
Semi Weekly update and security - 14/05

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Well, halfway through the week, thought I would get this done. I have merged my views into the security report.

The continuing impasse and blockade of the Foreign and Justice Ministries continued for much of last week with heightened tensions that culminated on Friday with counter demonstrations against the blockades and in favour of the Prime Minister, Ali Zeidan. This has provided the catalyst for the militias to withdraw, collapse their blockades and tensions have lessened as a result. This was not a big a deal as the media made out.

There is continuing turbulence within the political classes that has extended wider into Libyan society over the Political Isolation Bill. The Defence Minister resigned earlier in the week only to rescind his resignation as the Army Chief of Staff was dismissed.

The international community has urged calm and has issued strong advice advising against all but essential travel to parts of Libya and no travel to others, together with withdrawing non-essential staff from its diplomatic missions and embassies. BP has similarly announced the withdrawal of some of its staff until the security situation improves. Business is slow and hard going, national staff are not in the office, international staff are non commital.

Sporadic violence against those associated with the Gaddafi regime continues in the East with a number of attacks against police stations and targeted assassinations – a trend in recent months. Yesterday's car bomb outside a hospital in Benghazi that has killed 9 and wounded a further 30 is the most serious attack in recent weeks following numerous bomings of Police Stations within Benghazi.

Tripolitania (Western Libya)
Last week started in confusion on 7 May with the Defence Minister announcing his resignation over the continued blockading of the ministries and the Political Isolation Bill, he then rescinded it with the Army Chief of Staff being dismissed instead. General Yusef al-Mangoush had long been accused of not pushing forward hard enough on Security Sector Reform for the Libyan Army and he has paid the price. The General National Congress (GNC) has been pushing for his dismissal for some time.
The blockades of the Foreign and Justice Ministries continued until Friday 10 May when counter-demonstrations against the militia stranglehold and their intimidation saw some small scuffles leading to the blockades ending with the withdrawal of the militias from the two ministries. Justice Minister Salah al-Marghani announced on Saturday that “those who were at the two ministries have handed over the two ministries to a committee formed by the government and the General National Congress and have now departed.” Staff at both the ministries have now returned to work.
The wider implications of the Political Isolation Bill are still not known but the Prime Minister has already acknowledged that it will probably necessitate a major cabinet reshuffle.
Tensions had continued to build during the week. The escalation was considered serious enough for the P3 – the US, UK and France – to urge restraint by all sides to avoid slipping into further violence and instability. Embassies issued renewed travel advice concerning only essential travel in the west and no travel to the east. They have also withdrawn most of their non-essential staff from country and BP have reacted similarly with reductions in their staffing levels announced on 12 May.
Separately on 12 May the office of the Ports Authority in Janzour was attacked early in the morning when it was struck by two RPGs. There were no casualties given the time of the attack but some damage was caused to the building.

Cyrenaica (Eastern Libya)
The travel advice to foreigners not to travel to the east of Libya, in particular Benghazi has been renewed by most of the international community foreign ministries. This was borne out by yesterday’s car bomb outside a Benghazi hospital that has killed and wounded many. The motivations behind this latest attack are not clear yet.
The trend of targeting police stations in the east has continued this week with two attacks against them in Benghazi on 10 May with no casualties but damage to their infrastructure and materiel, such as vehicles. And then another two were attacked on 12 May again in Benghazi.
Damage was done to a car pound when an explosive device was thrown into it in Benghazi’s Al-Nahar Street. Many of the vehicles were damaged but it is thought that the intended target was a military police camp next to it.
Derna continues to be a focus for targeted killings against security force members and those who worked for the former regime. This week on 10 May Maziq Mliti was assassinated as he arrived at home. He is believed to have worked at the Interior Security office in Derna under Gaddafi’s reign.

Fezzan (SW Libya)
Last week on 9 May there was heavy fighting in Sebha during the night over the tomb of a holy man between his followers and those wishing to destroy it. It is believed that at least one person has been killed and it is just the latest incident of violence in the town in recent weeks.

The people of Tripoli are still upbeat and positive, however, until the embassies and IOC's feel safe enough to return with a full staff of Expats business is going to be slow. As always, patience is the biggest requirement of any business returning to the marketplace.

Schooling is still an issue, again security issues are slowing the return of The American School, GEMS etc. Until these schools are up and running, Expat families are not going to return

More as it happens.

See also

Living in Libya: the expat guideLooking for teaching job in Tripoli, LibyaWhats a good salary in Libya?Sending / transfer money outside LibyaAge limit for work

Hello officeboy.

Thank you but does this article has a source? If yes, could you please quote it (a link preferably)? :)

Thank you,


It is put together from varios news articles, security reports and my own experience on the ground

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