
single female

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hi all expat i look for single female for outgoing.


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Horizontal Harry

Boy, who would have thought it possible, after all the money I've spent wining and dining in the finest bars, restaurants and hotels in the pursuit of "single female", I had no idea I had it so wrong. I've been blowing away all my money when it appears that all a guy has to do to find one is post on an expat website,

"hi all expat i look for single female for outgoing.

thx. "

Is it that easy ? Darn it.

Please do keep us posted on your success rate.

Tip. Head for the park by green square, you'll find plenty of ladies for outgoing. Provided you can afford to pay the incoming.


well said HH! :thanks:


LOL @ HH..........

I will have to monitor the progress of this thread very closely. See what success does Hilton make on this front....




Wow.  Didn't realise this was a dating site... :-S


Well, is not a dating site, but there is a personals section in the very new Lybia classifieds...


Thank you Julien for the info.. tho I think i'll give it a miss ;-p


Whatever next....dogging in Green Park? :lol:


this is the worst case i have seen :-)
but good luck tho :D


I've got an impression that most of You condemn, or even deride .... Hilton just asked, that 's all.... is it forbidden to ask ??


BTW, I've just visited classifieds - guess what ?!
NOBODY posted free add like "W seekin M" or vice versa ...
I wonder why:lol:


zlatan wrote:

BTW, I've just visited classifieds - guess what ?!
NOBODY posted free add like "W seekin M" or vice versa ...
I wonder why:lol:

Maybe because we just release the classifieds section 10 days ago? ;)


This is for zlatan,
First of all would any man ask this of a libyan woman? To think that expats are more free about themselves or easy as some say, is just telling us how the mentality of some arab men is rather disappointing.
It is not forbidden to ask anyone of any sex out unless you are in Libya, mixing of men and women who are not related or engaged to be married (and even then one must be meeting one another under supervision)is a crime there.
We are here to discuss life in libya as expats, share our experiences and help one another as an expat community. There are thousands of free dating sites, for this kind of thing, including arab dating sites. I am sure most here would agree that this "innocent" blunder was a reminder that not everyone thinks before they act, as this forum was not intended for soliciting ones need for female company.

Jo Ann

Good lcuk with that ;-)


hababbi wrote:

This is for zlatan,
First of all would any man ask this of a libyan woman? To think that expats are more free about themselves or easy as some say, is just telling us how the mentality of some arab men is rather disappointing.

Clapping and thanking you for saying what all of us wanted to hababbi.  We are not all porn stars Hilton, (despite what you may have seen in the movies).  If your intentions are of a sincere nature, (i.e. actually trying to find someone nice to marry), there is no reason to exclude Libyan woman from your "want" ads.  You aren't fooling anyone buddy.  Shame on you for insinuating that expat woman are your little play things.  Now why don't you run off and take a long walk off a short pier?


laurieloo82 wrote:

You aren't fooling anyone buddy.  Shame on you for insinuating that expat woman are your little play things.  Now why don't you run off and take a long walk off a short pier?



Incidentally, is anyone else getting irritated with the sudden influx of men adding them as contacts without even having had a conversation about anything??  Seriously starting to nark me.  Note to selves people:  If we haven't had any kind of chat, i'm not a 'contact' of yours!


Looks like someone's doing a good deal on flamethrowers...


laurieloo82 wrote:
hababbi wrote:

This is for zlatan,
First of all would any man ask this of a libyan woman? To think that expats are more free about themselves or easy as some say, is just telling us how the mentality of some arab men is rather disappointing.

Clapping and thanking you for saying what all of us wanted to hababbi.  We are not all porn stars Hilton, (despite what you may have seen in the movies).  If your intentions are of a sincere nature, (i.e. actually trying to find someone nice to marry), there is no reason to exclude Libyan woman from your "want" ads.  You aren't fooling anyone buddy.  Shame on you for insinuating that expat woman are your little play things.  Now why don't you run off and take a long walk off a short pier?

Just what the rest of us were thinking Laurieloo82, well said, if it indeed was an 'innocent mistake' then apologies, but if it infered what I strongly suspect it did then the original poster should piss off and get a life.


flipfinger wrote:

Incidentally, is anyone else getting irritated with the sudden influx of men adding them as contacts without even having had a conversation about anything??  Seriously starting to nark me.  Note to selves people:  If we haven't had any kind of chat, i'm not a 'contact' of yours!

We'll soon modify the contact system in order to sort this out


where r u Hilton !!  ,,,,say something ?,,,  :)lool


Has anyone noticed that the poster has not yet to post anything else on this thread? :whistle:
Oh yup someone did! LOL


I think we have beaten this one to death now already......... let's move on.


OK people, from now:  It is forbidden, strictly forbidden to ask or insinuate ANYTHING about M-F relations. Otherwise You will be dead , just as Hilton now. RIP


Julien wrote:
flipfinger wrote:

Incidentally, is anyone else getting irritated with the sudden influx of men adding them as contacts without even having had a conversation about anything??  Seriously starting to nark me.  Note to selves people:  If we haven't had any kind of chat, i'm not a 'contact' of yours!

We'll soon modify the contact system in order to sort this out

that would be great, Julien! I am not at all happy being the contact of the men whose profile I see for the first time after receiving the message of having been added as the contact of.

I wonder why is all that? I mean what for do they collect so many contacts of expat women knowing for sure (unless total lunatics) that they will be kicked off at the first hint of anything?

Theoretically and logically, if I would get a romantic interest in any of the posters, I would want to look through all his/her posts to learn about the person. And as for the most of the ladies I virtually met here, the info either directly in the profile or indirectly through the posts states all of them married. Why to be so stupid to add as a contact with the obvious purpose to collect as many women contacts as you can? I naively believed that all the "I-want-marry-you"/"hey-you"/"love-you" have been left out of this realty to "enjoy" them in real life :mad:


Julien wrote:
flipfinger wrote:

Incidentally, is anyone else getting irritated with the sudden influx of men adding them as contacts without even having had a conversation about anything??  Seriously starting to nark me.  Note to selves people:  If we haven't had any kind of chat, i'm not a 'contact' of yours!

We'll soon modify the contact system in order to sort this out

Thanks Julien, much appreciated :)


Dear All,

first of all i have to say thanks for all who was against me and who agree with me,

second i was in business trip out of country meanhile i don't have i was very busy to be on line.

Third above post it was jsut invitation for outing to chit chat not for sex

fourth i have rules in my life that i don't like to have any friendship in work like i do'nt like to go out to with colleauges out ot operation so i post above subject and unforunalety most of you think like many people i meet here that man+woman= sex i think most members are europeanian so they are open mind so there smething in life called friendship betwwen male and female so it does't mean sex .

anyway i wish that my explainatioan is enogh and clear for all ladies and gentlemen above names and i wish all of you to accept my apolagize for any inconvecince and missunderstand.



Welcome back Hilton,

no need to apologize, don't worry.

This topic quickly went off-topic. My fault, I should have closed it earlier.

[discussion closed]


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