
Currency Exchange Rate

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I have looked the Ecuador forum for a currency exchange rate from US Dollars to the currency used in ecuador and i didnt see it can someone please tell me the Exchange rate or if it isn the forum tell me where.


See also

Opening a bank account in EcuadorHow to Access Your Money in EcuadorCanadian Certified Lawyers in EcuadorBank loans in EcuadorTransferring money from Australia to Ecuador

Unlike Belize there is no exchange rate here. Ecuador uses the U.S. Dollar



Exchange rate? They use our dollars! Quarters!, dimes!, nickels!, pennies!. Even up!!
Probably the biggest single attraction for ex pats is the dollar usage?


How are things in Canoa Leonard? Is it rainy season or dry season?...Sue



We are in the transition from dry to wet season right now. Do not let the simplistic names on the seasons confuse you. here in Canoa the terms are very counter intuitive to North American thinking. Yes; the dry season can be quite dry, often times 6-8 weeks between any significant rains. But it is traditionally the ugliest time of the year. The sky’s are overcast with high clouds most of the time, with strong off shore winds in the A.M. and strong onshore winds in the P.M. This coupled with small sporadic waves makes it the off season for everything except Paragliding. The wet season on the other hand is the most popular time of the year for tourists. We get overnight rains and occasional afternoon showers, both of short duration. As soon as the rain stops the sky’s clear and it is sunny and warm. The surf is higher and more regular. The winds are usually light and off shore helping to hold up the waves for a better ride. The pueblo is full of tourist and venders from all over the world.

I have grown to enjoy both high and low seasons here. During the low (dry) season Canoa takes on an atmosphere of family gatherings and small local festivals. This is punctate by a constant flow of budget minded back packer from all over the world coming in to town for a week or so. It is great fun to talk with them and see the world through their eyes. During the high (wet) season the mood in town is more like a beautiful long summer weekend that lasts 3-4 months. There is a great influx of people from the northern hemisphere seeking a respite from the cold bleak weather in Europe and North America. This helps the local merchants with their annual income and lightens the mood in the whole pueblo. Again these “Snow Birds” are great to talk with and hear their stories.

Sorry this got so long winded. How are your plans coming for an exploratory trip?



SAme as USA


Hi Leonard, I have a question for you since you live in Ecuador. Have you been to Brazil or any other countries in Central or South America? I have traveled to many countries and Brazil so far is my favorite.Before I buy a beach house.I want to find out more about places like Ecuador ? Like the pro's and con's.What to expect to pay for a three bed / 2 bath beach house with a pool at or near a safe beach.Thanks



I have traveled and worked all over Central and South America. I have not been back to Brazil in over 10 years, so my recollections are foggy.

As to prices for homes; Everyone will tell you the only way to know is with a personal visit. You need boots on the ground to ferret out the best deals, coupled with a clear picture in your mind about what exactly you are looking for. You need to talk with the locals, tell them what you want and know in tour head what you are willing to pay. Only then will you have a chance to find your dream.



rc206 wrote:

Hi Leonard, I have a question for you since you live in Ecuador. Have you been to Brazil or any other countries in Central or South America? I have traveled to many countries and Brazil so far is my favorite.Before I buy a beach house.I want to find out more about places like Ecuador ? Like the pro's and con's.What to expect to pay for a three bed / 2 bath beach house with a pool at or near a safe beach.Thanks

You might want to give Brazil another look, heard a few construction jobs just became available.


If you ead spanish you can check some real estate for sale in or just type "Vendo casa de playa" in and that way you can check prices.

The best prices that I have found is talking to locals as worleyld says. If you dont speak spanish just look for someone that can translate for you.

Also, you can check videos in youtube.
Just suggestions..
BTW, there is a small apt for rent in Puerto Lopez, Manabi, ocean front, wifi, all utilities include $250


Thanks.It just real hard working two jobs to find the time.I have traveled to many places in the past few years.I kinda know what I want.Just need to make a few more trips.I think then I will find the place that I like rent a few moths then rent a year.If I like it buy.Everybody is in a rush to buy.I see all these great deals .Like on international living.They always want you to buy before they build.What's funny is some of the places .I checked on a year later.Nothing has been built.I think they get paid of to promote these projects. thanks for all the info.


There was a condo complex proyect nest to my building in Cuenca. They were working and then, just stop and took all the machines, even the sign is gone!
I bet the people who paid in advance are really mad.
Something that I been thinking, they stop working at the same time a credit union (call Coopera) was closed by the gov.
I dont like to buy anything on proyect, in my opinion there is not a way to make the people fullfill that kind of contracts.


You are soooo right. Almost all Americans that I know in America would never do this here. I can never understand how they get ticked into doing it in other countries.  I've done a lot of Internet research on real estate in other countries! People don't realize that prices for property on the Internet are way way overpriced! What they are being told that is a good deal is really the gringo price ! Which is sometimes over three times the real value of the property! This is why you should always go see the property before you buy it! It is crazy to buy property until you have been there and looked at it and check it out. I've talked to many many Internet realtors from other countries and most of them will not tell the truth about the gringo pricing! They will deny that he even exists! I have found that I meet the best realtors  from friends and family in those countries! Everybody loves to rip off Americans and think we are all rich!  It won't happen with this Texas cowboy!! lol


Ecuador uses the US dollar as their currency..   There is no exchange rate,    Their dollar value is the same as in the US,


Welcome to the, good luck on your quest to get out of town.  You might want to read previous posts before making yours.

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