
Getting ready for our move to the UAE: tips/advice?

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Hi all,

So my wife and I are in our last month before we move from Toronto, Canada to Abu Dhabi, UAE. We're pretty excited, but nervous and anxious as we're leaving our lives behind, and don't really know what to expect once we land!

As I've stated in many other threads, we have our accommodations covered, which is great knowing we won't have to go through the housing process!

SO, any tips or advice from people who have made the move from their respective countries? Anything that you would suggest we buy and bring over; perhaps something that's not available within the UAE, or that you really miss having?

Anything that you would advise keeping an eye out for, or to be prepared for when we arrive? Or maybe something you had wished you had done at the time to make the process of moving that much easier?

I'm like a sponge right now; any advice you guys have would be helpful.. As usual, thanks for the help!

- Caylen

See also

Living in the United Arab Emirates: the expat guideWork Permit on Dependant visa with Old Tb ScarMedical no result. evisa expiringHow to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in the United Arab EmiratesNew members of the United Arab Emirates forum, introduce yourselves here - 2025

or to be prepared for when we arrive?

Be prepared for the extreme Gulf heat! - So don't forget to pack your shades and summer wear ;)

Also when you arrive it may be the month of Ramadan. Well in Bahrain, the eateries are closed to observe/respect Ramadan, I'm sure it will be the same across the Gulf. They open in the evenings when the fast is broken. :|

The good thing about the heat, its starts cooling off around September onwards.. :cool:

Hope this helps and Welcome to the Gulf, in advance ;):)

Jaz :cool:


That's awesome; thanks for the tips guys!

Slingbox definitely sounds like a must. Is it a physical unit, or just software I'll have to download onto dual computers?


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JRW wrote:

The Slingbox is a physical unit, small box (similar size to a portable dvd player or such).
Not sure where in the Canada/US stock but in the UK its the likes of the large PC megastores or large department stores.
If you are buying, however, I would suggest you go for the mid-top of the range models as the basic one isn't compatible.

I'm on it! I"ll take a look around, but I think I'll only be able to pick one up online.. I really appreciate it though.. I don't know what I'd do without my hockey, and I have a feeling the Emirati don't exactly have a strong admiration of the sport lol

ANything else to expect when moving in perhaps? I know our accommodations will be provided, but I think we'll need to have all the utilities set up.. Is it a real pain in the a**? After I left the UK I remember thinking I NEVER wanted to hear anyone utter the words "Sky TV" to me again!


I find most of the things I need in the U.A.E., except pet supplies. So if you have a cat or dog or bird or whatever :D, or plan to adopt one (the U.A.E. have a bunch of abandoned animals that are waiting for a new family), plan accordingly and try to get your supplies in your home country and take them with you. Food is available, but there is very little choice in terms of toys, scratching posts for cats, etc.
Additionally I just started an with really practical advice: you can check the address in my profile or PM me for more details. I'm definitely planning on posting more articles this week!

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