Looking for flatmate in Gulshan 2

Hey everyone,

I'll be arriving in Dhaka in march for a 6 month internship and looking for a flatmate. I'm looking for a room with individual bathroom and on the 2nd or 3rd floor. Preferably with backup generator and AC.

Please let me know something if you know such a place,

Thank you,


Hello Sarah.

Welcome to Expat.com! :)

The Housing in Dhaka section could help. You should post an advert there.

Thank you,

hello sarah when u will b reached in Dhaka before 2 days pls contact with me . I can arrange all. Contact aminruhu68@gmail.com or direct call +8801921683509

[Moderated: Please communicate by PM or post in Housing section]

[Moderated: Communicate by PM pls]

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you hv no contact details!!!! how I can co-operate with you

hello sarah, are you looking for a flat with a roommate with you? please feel free to contact me. +8801715753267 .. else email me adnanthecapricorn@hotmail.com

contact me

stop giving out your numbers man unless they ask you to !
despo bangalis