
Hi, cost of living in Iceland

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Can someone please help with answers to specific questions

My partner and I have four children 3 who have autism, We are not looking for any kind of financial support from Iceland as I am a person who likes to work and we recieve tranferable UK benefits for our children.

My questions are (many, I apologise)
1) How much would it cost us to rent a house with a garden, wither town based or rural (we live in the middle of nowhere at present in the Scottish highlands and have to drive 90km to our local supermarket) big enough for our family

2) How much would it cost us for a basic running legal 4x4 big enough for our needs

3) schooling and health info please

4) energy costs

5) petrol diesel costs

6) basic food costs

lol you get the gist :) any information would be very much appreciated and very helpful

Thanks :)

See also

Living in Iceland: the expat guideNew members of the Iceland forum, introduce yourselves here - 2025Advices on health center/specialist for back treatment and massagesKennitalaIcelandic Prices (Homes and Cars)

Why Iceland? They have active volcano's, flooding due to the most recent activity and their economy is pretty much in the tank! You may want to think of another Island community to look at?
Sorry, just some thoughts. =)


lol answer is easy I have been there before and the people of Iceland are good people, I cannot think of a better community for my kids to grow up in

Volcanoes are located all over the world and flooding happens everywhere, trust me I know I study them


I agree.  I am also actively seeking information on Iceland.  I am making a plan to move there as well....any information can help


I would also like some current information on cost of living in Iceland.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.



I was born in Iceland but I grew up in England.  I have family over in Iceland and I will be moving back there soon to have my baby.

I know a little about living there from what my family has told me, so I will tell everything I know so far:

The cost of living there is still fairly high, as meat and fish is quite expensive compared to UK prices.  Still, you can choose to shop in a cheaper supermarket such as Bonus, or a more expensive one such as Hagkaup.  Going out for dinner in restaurants or out to bars is very very very expensive though!

The economy is still recovering from the 2008 crash, and the effects are still being felt.  From my understanding it is difficult now to get mortgages and car loans etc.

There are manufacturing jobs available for unskilled workers, and I know of a few companies that regularly employ people from other EU countries.  There are a lot of summer relief jobs available that could help you get started.

You can rent a 2 bedroom apartment in and around Reykjavik for around 100,000 ft, but to be honest I'm not sure how much it will cost for a bigger house.  Of course prices in the countryside and around Akureyri will be cheaper.

The cost of heating your home is negligible - they have water pipes running through the houses, that have geothermally heated water running through them by way of 'central heating'.  I've been told that you can use as much heating as you like for around £20 every three months.  The electricity costs are also quite low.  At the moment I'm unsure about water costs, but internet charges around £5-£10 per month.

Petrol is expensive - but I haven't heard of anywhere where it isn't!

That's all I can think of at the moment - I hope this helps!  I will be moving there in a month or too.

Oh yes - the reason I am moving there.  My boyfriend and I are having a baby, and because I am an Icelandic citizen I am entitled to health care over there.  I have to be a resident for 3 months before I get it free, but that's not a problem.  But the healthcare system is wonderful - in fact it's the 3rd best in Europe.  The support you get is fantastic, and the NHS waiting list times would shock the average Icelander!

I'll post more when I find more information - please feel free to ask me any questions and I will do my best to help if I can!


Hi and welcome on whiterose138 :)

Thank you for this contribution ;)



This is great information, thanks. But, what you said about the cost of food troubles me.

Could anybody supply some information about their weekly food expenses?


Thank you for the welcome Armand :)

I found this link - … ry=Iceland

I don't know how up to date it is though...

Not sure if I'm linking correctly...I'm new to forums!


I spot-checked a few of the prices in the link that whiterose138 just posted, and they're pretty accurate.


Thank you for your help, whiterose.  Anything else you find out would be greatly appreciated!


I can answer a few:

3) health costs. As an immigrant, after six months you're part of the "free" system. Some prices once you're on the system:

1000 ISK to visit a regular doctor at your local health clinic.
4000 ISK approx for a specialist like an opthamologist or lung doctor.
4000 ISK approx for an emergency room visit.
2-4000 ISK approx for tests like blood or allergy tests. I've never had an MRI or anything more hi-tech so I don't know how much that costs.
3-4000 isk for PAP/mammogram. There's a special office that only does these screenings.
I cant' comment on school fees since I have no children.

4) price today for diesel is 239 per liter. Real-time price info here:

5) Heat and electricity for the place I live runs about 5000 isk per month. It's about 110 square meters and is on the second floor of a 3-story building. The place has very high ceilings, lots of windows, and is a historic building so is probably not the most energy-efficient place ever built.