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Living in Brazil: the expat guideWise Multi-Currency Debit CardUSA "Real ID" identification. How does this affect EXPATS?Higher education certificate accredited by MEC for Naturalization.Brazilian concept of "beauty"

fionaduff wrote:


Hello fionauff -> Can you please introduce yourself? :/

Thank you,


Ile Maurice, hi, i am a new expat. i am trying to recieve my fund since december 2012. lots of all kinds of gangsters tried to steel it. the fund customer service hsbc, is doing a fantastic super more than hsbc expat work , protecting my enormous fortune, (moderated) now the buisnessmen that tried to steel my fund discovered i am a health professional and they do not accept what so ever that i will not share my money with them,......they are dead matsubas,.......


:)i have a good recipie,......soup, the name is canja, i am a vegetarian, we use chicken in this soup but you can use chicken broth.ingrediants: chicken broth, rice, chopped potatoes, chopped onion, and chopped carrots, put salt and others, and water, some oil and some butter because of its flavour. put the amounts as you prefer,, fiona


hi, here is another soup recipie, get all the vegetables you like, potatoe, carrots, onion, green leaves, tomatoe, beat root a little piece because it can take over the flavour.if you have another kind of potatoe, a root similar to potatoe ( aipim, nhamy, mandioquinha,...). put them all in a pan with water and oil and salt and,....after all is cooked and soft put it in the ^`liquidificador``until it becomes a creamy soup. put the cream in a big pan with pieces or meat that will cook with the vegetable soup,....check the flavour and put butter and others,....


:)i forgot this delicious recipie,it is for those that eat meat. i ate this dish when i was a child. now i am 52 and am becomming a millionaire.
ingrediants: mashed potatoes and minced meat and egg.
cook the minced meet seazon it the way you like. boil about 2 eggs and after cooling cut them in little pieces. put the egg with the meet together. then get a ^pirex^^ to prepare the dish to go to the oven. this dish is one layer mashed potatoes one layer the minced meat with egg,and so on.... normally it is 2 layers of meat and 3 of mashed potatoes. please pay attention so the top does not get dark, i am leaving because i am doing the fund customer service hsbc, bringing my millions here in sao paulo, brasil,....


please do you know if this medium is safe,....


Hi fionaduff,

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this thread is too weird - I close it


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