Possible Move

Hi There,
I will possibly be moving to Algeria in the next month or two, i wonder if i will be able to meet english speaking moms/'trailing spouses'?
I am a Singaporean Indian,happily married to a Frenchman, n we have a 5 year young daughter. I speak neither Arabic nor French9 tho i understand most of what i read in French!)
I will be a Stay-at-home mom, n i understand we will probably be living in an apartment complex close to my husband's office.
I honestly am not sure what to expect as i have not lived in an African moslem country before.
We have lived in France(Paris),the Philippines(Manila),as a family.
My husband lived in Algeria when he was a little boy,as his folks were on a posting there with their embassy.
Anyone got anything welcoming/encouraging to say,pls feel free to add your comments.
I really hope to make some friends who have children around my lil'girl's age. hope to make friends.period.
Thank you.

Welcome on Expat-blog! :)

I have moved the thread on the Algeria forum. There are lots of expatriates in Algeria. I hope the Algeria expat network might help you to get some contacts.

Good luck

hi dear i'm from Algeria i love indian food there is one restaurante in cheraga tadj mahal they make a great food, i'll be happy to invite u and meetin u

hi friend i am a single male below 30 so i will not be able help you with worthy info on family situations but i would love to take this opptunity n welcome you to algeria.I call algeria a place of experiences coz 2 people living nextdoor 2 each other wil hav totally different accounts of their stay here. I took about 2mnths 2 adjst maself coz lik u i didnt kno arabic tho i knew some fxntional french.....wish u all the best cheers