
Wellington or Auckland

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Hi All,

My family and I have been all over the map. My trying hard for me to see that moving from US to NZ would be a wonderful experience for the children and a wonderful opportunity. He is a software consultant (20 years)mapping, C++, gis, SOAP, all the stuff..He is certain he can get a job.

We are outdoor loving people, kayaking, SUP, windsurfing, etc (not surfing yet)warm weather....sun yes - snow and skiing no.

Anyway..We are looking for some information Which area would be better for expat families (2 kids in elementary school)

How are the schools? Whats the true price of rent for a 2 or 3 bedroom? DO you have to have a car all the time?

I have read from some posts that NZ is boring after the first year is that true? I guess NZ lacks theater/arts scene. Limited cafes outdoor restaurants, etc... I just can't see how that can be true. But then again I dont live there.

Secondly I heard it is every expensive, but the info on this site is out of date.

I was considering Belize or Costa Rica..but husband is on a roll with this one..

Can anyone asssit me on this?


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Hi, If you like outdoor , NZ is the place. Do you know that there is no snake in NZ and no predator animals in the wild?
NZ schooling system is one of the best in the world according to UNDP. The teaching is very different from the exam oriented systems. You won't get bored if you like outdoor. If you are in the main centres, there are lots of cafes & restaurants. In Auckland and Wellington you will find many arts and theatres, orchestras, music festivals like you would in any major cities.
Make a visit to Auckland and you will appreciate it. Make sure you come during summer.


Sorry, couldn't disagree more. Coming from Boston, NZ will be quite a shock for you - there really is NO comparison. Boston is a world-class city. Auckland has a long way to go. Wellington is all government bureaucracy jobs and mindset. You should also know that Americans are not very welcome here. Sure, no one will come out and say it, but you will feel it the moment you open your mouth, and they hear your accent.

As for 'certain he can get a job' - maybe so, but the work culture, attitudes and kiwi mindset may be tough to adjust to. In New Zealand, you really get one chance, so that first job needs to be the right one. is a good site, but many jobs are posted several times by different recruiters and some are just vapor - recruiters trolling for CVs.

Come to New Zealand for an extended visit, but be very sure before you commit your entire family's future: you should check out,, or first.


Thanks WombatFred! We do love the outdoor life something we can not do year round in Boston.

My husband was talking to some former colleague who have settled in Auckland from New York City. They said the same thing you did - it is hard to adjust to and it they loved it for the first 4 years, now they are realizing they still have no "true" Kiwi connections but still love it. Slower pace of life and nice weather, good food and easy to drive around. If you love to hike, bike, SUP and boat, it truly is a wonderful place and a decent place to raise a family.

It is very far away from home. However, their are not a lot of desirable places in the US (with low humidity) where you can be active all year round.

Thank you again for your responses


NZ is boring unless you like cinema, theatre, cafes, fine dining sailing, swimming, beaching, water skiing, snow skiing, kayaking, fishing (fly and sea), tramping, mountain biking, mountain biking, beautiful mountains and bush, a good education for your child in a safe environment and not a lot of people to share it with..but come for a visit...and you are right if yuoare urbanites then NZ wont one comes here for the urban experience with high pay..they come for an outdoor quality of life..NZ is a country made up of migrants, if we did not like it we would all go home wouldn't we.m  You can snow ski and swim in the sea in the same day!!
Yes you will need a car


Trying to lure some flush expats to come stay at your motor lodge, motorlodge?

Just one question - if your country is so great, why does 25% of your population live here in Oz?

Wait - I just checked another thread and found out what the real deal is - you're an infomercial!

motorlodge wrote:

I am a NZ licenced Immigration Adviser

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