
Been offered a transfer ... but what does Nairobi hold !!

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Hi All

Im a South african who has been in Dubai, UAE for the last 5 years.  My company has expanded and offered me a transfer / promotion. 

Now, I need to absorb, understand and question ...

So Ive been reading soooo much, but am still in the dark.  Am in the process of planning a vist within the next month ...

So basically asking for honest reviews (good and bad) of the city / country.  I have been pampered here in regards to security but hey .... can adapt easily.

I currently have 2 cats (basically my children) and will have to come with.  Whats their future like??

Whats the best areas to look at while Im there ...

I cant only see the glitz and glam of hotel life ... and then regret it afterwards.

Comments and feedback would be appreicated.


See also

Living in Nairobi: the expat guideNew to NairobiSouth Africans in NairobiHow to make friends in Nairobiintrested in playing netball

Hi Amanda!

Welcome to!



I'm in Kenya since August, my experience right now:


- You can visit a lot of amazing places on weekends
- Expat comunity is really good
- The rooms are expensive, but the life is quite cheap


- Traffic jams
- Traffic jams
- Traffic jams
- You can't move freely at all, there are dangerous areas and you have to keep your eyes open when the sun goes down

You should be worried if you would have a donkey, but don't worry about your cats ;)



Though we cannot compare Kenya/Nairobi with UAE, but it is still attractive!

The country and people developing rapidly and I found local people with high level of hospitality.

Traffic jam has been highlighted earlier!

You can find very beautiful house/apartment in a very comfortable environment.






your comfort ability depends with the amount of money you willing to spend..... its always advisable to visit and survey the area.

welcome to Nairobi

Sally Ibeere

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i am in kenya from 2 years, my experience is been good. I travel i party, i do clubbing, i go movies. I do every stuff dosent care time or place, but still i never experienced any such bad things. In any country there are good and bads. so you need to keep that in mind and follow. Nairobi is the best place to be. Climate,people, security and living condition is good compared to other african countries. Some people might face bad experience, it dosent mean everyone will experience the same. For me and all my friends we never faced any bad experiences. May be in future we may be in trouble. But that dosent change my mind for this place. I love Nairobi and love to be here for long.
Best places to live is westalands, Hurlingam, Lavington, Junction, Ngong road....

Welcome to nairobi...

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