Kindly suggest..

My name is Gaurav.  I have got a offer for the job in Addis Ababa.  They are offering me food and residence and 1000 birr per month(excluding salary).  Could you please suggest me how much salary should i ask from them.

Hello Gaurav.

Welcome to! :)

Hope you'll get some responses soon.

Thank you,

m waiting for tat...

it is very small, 1000 birr even for local but if if they say food + housing and $1000 US dollar, that will be ok


Can my wife do a job in Mizan Tepi as teacher...what salary can she expect.

she is graduate and speaks very good english as she was educated in international schools- she is from bahrain

Hi Gaurav,

What is your profession and what will you be doing?




I want to the rent of one bedroom house in Mizan. I will be shifting their in first week of October.