
Is my boyfriend hiding something?

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My boyfriend has been in the UAE for a number of years. Our situation is unique, but I have been very uneasy lately about what he is doing when I don't hear from him. I wish there was some way to find out one way or the other. I have a lot invested in this relationship and there are children involved. I just want the truth so I can stop worrying. I have asked him questions however I'm not sure that he would be honest at this point in fear of hurting me or losing me. Can anyone help me?

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Stop worrying about ur boyfriend.. focus on urself.  Make urself more beautiful. Sometimes asking too much of questions to ur bf or suspecting ur bf will push him even more to do something u wont like.  Keep urself busy.. try to ignore ur bf sometimes. Dont always be there for him. Dot suffocate him with ur presence. Let him chase u. Let him wonder what ur doing...


I agree, sometimes we look for or create problems that aren't really there. Trust is extremely important in a relationship and it should be mutual between partners. If he hasn't given you any reason to doubt him, give him the benefit of the doubt.I'm guessing your insecurity is coming from the distance? Well you guys have made it thus far (he's still with you). Its probably driving you insane and him as well, no man likes to be doubted all the time or have to prove himself all the time. This might lead to him actually looking for attention elsewhere. I'm trying to say, have faith and trust and stay positive. Also like lonelydoll suggests, shift your focus to urself, do things you love and remind him of the woman he fell inlove with so hell keep coming back ;-) Give him the chance to miss you n wonder about you. Hope you feel better. Mwah


Thank you both for your reply. I know what you say is the right thing to do but at times I can't help my feelings because I have a need to protect myself and the kids. I am a full time teacher, I take care of my two kids, the house, dogs, etc. and I am really into fitness. I have plenty to keep my busy but I can't help but feel anger sometimes that I am here taking care of all of the responsibilities and he is just having a grand old time. If you knew our history together, you may understand my concerns more. I just don't want to wake up one day and regret waiting here for all these years. I know he loves me but I just can't help but have certain expectations at this point. Thank you again and I will take your advice seriously.


I suggest you if possible try to make a short visit to him sometimes on holidays, you will be able to see the atmosphere where he lives, work and friends and all.

it will give u more confidence and trust on him I hope.

Good luck..


I will be visiting soon. I have been there several times. Thank you again.


I'm with you, and I understand how u feel, my boyfriend worked in Dubai as well, and we rarely talk to each other, because he's been constantly busy, long work hours with limited off day. at first i doubt him, but he warned me that if i want to make this work i have to trust him, and be easy by not pushing him too hard and complains all the time.. it was hard at first considering the distance, but for love, i just kept myself occupied, and think positive.. it really helps, because he has changed a bit.. we talk once in a week, but we didn't fight as much as we did in the past..which is good. So just be easy, living in dubai is really stressful especially if u are an expat.


Thanks for sharing. I thought things were going to be ok but I just visited from late June to July 8th. The second night I was there a girl who I knew to be his "acquaintance"
sent me photos of them. It was clear it was more than friendship. I finally got the truth. He had been having an affair for three and a half months. The details of it are unbearable. I don't know what to do now. I have to continue taking care of our boys (one is his son, one mine) until we figure this out. He was going to cut ties with her but now has decided that he needs to still talk to her. He says he loves her too but I feel she is a drug. An escape from reality. He has feared having to come home this year as far as giving up his job. As long as he still talks to her then I don't know how we could possibly even try to heal from this. How could he do this when I'm here taking care of the house, the kids and all responsibilities on my own? :(


oh god, i'm sorry to hear that.. its really hard especially when there's children involved. My boyfriend was caught cheating before.. but he ended it with that girl. After that, incident, i never put high hopes on our relationship, thats why i was able to not talking to him for weeks.. because u know what if he's going to cheat he will, no matter how nice u are. I wish i could say something, but the easiest thing i could say is to make him pay for the consequences.. it is easy for me to just say..ignore him, but the truth is, it is not that easy.


Hi, Its really hard to know this, just do not leave the matter if there are children involved. pay a visit and try to contact his other friends and relative to find him, be brave and fight for your rights .... God Bless you

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