Gary, you seem to be the expert here...

Health insurance is a big concern; if I had to purchase my own coverage here in Wisconsin it would be my largest monthly expense.

Sounds like you have your own business; what type of insurance coverage do you have?

Nah, I'm not the expert - I have been here in PR for almost ten years so I have some experience and I seem to be (almost) the only one who posts answers to questions in this forum. :)

Yes, I got my own business. I have a simple health insurance plan with Triple S ( - site is bilingual Spanish/English) Contact them and get a quote. :)


What would you say a one bedroom one bathroom average rent is for an apartment?

lebubbletea wrote:

What would you say a one bedroom one bathroom average rent is for an apartment?

That really depends on where you are looking.

I'd say from $200 in the country up to $1,000 - $1,200 in the expensive areas in the metropolitan area like Old San Juan and Condado.

Here's a listing of over 10,000 properties for rent: