
Fresh new French guy in Bucharest

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Hello everyone!

I'm David and I come from France. I arrived in Bucharest a week ago, and I'm here to work as an engineer for a French company.
For now, I really don't know a lot about this city, but what I have read and heard about it made me optimistic.
I hope I will make new friends here, both Romanian ans expat people, and I wish to discover Romanian culture.

Bye! See you soon, maybe.

See also

Living in Bucharest: the expat guideReal Estate Agency - BucharestThe Famous French Meetup - every second WednesdayExpat group in PloiestiEnglish Speaking People in Bucharest

Hi Davidfr,

Welcome to expat-blog!

I am sure you will make load of new contacts soon. :)




This could help ?


Thank you, David, for your welcome, and thank you, Callincard, this could help, indeed. I might try, one of these days.
But I'm not only looking for French people, I'd love to meet people from everywhere, and improve my english and romanian speaking.


Hi David,

Romania is a very beautiful country!
Life in Romania is not that expensive!
There are lots of discos and clubs all over Bucharest and people are very kind and polite. Romanian people are really eager to meet foreigners! I think you will find soon some new friends!

If you live in Bucharest, the mountains are not that far away! We have really incredible landscapes!

Good luck and enjoy staying in Romania!


Thanks Florentina. I hope I will see all the things you're talking about. I just walked in the historic center and I'm really impresses by the amount of bars and restaurant you can find there. I understand why people say that Bucharest is good for night life.
But there are also interesting places to visit. By the way, I'm planning to go to the Museum of the Romanian Peasant tomorrow. I heard it was really worth it. So if anyone is interested, we can meet over there.


Just got back from the Museum of the Romanian Peasant. The artefacts on display are really interesting but the museum is poorly arranged.

Hardly anything is labelled for a start so even if you see something interesting, there's nothing telling you how old it is, what it is, or where it comes from. There also seems to be no thought about how the objects are grouped, neither by region, by purpose or by age.

The worst part is being constantly followed around by a team of...not sure what to call them...not quite security guards but the woman who make sure you don't steal or touch anything. I felt like I was in some spy movie; one would follow me through a room, stop when I stopped, even follow me around in circles when I walked around a display, then as I passed into a new section she'd disappear and one of her colleagues would take over. At one point I had three of them stalking me from different corners. Totally ruined my experience of the place and in the end I left without having visited all the rooms because of this.

Still, for 8 lei you can see some interesting stuff so I would still recommend going - but go a bit later in the day (I arrived when it opened and I was more or less the only person there, which is probably why I was followed so intently by these stalkers). The highlight for me was the wooden house up on the first floor, and absolutely amazing piece of architecture. At the moment there is also a market in the courtyard there where you can see and buy some craft items.

people are very kind and polite

I can say a lot of positive things about Bucharest, but this certainly wouldn't be one of them. I've lived here for ten years, speak the language well, and don't hang out in expert circles, and whilst I've met lots of polite and kind people here, the majority of Bucharest's populous are rude, inconsiderate and bad tempered, in my opinion.

If you live in Bucharest, the mountains are not that far away! We have really incredible landscapes!

Now this I agree with! The best thing about Bucharest is the DN1 that takes you out of the city and into the countryside. This is why I love Romania and live here and am planning to move to live in the countryside in the near future.

Have fun!


Thanks Maykal, for your piece of advice.

You and a romanian friend of mine told me the same about this museum so instead, I went to the Museum of the Village, which is close to the first one. And I've really been amazed and impressed, since it was beautiful and very interesting. I think no one should come to Bucharest without visiting it. Moreover, it is really cheap : 10 lei for an adult, 5 if you're a student. Totally worth it!


Hi David,

The village museum is indeed fantastic, especially if you are lucky enough to have good weather whilst walking around.

You should plan a trip to the countryside and visit a few villages there (you'll probably need a car as there isn't much public transport to many rural locations). There are many villages where you can see a lot of excellent examples of Transylvanian architecture in a living environment. There are also all the fortified churches, castles, old manor houses and the wonderful wildlife.


"The worst part is being constantly followed around by a team of...not sure what to call them...not quite security guards but the woman who make sure you don't steal or touch anything. I felt like I was in some spy movie; one would follow me through a room, stop when I stopped, even follow me around in circles when I walked around a display, then as I passed into a new section she'd disappear and one of her colleagues would take over. At one point I had three of them stalking me from different corners. Totally ruined my experience of the place and in the end I left without having visited all the rooms because of this."

I am sorry for your bad experience at the museum! :)
You shouldn't feel bad though! As much as I am ashamed to admit it, people in Romania steal...a lot!!!!! :)
So the staff from the museums, as other staff from all kind of different institutions, are just being cautious (as you will see in the future).
Anyway, don't worry, you will get used to it! What I want to say, is "Don't take it personally"!!! Don't feel like it's written "thief" all over your forehead! :) (Moderated : Please do not make generalised statement)! :)))

Take care!


Bon jour.

Soyez le bien venu !

Je suis professeur , j' enseigne le roumain comme langue etrangere. Si vous desirez toujours parfaire vos connaissances de roumain, je vous prie de ne pas hesiter de me contacter.

Merci .


@ Florentina

I don' t know if "in Romania everyone is a potential thief" . How is your family, how are your friends and your neighbourgs?  If you post such things on , does it make you feel less a Romanian? I met great people here, my best friends , everything I loved, I graduated great schools and had incredible teachers that inspired me, read wonderfull literature and lived in art studios. Life is how you make it. This place is as good as any other . YOU ARE YOUR ONLY PROLBEM.


Hi mica-elameme,

It would be really great if you can keep it in English on the English Forum please so as the other members can understand your post

Thank you :)



Hi David,
welcome to Romania and hope to enjoy you/re life here.
Like every other country Romania have bad things and nice  things to say about.But you have to trie to get you/re own experience about our country.You are big enought so i am sure that you can protect your self from bad ones!
If you want to hangout with people from other country ,brits,scotish,indonesians and other you can call my partner,he is a brit and live here for more than 8 months.He is a  very nice guy and he can introduce you to a nice group ,multicultural one.Let me  know and i will send you his number.
In the mean time relax and discover Bucharest as much as you can!


How dare you to insult Romanian people? Probably YOU ARE A POTENTIAL OR REAL THIEF .You should appologise if you still have any decency in you


My previous message is for Florentina . She said something that one should not say about a nation, not even joke about it


Hi Florentina,

Please note that you can of course give out your opinion on this discussion, however it would be nice if you can avoid generalised statements on the forum please. :)

As far as i know, there are thiefs in every corner of the world. :)

Thank you,

Hi D_Flora,

Please note that we are on a sharing forum and it would be nice if we can talk without controversy or engage in personal attacks. :)

I also want to point out that the initial subject of this topic is : Fresh new French Guy in Bucharest.

Thank you :)

Priscilla team

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