Expat-blog Team


Hi William
Canada would be a great idea.
In fact, my daughters are going to hi-school and, who knows, to college, One is thinking about to do Law course and the other Legal Medicine.
I´m looking for a program that make possible to leave them with a family, each one with a different family.
When I began to ransack the possibilities I met the embassy and some schools that offer this kind of courses,
I read your introduction and could see that you are an english professor. It is very appropriate because I am also a teacher and is very good to have the advice of a colleague.
In order to be more confident I would like to know if you know a good company that offers this kind of service.
With regards
Adauto de Aquino e Silva Filho


Perhaps as a parent you might want to learn the lyrics of the songs your children are tuning in.  You may learn some words not in the dictionary.


mugtech wrote:

Perhaps as a parent you might want to learn the lyrics of the songs your children are tuning in.  You may learn some words not in the dictionary.

As a parent I am present in all life moments of my four childrens. Treat each responsibly is my biggest goal.
I know the songs that my children are tunung in and a lot more. I have the pleasure to join my profession with this, taken part of each moment of their studies.
Nowadays, particularly with older, I'm helping them with the next goal, studying in the United States
I have studied and thats the point.
When I was there, country music was a good link that I had with the country music in Brasil.
I like country musics and my Children  usually listen some at my side. And we have had a lot of fun time with the lyrics of  "Ain´t no honky tonks in jail"
We are Brazilians but usually speak in english at home...not fluently but usually.. it is good for the children. This music have been used like another great and funny moment in family.


My friends, I was looking for another music to present to my family and I liked "Alan Jackson - Country Boy".
How my surprise, to understand easily all the letter. Alice, the second in age, has loved the music.
It shows me that some times will be more easy to understand.  Does this happen because it is a more commercial music?


Nope just where the singer is from.


Alan Jackson isn't really from the backwoods like Josh Goss.

Also, he is a VERY popular country music singer in the United States - lyrics can easily be found for his music. +1 for Alan Jackson!


Then, is like here in Brazil. We use to like a kind of music that is called sertanejo universitário that is not music coming from the field.I suppose that is the same.
But I have to confess, I love classical music like Beethoven and Bach,country songs make me feel good. Each to their moment.


Happy new years for all


wjwoodward wrote:

Ain’t no Honky Tonks in Jail
George Goss

Ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail
No cigarettes, they read your mail
You can’t hear the jukebox wail
Ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail

Ain’t no dancin’ goin’ on
No guitar pickin’ all night long
Nobody’s here to pay my bail
Ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail

There ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail
Should have walked that straight and narrow trail
My freedom’s gone and I live in Hell
Ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail

Give me three square meals a day
Some commissary and a place to lay
There’s twenty-one men in a ten man cell
Ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail

I read the Good Book, I’ve got time
I’d love to see that neon sign
I’d love to hear that jukebox wail
Ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail

There ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail
Should have walked that straight and narrow trail
My el Camino’s up for sale
Ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail

They turned me loose on work release
I didn’t come back, they sent Police
Said “Boy you’ll be in here a spell”
Ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail

There ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail
Should have walked that straight and narrow trail
The old man thinks that I have failed
Ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail

There ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail
Should have walked that straight and narrow trail
My car’s impounded and for sale
Ain’t no Honky Tonks in jail

What the real mean of "jukebox wail". and  "el Camino’s".  Are there specifics country musics terms?


El Camino is a car but is no longer in production.

Jukebox wail is a word I do not know but a jukebox is a machine that plays music, usually found in bars.

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