Health care in Barbados has both a universal and a private component. Expats must have health insurance, as the public system is for citizens of Barbados. With that said the health care in Barbados is good. There is no trauma unit on Barbados, but they are able to treat trauma injuries, as other islands send their trauma patients to Queen Elizabeth's Hospital. There are specialists in just about every area, and if not, they can be found in Canada, England, or the US. There are both Eye Care and Dental care and many Doctors, from which to choose. If you are an expat, you must have insurance, and payment up front is expected. If Expats have health insurances accepted here, they may not have to pay up front. Prescription services are just as good, and there is no problem getting prescriptions that they do not have on hand quickly. Prescriptions here are less expensive, than in the US, but probably comparable to what is found in the UK, Canada and most of the civilized world with universal health care.