Printing in Cambodia?

Hello, I'm a university student/researcher in Cambodia for a few months, and I"m finding myself needed to print a few pages here and there, and have no idea where to do it. I know there are a lot of commercial print shops, but where does one just take a flash drive to print a few pages?  Does the public library have printers?  Or the university library?

Should have added that I"m in Phnom Penh.



Why not cybercafé... ?

Are there some good ones?  Where are they?  I admit, I haven't been looking, but I haven't noticed any around, just shops that sell computers.



Ok... first, at the print shop, I am sure it would be more expensive than in a cybercafé...
Print shops offers many different services.
About cybercafé, wow... so many that I don't really know wich one to tell you...
In wich part of Phnom-Penh are you located.

give me your flash, we got a printer at my work place! lol :)

Dosoloto, I'm staying near Tuol Sleng, kind of on the edge of BKK.

And Alex, don't offer unless you mean it, I miss my office, you'll find me camped out on a desk some day if I find out where you work!