Live animal market
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It's the first time I write here (shy ? maybe, prefer to lurk instead of speak standing on the wooden box, but today was too much, even for me). I don't know very well Tripoli but somehow, looking for some sweatshirts and a jacket for cold weather, on a street with a lot of shops on a left and right, I entered in a part of the market with living animals: cats, kittens, turtles, roosters, pigeons, a hawk, guinea pigs, dogs, hens, parrots, all of them in under dimensioned cages, dirt, in conditions I wouldn't describe, but the people they put the animals I love to put them there, in the same way, with no water, no food, same carved belly, same sad eyes following you with the message: take me in your house, I'll be a good companion, I know games, I don't pi on carpet and don't annoy you and my food cost you almost nothing but take me out from jail, I've done nothing wrong, I don't know why they've put me in...
And for a moment, from the satisfaction that I'm here, in Libya, ready for new challenge, and new projects in my life, I felt some how useless and guilty because there is so much misery and can't do nothing to save at least one of them.
The most ugly image was (I can not put pictures here, but I can create a folder with some of the pictures I took, unfortunately with my cellphone, I will go in one of the next days to make some serious, decent photos and put link, I just saw the tool) one of a hawk chained over a cage.
I left that market upside down, and I thought there are not so many things are doing to me such conditions... In one of the rooms, a 10-11 Kilo Birmanese male cat, trapped in cage...I heard his repeated and hopeless miaows and I felt awful. I wish I could take him with me, unfortunately our office is (still) our home and my colleague don't understand what means living with the pets. Orwell come from another planet. I probably have 4 legs
For the pictures and to determine a humane reaction I will have to pass through this again but I think for the cause, it worth.
I wonder, one of the international Animal Rights Organizations, do they have somethin' to say regarding the subject ? I just thought, remembering a broadcast with some chimps, saved by an Australian crew, saw on Animal Planet, some time ago...
I wait your opinions, I'm sure a lot of pros and cons
Hope our sysadmin will allow this
I'll read all that later mate, it's very eyes are killing me!!! I'll get back tommorow.
I look forward for your opinion, my eyes hurts too, need sleep, see you later, have a smooth pillow
Bye now.
FireFox wrote:I'll read all that later mate, it's very eyes are killing me!!! I'll get back tommorow.
If you're gonna "read it later" then why did you reply to his topic when you have nothing to say?
@OP Although there have been rumors going around that this is going to change soon, NGOs are currently banned in Libya (local people are banned from forming an NGO, overseas NGO are banned from having a presence here.) So I doubt your telling an animal rights organization will end up accomplishing anything.
If it's something you feel strongly about, then don't listen to everyone who will tell you nothing can be done. Maybe you can't get an international NGO involved but you're already raising awareness by posting here. Tell more people, start a website, anything you can do whilst keeping a low profile yourself here...
Good on you for caring enough to want to do something.
You know Mudman, in my homeland, we have a saying, and I suppose there are, certainly, lots other nations having it, must be common sense wisdom: "cat with a bell on the neck can't catch mice"...
I will probably leave the subject to evolve all alone, hoping that the people with heart and sensibility will continue my crusade, without drawing a red circle on my chest.
Thank you for your wise advice, I already owe you one.
I think I know the market you are on about Dahra perhaps ?, although their are quite a few. The conditions are terrible and good on you for highlighting it. My wife was so moved when she saw a puppy in one of the cages she almost bought it (she can't stand animals !!!!). Unfortunately VERY different values of life are put on things here that we are not used to, I mean look at the way they treat their tinned Tuna
If you feel so strongly about it why don't you put those feelings to use and start an animal shelter ? Start bit by bit, take one animal in your home and then another, perhaps get people from the expat community to sponsor an animal if you can't afford the expenses (there are those who would like to help but don't want the hassle of, you know, cat pee and hairs and stuff)
It's something to consider if you really are that passionate.
You probably saw the 'pet shops' in Shara Rashid (off Omar Mukhtar Street).... they have all these animals crammed into small cages...
Mudman, I wasn't trying to make the point that there's nothing he can do. I was merely giving him an answer to part of his question.
Thebigtuna wrote:Mudman, I wasn't trying to make the point that there's nothing he can do. I was merely giving him an answer to part of his question.
And I wasn't implying you, yourself, were, rather I was anticipating that the general response would be 'this is Libya, you can't do anything'.
Sorry if there was any misunderstanding.
You know, SarahMK, you're probably right, and I'm probably wrong, better stay on margins, give advice to the players, criticize the arbiters and the teaboy, and give instructions to all of them, before cleaning our own backyard and thinking nobody will see it or understand it because they come from another space, another culture and another type of daily problems... And let's fairly admit, another type of wages and savings...
You didn't have time to read all my words in my first post I suppose, and I can leave with that.
What I don't understand is why you try with superiority to demonstrate that this is a minor thing, to move it into risible, to trivia, and to patronize me, could be that because you're so delicious young ? (I ask so indelicate, almost rude that because only very young people treat tiny little life like that, the elders, like me, we have another dimensions of the living, humans or non humans).
And to conclude, let me to remind you this: "A bird's wing, comrades is an organ of propulsion and not of manipulation. It should therefore be regarded as a leg. The distinguishing mark of man is the HAND, the instrument with which he does all his
mischief. FOUR LEGS GOOD, TWO LEGS BAD, was inscribed on the end wall of the barn, above the Seven Commandments ..."
Hope no humans offended by my humble words, but because most of us have words, some of us sharp and cutting (!) and four legs don't, maybe it's fair for them to have their speaker (I was tempted to use lots of other words, none of them appropriate, even this one inappropriate like the others)...
Crusader of the lost causes ?
Maybe, but what the heck, four legs never complaint so, why not ?
Thank you for your support
Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom, nom nom nom nom nom nom!
tavitza58 wrote:You know, SarahMK, you're probably right, and I'm probably wrong, better stay on margins, give advice to the players, criticize the arbiters and the teaboy, and give instructions to all of them, before cleaning our own backyard and thinking nobody will see it or understand it because they come from another space, another culture and another type of daily problems... And let's fairly admit, another type of wages and savings...
You didn't have time to read all my words in my first post I suppose, and I can leave with that.
What I don't understand is why you try with superiority to demonstrate that this is a minor thing, to move it into risible, to trivia, and to patronize me, could be that because you're so delicious young ? (I ask so indelicate, almost rude that because only very young people treat tiny little life like that, the elders, like me, we have another dimensions of the living, humans or non humans).
And to conclude, let me to remind you this: "A bird's wing, comrades is an organ of propulsion and not of manipulation. It should therefore be regarded as a leg. The distinguishing mark of man is the HAND, the instrument with which he does all his
mischief. FOUR LEGS GOOD, TWO LEGS BAD, was inscribed on the end wall of the barn, above the Seven Commandments ..."
Actually the difference isn't the hand, it's opposable thumbs, but never mind.
Sorry but I thought SarahMK was being supportive and not at all trying to prove any type of superiority. Way to go, kicking your supporters!
And if you can imagine how eager I waited your intervention, (I knew you couldn't missed it and I'm glad you came...)
And you'll be not so mad on me if I'll count your legs.
Saw you surrounded by some of my friends laying down around your throne. The friends of mine are friends of you or just servants?
Anyway, now I know some deep will come to enlightening us and peace cover the fields already moisturized by so much... (shall I continue ? It's better to stop, the direction is wrong I think).
Frankly speaking, I thought I just need your strong opinions, and hope will not hurts me. Simple as that. And thats all.
baby250 wrote:Hello Dear,
My Name is Miss Precious Sanka,I am easy going and open minded young girl 23 years of age single never married before.Well after going through your profile today in ( I became interested in you.Age, sex,race nor distance does not matter in a relationship rather what matters is the true love, truth, honesty and caring that exist between two friends.So i will really like you to contact me back through my mail id ( ) So that i can tell you more about my self and send to you my photos.
Yours Sincerely,
Moderators - please don't delete this, it's comedy gold!
Awesome Profile:
I am not yet an expatriate, but I am looking for information about life abroad.
I am American, and I would like to live in Australia. I am currently in alabama.
About me
i am a nice loi am a nice looking girl seeking for a lovely manoking girl seeking for a lovely mani am a nice loi am a nice looking girl seeking for a lovely manoking girl seeking for a lovely man
My birthday is on 25 April
i am loving and caring
Thebigtuna wrote:Sandman, mudman, clansman... what's with all the "man"s here?
It's a bit fishy if you ask me.
Sorry Mud, pal, I didn't feel the support, moreover, I think I was clear enough I wish I had the space here to take some of the souls of there with me, it's for the joy to see them being happy, just like that, because they are free, for no other reason, not because I feed them, or give them water or a clean shelter or enough space to feel unconstrained.
And the opposable thumb meant nothing, as you remember, Snowball had no fingers but cloven-hoofed, and he was the chief. See, see ?
And no, I will never kick somebody, supporter or not, because I don't like to be kicked, doesn't matter the reason, direction, person, position, attitude, relationship or age, I just can't accept the action itself, so no, I do not kicked her, just considered that is too distant and non participative and cold blooded to stay away but surgically, with a mono chord voice to suggest that's better to take some suffering souls home (ignoring exactly the lack of space and the working offices)...
And passion, what's the problem with my passion, what's wrong with my passion?
(OK, hope it's not this the reason Preciousss Sssanka and her Ssssssinusysssss choose me but none of you to be her friend, double age and something) there are moments when passion become stronger than you, and there is no reason to abstain, there is no use, it's counterproductive, am I wrong ?
...and I came with my animals subject between so many "" names... And you are probably in consequence...
Start wonder if this is my right place...
Btw, are you sure the sysadmin is not a bot ?
Anyway, if Ssssanka is not a Kaa cousin, she surely has two legssssss
baby250 wrote:Hello Dear,
My Name is Miss Precious Sanka,I am easy going and open minded young girl 23 years of age single never married before.Well after going through your profile today in ( I became interested in you.Age, sex,race nor distance does not matter in a relationship rather what matters is the true love, truth, honesty and caring that exist between two friends.So i will really like you to contact me back through my mail id ( ) So that i can tell you more about my self and send to you my photos.
Yours Sincerely,
Now you see the kind of crap we receive everyday. I think I've deleted ten users like this today (all from Senegal ... different IPs, but always from Senegal)
Precious Indeed!
You couldn't make this stuff up, I had a pm from one today asking to be friends (well I think he wanted to be more than friends actually).
Dear and Respectful sysadmin (no s.h.y.t.) , serious business, since I've been enrolled here, I look at all of the interesting people profiles and, of course, contributors, moderators, those with biggest numbers of posts, isn't it normal ? I know most of the big names around, but it's pity to erase in a snap, just like that, a new coming one, a fresh breath of air, from Czechs, to entertain and revive this atmosphere that I succeed to spoil somehow with my animals subject...
Btw, the site the link she send us, is in Czech language, and it's worthless, better don't waste time, I tried for couple of minutes and canceled. Male stuff, anyway.
But she had to be left as a white mouse between some hungry cats, our Preciousssss, at least for one or two days... For conversation, of course, her english was way better than mine.
(Speaking about animals...)
Nobody would be hurt here, there are bots, keeping an eye on us, isn't it ? If we're not playn' nice, they're took the toys and sent us to bed and switch of the light, right mummy ?
Thebigtuna wrote:A bunny with a pancake on its head?? What kind of cruel, disgusting monster are you??!!!
Or: you feed the pancake to the bunny
Now who's the monster?
I received a pm from someone who wants me to...wait, I'll go get it is:
He's living in Myanmar and wanted to "say hi in christ"..whatever that means, and he wanted to do some "praying for [me] from one corner of the world...changing the world into Christ-like character."
I guess they ran out of peaple to nail to two by fours in Myanmar.
Mudman wrote:Are you on drugs ?
Seriously, I think you and Moel must be related
I think she did not succeed in coping with life in Libya and started getting the symptoms of Libyarrhoids.
Dear oh dear, mancunian honey, we're not spitfire squadron here scrambling and jumping from the clouds in krauts neck and screaming tally ho, if you know what I mean...
You scrambled the posts, Mudman sent the message to me (!), and (no, Mud, pal), I was not on drugs, just a headache pill and C vitamine, and if there is anybody having some doubts, no, I don't think MoEl and I we are relatives, at least I have no reasons to believe that any of my known or unknown, living or passed away relatives traveled over the ocean in the last 246 years (the period my grand father documented the history of my family).
So, please, again, do not loose the thread, you will confuse me, and I'm already confused, as you see...
Btw, mancunian honey, I'm the HE or the SHE ? Just to be sure what I have to wear at dinner... I took from home only the tuxedo...
Avoid list updated.
It's the advise for me and only me, it's for all of us, it's for locals only, it's for expats only, it's for humans only, it's just for destabilization, (you know, countermeasures, like Maquis, if you know what I mean) or was only a joke and we will continue to look for solutions, and maybe somebody wise will come with a practical idea and in a day, something wonderful will be happening also for the animals and that will be a good example that together we can change in good something, with small steps, in the benefit of all of us (what a raw English language I have... )
Of course what else can you say to protect your so called environment and caged animals? Not good in my capitol city, where so many tramp dogs lives around trash areas but not here too, in Shara Rashid, where you probably consider is very normal what's happening...
Let's imagine, SarahMK, a totally hypothetical situation: A fancy delegation of old ladies from Vier Pfoten here, in Tripoli. Did you wandered what the Vier Pfoten delegation ladies could say if they saw the Shara Rashid market ? Try to imagine how is their reaction if you are the guide and you proudly present them the so called "pet market", inviting them to by a hawk, a kitten, a small turtle or a puppy... A pigeon maybe, or a german shepherd, if not some indifferent guinea pigs... Could be funny if it's not really sad...
But, do like SarahMK say, avoid the updated list. (the funny emoticon look like an lemon eater...)
The advise has the power of a guru one or just "do as I said, mummy knows better" ?
Accept the truth, it's not and never be the way a civilized person will treat a living being, that's all, doesn't matter what you will try to tell me, or treat me. That's it. Said.
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