Insurance for Motorbike very important!?

Hello Expats,

I've got a question concerning the Insurance for a Motorbike. What is a good company to insure accidents for foreigners. I guess it is very important to have a good insurance if an accident happens. For me it is important that there is a coverage for the motorbike AND for personal damages. I heard that foreigners are always responsible for accidents.

Does anyone have experience with it or have a good advice?

Thank you in Advance...


You can get insurance at just about any petro station and it is very cheap.
Unless you are driving a car this is all you will need and I think it is about all you can find.
They don't seem to have the same type of insurance rip off schemes you find in the west.

It is not important but it is something they like for you to have. :rolleyes: I got pulled over on my 50cc bike and I thought I got away but than they asked for insurance. :|

You can come AAA insurance company.
I bought some insurances for my bike there. They have many kind of insurance and you can choose one suitable with you.
Good luck.

This is the link:

don't forget to have your Vietnamese driving license as your international is not valid here

Thank you all for your help. I already know that there is a possibility to translate my international license. As I have licence for Motorbike, it shouldn't be a problem. But do you know where to go? Are there special authorities?

Thang you

Eluelf wrote:

Thank you all for your help. I already know that there is a possibility to translate my international license. As I have licence for Motorbike, it shouldn't be a problem. But do you know where to go? Are there special authorities?

Thang you

Already addressed several times on here :


I also have some news about the insurance. According to my colleagues at work, Liberty Insurance is the place to go. They are reliable and have a far better cover than locals once - however they are a little more expensive...

The cost for motorbike repair or replace is so low that to me doesn't justify paying more for insurance.
I would also like to hear from someone who has filed a successful claim against this insurance. Most companies I have delt with in the past require you to have police reports and witness statements and such, all things that would be (in my opinion) nearly impossible to get.