


Hello Cuenca,

My wife and I are on medications. Will we be able to get insurance coverage in Ecudaor inspite of these needed drugs? I don't want this to be a deal breaker. MS

See also

Healthcare in EcuadorMedications available in Ecuador (Cuenca)?Gettting back to finish dental workDo I need a Yellow Fever vaccine or other shots?Dermatologist

No, medications should not exclude you from coverage here.


I just contacted a pharmacist in Cuenca, and passed along the med's I am on. ( thyroid & cholesterol ) I was concerned:

1)would they be available?
2)would I need a script from a physician?

The second was important to me, as I get an annual prescription from my Dr. here to be able to get the meds. It costs me about $ 500.00 out of pocket just for the physical annually.
The pharmacist I contacted in Cuenca assured me my med's were available, and.... they were over the counter. No need for a physical.

Of course, I will schedule an annual physical, but it's nice to know the pharmaceutical companies and the medical profession aren't dipping into my pocket every time I turn around! Plus, with physical's running around $ 25.00, it makes it easier to schedule an annual, at least financially.
Good Luck


Thank you guys. Will be coming down in June/July to look around.    Marty


OOPS! What coverage or company do you go through?  Marty


I didn't mean to imply that I have coverage yet. There are any number of possibilities though. Just as in the US, there are reps that handle many different companies. And, as in the US, there are any number of variables that will effect what coverage will best serve you. I know Coopera< sp > credit union/ bank has a policy available for members that is basically a preventive type policy for under $3.00 a month, to include very good prescription coverage and dental.
You will really be best served to get in country, and investigate the various availabilities. You'll find much support from other expats already in place.
Best of Luck,


I have coverage with Confiamed. We are under 65 and cost is less than $50 each per month. Covers pre-existing conditions after 3 months. Also covers you when you go to the US. PM me if you need to contact an agent, I will give you his address.


Txsbigfoot wrote:

I have coverage with Confiamed. We are under 65 and cost is less than $50 each per month. Covers pre-existing conditions after 3 months. Also covers you when you go to the US. PM me if you need to contact an agent, I will give you his address.

Thanks -- that's helpful. Sounds like a good deal that I will keep in mind.

Currently, I'm doing without insurance here in the Philippines. Risky, I know, but no negative consequences thus far. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. But doctors here are even cheaper than they appear to be in Ecuador --  an office visit is 300 pesos (about $7.50),



My wife is on large doses of narcotic pain medication for cancer and we wish to move to Cuenca for affordable living. Can anyone tell me what pain medications are available in local pharmacies, limits on obtaining them with a prescription, approximates on cost without insurance. Plan to come down and investigate the facts but need to know if I am being realistic. Thank-you



As far as I know is very difficut to get narcotics and strong pain killers in pharmacies. There's only a few ones on the country and usually you can find them only in hospitals.



I am sorry to hear of your wife's pain. If you want to pm me, I can give you the name of a pharmacist in Cuenca that is very responsive to inquiries. I would hope that he can ease your concerns, and help inform you of your options.
Best Wishes,
Ps. see the topic on this board :Medications Available in Ecuador ( Cuenca ) and the response by Mistymeaner. That is the same pharmacist I was referring to. All his contact info is in the thread.


Please send me the agent email.
My husband and I will be moving to Salinas in April 2014

I have coverage with Confiamed. We are under 65 and cost is less than $50 each per month. Covers pre-existing conditions after 3 months. Also covers you when you go to the US. PM me if you need to contact an agent, I will give you his address.


Hi foks,
I am brand new and first time on this medium.  I am 71 and will be making an exploratory trip to Cuenca this winter with selling out and  moving to Cuenca  perrmanently on my mind.
My question is ...At my age 71+ can I get. and what might it cost me  for complete medical coverage in Cuenca. and what would I be eligible for with Ecuador permanent residence.  I dont want to have to come back to the States for health any care. I am presently very healthy with no problems but only God knows the future. Many thanks in anticipation fo your helpful replies.