Exchange to Brazil


I'm going on Rotary Exchange to Brazil in 2011 for a year and would love to know what I am to expect while I'm over there. Any information would be great as I'm a little nervous about leaving. The do's and don'ts, traditions, the type of foods I will most likely to encounter and what you are expected to wear over there would be a great start for me.

Looking forward to your responses,

hi Em, what city are you going to?

They haven't given the places I'm going to yet. But i'll most probably be going to a variety of places.
I know that there are different rules etc. for different places but I really just want a general idea.

emjgray :)

Check out this site by and for ex-pats in São Paulo.  There is a lot of good information there.
Have fun!


thanks jim, that site was helpful :)