Retiree at 33

Hello all. My wife and I are considering very early retirement to Ecuador. We are purely in the research phase so I have a few questions. We currently have no children, but they are a possibility so we have to consider where would be a good place to raise a kid or two. We will not have to work, but we will have a specific budget of $1000-1200usd a month. We both love the mountains and the beach but its temperatures that interest us the most. We love the idea of temps in the 50-80f range, we don't love rain but unless it was a Seattle like place and rained all the time it wouldn't be a deal breaker. Weather-wise we love the San Francisco weather. I think we would prefer to live in the mountains and visit the beach.  It would be nice to have cable tv and internet but its not going to be a determining factor. So, with that bit of demographic info, where should we be looking? Big town or small town doesn't really matter to us, except for safety. We want to live in a safer area of course. Please advise! Thanks!!

First of all, Congratulations! Retiring at 33 is pretty awesome.
I'd suggest that at the 1000/1200 per month you might be cutting it a tad close for one or more children. For a couple, your pretty close to where the general consensus feels you need to live a good lifestyle. Not extravagant, but it could be comfortable. One of the determing factors is if you'll be able to buy a place outright, or will you be renting? If you have to rent, it's gonna be kinda tight.
As far as where? Boy, thats a topic that has been much discussed. The area I chose meets some of your requirements, Cuenca. It has a Spring like weather system. You're not gonna hit your 80 degree mark, but the mid 70's are common, with evening temps in the 50 degree range. There is a rainy season, but as you indicated, for the most part the rains are short lived. As far as mountains, you are right in them. Cuenca means bowl.... you are in a bowl, surrounded by mountains.
All of us that went through this process ask the same questions you do. Check out this site, many answers are here already. But..... as all will tell you, you have to actually visit, spend some time, do research in country, and make your own decisions based on your wants and needs.
I wish you and your wife the very best in this new journey.
Good Luck

Ecuador is great.  I agree with Zen,  you should come down for a visit and find the place that suits you the best.  I myself love the beach and have picked the Northern Coast of Ecuador.  Reasons, good weather, few gringos, cheaper prices.  Here is my blog that should give you some great insight on relocating to Ecuador.

Hi , I am also 33 years old and  a mother with a 7 year old.  I currently reside in Quito, Centro Historico. The amount allotted for your monthly income is more than sufficient. AGAIN it is dependent on your lifestyle and location. I currently spend US$500 - 800 per month(it varies) which includes rent (gas, light,internet and water), school fee for my daughter, food and entertainment.

May be I was blessed enough to have had a great Ecuadorian friend who was able to get me a lovely furnished apartment in a gated area in the heart of Centro Historico.

If you come here and only stick with the Gringo community you will expect to pay Gringo prices which are in most cases ridiculous high.  I should know I just stay away as far as I can. Don't get me wrong I do have gringo friends.

Base on the temp. range you indicated, the Coastal cities will best fall into that category.

I agree with ZenSpike the best thing is to visit and check out the different cities.

Moving here was the best decision I have made. Yes it is a great place to raise children since Ecuador is very family oriented.

I am 32 with a wife and a son of 4 years here in Quito Ecuador.  your monthly budget should be sufficient however you have to consider the eventual costs of private schooling here which can be expensive if you wish for your future kids to be in a bilingual school.

Quito is a booming city and I love it very much.  I live in the modern section and I work here also.  Feel free to email me with any questions about Quito or Ecuador in general. 

My wife of 7 years is Ecuadorian by the way so my experience may be different than the average expat without a head start like that.

Getting residency can be a process in itself and that is something I can help out with as far as questions.

You can learn about my time here so far on

My name is Mike and my email is