
Hi from Scotland

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Hi,  I'm new to this site and I'm looking for some information.

Myself and my small family want a change of life....we would love to try the USA it has always been a dream of ours. 

We recently closed Down our small restaurant due to the building been a bit old.... We would love to do this overseas.

We would love some help with, we'll, everything really... From immigration, visas to accommodation, schools and best places to stay and even set up a business.

Hope someone can help!!!!!

Sharon x

See also

Living in the USA: the expat guideLooking for friends in USALooking for friends in USANew Here and Excited to Connect!meet american people

Hi Sharon,

Welcome to!

Your topic has been moved on the USA forum.

I would also suggest you to download the USA expat guide.

Thank you,
All the best,
Christine team


Thanks Christine x

Articles to help you in your expat project in the USA

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    Dating in the USA

    Dating anywhere in the world can be nerve-wracking, but dating in a foreign country can be especially ...

  • The American lifestyle
    The American lifestyle

    The United States is a vast country that is made up of a diverse group of people. Life, landscape, and culture can ...

  • Marriage in the United States
    Marriage in the United States

    Marriage is a contract that commits two people emotionally, legally, and materially. In the US, both same-sex and ...

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    The work culture in New York

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  • Obtaining Permanent Residency in the U.S.
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  • Leisure activities in New York City
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  • Using phones in the USA
    Using phones in the USA

    Staying connected with loved ones while in the United States  – not to mention all the other reasons ...

  • Finding a job in New York
    Finding a job in New York

    New York's sheer size and the scope of the city's economy mean that the opportunities available here are ...

All of the USA's guide articles