I am fluent in Serbian because it was my first my language and I lived with my extended family (mom, dad, sisters,grandparents,cousins etc.) so I guess you could say that I was raised in somewhat of a Serbian household. However, I was not born in Serbia and I did not live there for an extended amount of time, I just went there every year. I understand that Serbia is not as wealthy,can be corrupt, and there are certain societal problems particularly connected to the past war or the economic problems (which is very sad). However, I always had this fascination with Serbia and felt like my mentality is more similar to the Balkan mentality rather than the Western mentality. So what I would like to ask is, how hard is it for a foreigner to adjust to Serbia (particularly people who came to Beograd ili Novi Sad)? What were your experiences there (mostly positive or negative)? Were you discriminated against, and in what way?