


Hey everyone!
I want to move to Argentina for 2-3 years before moving somewhere else,i've been traveling all my life from 1 country to another,mostly in middle east and Europe.
I want to know how things are done here?Most important is how tough is to get a job for someone who doesn't speak any Spanish at all?
And what is a minimal income required to live here for a month?
Any more info is highly appreciated!

See also

Job offers in ArgentinaFinding a job in ArgentinaThe labour market in ArgentinaSetting up a business in ArgentinaGetting an internship in Argentina
el escondido


  I am miving in Argentina for 5 years,  and you have many to questions but very vague so very difficult anwer with precision. For exammple, how much would you need to live for a month, it depends where, how high is your standard of living, what you need and don't need ... so impossible to answer. Second and much more important point, on which type of visa do you expect to stay in Argentina?

  But there is one answer I can give you your chances to get a job without speaking castellano = Zero  It's extremely difficult to find a job when you're not native even if highly qualified and sepaking fluently 5 languages including castellano.

So except for tourism, don't expect too much from this country.

best regards


el escondido: hi,
well,i had different income through all my life in some places i lived for 2000$ a month and in others for less than 500$ all depends on the country and type of a job that i can get...I dont have in mind to make big $$$ in Argentina,just enough to pay the rent and live like an average person for the time i will stay there.By the way tourism is a pretty good idea!Regarding the visa-from my country its a visa on arrival ..i get visa for 90 days which i can extend or maybe get a work permit if i can find a job..


Hello. How are you?. I'm from Buenos Aires, so I'll be able to help. With regard to work, you will surely find something, my city is very cosmopolitan. The income depends on how many people are in that part of town living, the cost of rent, etc.. A family with two children to $ 8,000 (pesos) live well. If you tell me more about what kind of life you want to lead so I can be more specific.

Ayman Zaid

As a start you shall engage in Spanish class, for the both thr work and the daily living.
The living costs is not that cheap, specially in entertainment and such stuff. You need about 4000 peso to a studio, furnished and including many items, and may be another 2000 - 3000 to live in regular to minimum.
Jobs here are not easy. People seems to be highly educated and employees are carefully chosen.
Hope this is helpful. Me my self moved from Middle East to here as your story.
Regarding the visa, you will hear much stories, but one can go to Uruguay - one hour in boat - and come back to Argentina with new 90 days visa. I mean until you find a contract to change your visa type.

Good Luck and keep in touch if you need anything.


I've lived in Argentina for almost 3 years now and have been traveling back and forth for over 15 years. The people of Argentina are lovely and friendly; but it is important to learn some Spanish. Inflation is 25-30% now and the economy is about to collapse any day. If you can bring crisp, new dollars to start out with you will get more for the exchange rate ( on the Blue Market). BA is more expensive than some other cities. Salta is also a beautiful area; great climate, cheaper prices and a lot of tourism. There are institutes always looking for English teachers so that might be an option for work. Otherwise finding a job will be almost impossible. ( you can pay a little less than $100 every 3 months for overstaying your visa or you can leave the county too)