My daughter is in danger - Nairobi
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Hi -
It's been four months since my daughter was deceived into coming to Nairobi to meet this really bad guy from Calcutta, India. Ahmed has already been to jail for attempted murder, over-beating, robbery and other crimes in India. He was also arrested for immigration fraud in Hong Kong where he was also investigated for human trafficking. In October he arrived in Nairobi. Because of his extensive criminal record he's not entitled to a worker's permit in Kenya. Therefore, as expected, he is working illegally.
He met Maria when she had just turned 18 years old. He didn't tell her about his criminal record, that he was ten years older, or that he remains /!\ I AM A STUPID SPAMMER /!\ bride (he tricked a 14 year old to marry him by having her certify she was 18). He also didn't mention that he has a history of beating girls and is now wanted for child rape in India.
I have been trying to get help from the Kenya's Immigration Department but little has been done. I met with the Kenya Consulate officials in New York. Immigration says that unless they can be shown he committed a crime in Kenya, they won't bother with the case. It's terrible and unbelievable to me since in the US the police have a duty to investigate, especially here since Ahmed has an extensive criminal record of terrible crimes.
I have also hired some individuals and agencies in Nairobi who promised to help me to find my daughter but there has not been any result. I have been told by others that I likely just wasted all my money.
Because Maria is white and he is Indian they should be easy to find in one of the Indian communities. Also, they are short. Ahmed is just 5'1" and my daughter 5'0". I also have pictures and have now created a Facebook page under: "Jason Scared"
I need a hero. Would anyone be willing to visit the Indian communities and Parkland and Westlands to see if they can find Maria. I am sure Ahmed is around there every day. Because he is dangerous, I would not suggest you get too close. But if he can be filmed working then immigration would have to arrest him for immigration fraud. Then, Maria could leave. Until then, he doesn't let her out of his sight. She told me and a friend that he has hurt her. How can I even explain what I am going though:(
I know everyone has busy schedules, but if someone could provide any evidence of his whereabouts, I would be able to send over some money. PLEASE let me know.
Dont mean to be harsh or anything but if you say your daughter is in trouble, then as a parent you would have already been in Nairobi from last year when you started posting this!
Good luck!
I absolutely agree with the previous post and I clearly remember advising you to go to Nairobi to oversee and manage the search, liaise with the police etc.
The response by the Kenyan Officials in New York is absolutely right - what actual evidence of crimes were you able to present. You say that the US Police have a duty to investigate..............but Kenya isn't the US. In any case, I rather wonder whether the US Police would investigate a similar matter outside their borders. Unlikely, I would have thought.
Surely all the money you have spend so far on this could have paid for you to go to Kenya. It is what you must do now.
I remember you saying that this couple should be easy to spot. This is evidently not the case, as they have not been found. In any case, when Ahmed is out and about, or working, he may not have Maria with him??
Please don't take offence: If my daughter had been in a similar situation, I'd have gone to Kenya immediately. From my knowledge of Kenyans, your reluctance to go to Kenya may be interpreted as indifference.
Have you seen the movie 'Taken'. Watch it, then act similarly, but without the guns etc,
We may try to handle the issue through direct involvement of parents and local efforts altogether.
I am not aware of legal context, how can one stop her to stay with someone (who might have negative profile).
However if found, she may only be requested to understand the facts.
I spoke with international investigators who work in Kenya. They are insisting that I remain in the US to deal with this on a political basis. They have explained that if I can get the US government involved then the US Ambassador to Kenya will insist that the immigration department in Kenya act. They also think my appearance in Kenya could backfire.
I am using my instincts and my judgment. Still, I have no easy answer. I would go to Kenya in a second if I thought that I could get some result. As a man, I would travel the world for my my children to protect them. But the US government, Kenya immigration and the CID as well as private investigators are telling me to try and persuade the government to act.
The money part of it has been tough. I have other children. But also all of my money has been spent on hiring experts and investigators. Also, I can't work while my daughter is in danger. I am well beyond the point of borrowing money from family and friends. The Westlands and Parklands are the two main places where he/they would likely be. I guess that I am hoping someone sees the Facebook page: "Jason Scared" and spots them.
If I had the resources, I would hire 5 people to be on the lookout. Once he was found, then follow him to where he works. Take pictures and report him to immigrations. I can't believe this has been going on for so long. Every time the phone rings, I am thinking it's my daughter.
If someone finds them I will find a way to send money. I need a hero. I need my daughter to be safe.
do you mind if i share your FBpage with nairobi women FBgroup?
My Personal view is that it will be difficult to get the US Gvt/Ambassador involved, without concrete evidence of this mans crimes, or evidence that your daughter is being held against her will. Who are the investigators advising you of this? How sure are you that their advice isn't based on the hope that you will just continue to send money? Perhaps the investigators think that if you appear in Kenya, their activity, or lack of, will be revealed. As far as Iam aware, the US influence in Kenya isn't very great.
The Facebook Page is useful, as we now know what your daughter and Ahmed look like, BUT, your daughter appears as if she is quite happy, in those pictures. One of the pictures appears to have been taken at the coast. How do you know that this isn't where your daughter is now? Why are you so sure that she is in Parklands/Westlands?
What about your daughters status in Kenya. How long is her visa? The visitors visa is normally 3 months, but can be extended to 6 months. However, anyone who is/will be in Kenya for more than 90 days is legally required to register at immigration. Overstaying and failure to register are both offences for which you can be arrested. Its just possible that Immigration may have dealt with her and would have a record of this.
I still maintain that progress would have been made by now, if you had spent some time in Kenya. By being there, you could have mobilised the police and immigration (you would have to bribe them, unfortuately) to help you out, without putting yourself 'in the firing line', so to speak. As it is, I strongly suspect that your 'investgators' are enjoying beer and 'nyama choma' from the money you send to them.
I sincerely hope that someone in Kenya will recognise your daughter from your Facebook Page.
Am really sorry for you as regards what is happening to your daughter but i share Longonot 62 sentiments.Back here in Kenya,we guys can only do so much.I know you stated before that you have constraints that do not allow you to come to Kenya but believe me your physically being here could be just what is needed to spearhead all that should be happening here in the right direction.Please think about it.Yes, your other children may want you to be there but not as much as the one in question;she practically needs you.
Hi -
The the person who requested to share the fb page with Nairobi Women, please, of course.
Yes, I am concerned about arriving to Nairobi and having to deal with bribes. I am against bribes. Also, I have spoken to several expats and they advice me against this. They fear I might become a target for continued payment and still not get a result.
I am very concerned that the diplomats from Kenya have not provided results. Therefore, I am trying to meet with higher ranking officials from the US state department to see if they can help to persuade the Kenya government to act.
The one picture of Maria in the water is misleading. First of all, Maria can't swim. She is at the mercy of Ahmed. Also, I am sure he wants pictures to give the appearance that Maria is happy to hold as evidence. It's important to keep things in context. Ahmed has been to jail for attempted murder and he is now wanted for child rape. He is an expert at mind games and control. In Hong Kong, in from of the police, Maria would say that she loves him. She is a scared teenager. Only after he was arrested did she feel safe enough to divulge about the way he was, and his methods of abuse. Once again, she has just turned 18 and he was 28. Think about your own experiences as to how easy it would be for a man this age to confuse the mind and play games with a high school student.
One of Ahmed's former gf's told me that his control was so explosive that she dared not be on the internet with her own family unless he was there to monitor her. Both this gf and his wife tell about how he would make the girls cry either by not providing food or sleep, and then make them say that he is the only person who truly knows them. This is mind control.
Maria had a 90 days visa. So I do not know how she can stay longer. I wrote to immigration many times and asked them not to extend her visa. For Ahmed, there are always tricks. Maybe he paid to have her visa extended.
- Jason
*Yes, I am concerned about arriving to Nairobi and having to deal with bribes. I am against bribes. Also, I have spoken to several expats and they advice me against this. They fear I might become a target for continued payment and still not get a result.*
I fear that this process is already happening with the money you have/are sending to your 'investigators' and 'experts'. How can you possibly know that they have done any investigating at all? Yes, those expats do have a point, but my point is that your approach so far hasn't worked. Dealing with the situation from afar like this, will probably send a message to your investigators that you are not really all that concerned.
Concerning bribes; I am not in favour of them either. However, in Kenya this is very often how things get done......especially in a situation like this. Police and government officials are quite poorly paid. Rest assured that your investigators (assuming that they are doing something) will have paid bribes on your behalf. If you want your daughter back, you will have to put your opinions about bribes to one side.
Regarding the photos: I did say that Maria 'appears to be happy'. We all know that appearances can be deceptive.
As I said before, I don't think that diplomats are the right route. I don't believe that US diplomats in Kenya have the influence to make the Kenyan authorities act. However, I am not american, so am not absolutely sure. I do know that the UK High Commission are unlikely to get involved in a case like this and the UK sphere of influence in Kenya is arguably considerably greater than that of the US.
Maria's visa will have expired, unless she has been to immigration to renew it. If she hasn't, the authorities do not have the resources to track down visa overstayers - they usually 'get them' on departure, where they are arrested and arraigned. In this case, possibly for the double offence of overstaying and failure to register as an alien.
You say you have written to Immigration. A waste of time; its a large department and a letter not addressed specifically will probably be lost. In addition, the Kenyan Posta isn't all that efficient and letters can take weeks, months, or never arrive. The Immigration Department is best dealt with on a face to face basis. YOU go to Nyayo House, in Nairobi, with all the physical evidence you can get. Immigration fingerprint and photograph all foreigners arriving for the first time, so should have some evidence of your daughters presence in Kenya. Its a starting point. If Maria has been to Immigration to renew her visa, she would also be required to register as an alien. For this full details are taken and Immigration would have a record.
I still maintain that by not going to Kenya, you are sending the wrong message about this, particularly to Kenyan's. The message you are sending is that you are not very serious about finding your daughter. If I were to be in a similar position to you, the first thing I would do would be to 'log on' and get myself a flight to Kenya.
I do not think that you should be concerned about your personal safety around going to Kenya, either.
Hi Thika - Thank you for your comments. I appreciate your insight. Actually, I have spoke with the Kenyan Ambassador to the US Assistant yesterday and he has schedule an appointment for me on Tuesday. He says that next week his office will be sending over an official correspondence to the Immigration Department and that such letter will compel action.
My instinct, as with any parent, was to go to Kenya. But as a foreigner, according to what I have heard, it's complicated. I do not want to be in a situation whereby I am paying bribes and possibly making things worse. I was hoping that someone would spot them at Parklands or the Westlands. I am offering a reward for pictures and other information. Therefore, I think if someone can copy the pictures from the Facebook page: Jason Scared --- Then they can be located. He works every day. Once immigration finds him, then he will be arrested for immigration fraud and Maria will be safe. Do u know anyone who can help me?
I dont mean to portray a bad picture of Kenya or scare you in any way,quite on the contrary.i hope you will see a true picture of how things are done down here.I was on internship at Immigration for the better part of last year(about ten months).Though not at the aliens dept.,i had friends who worked there and once in a while i would do follow ups on some passports application.The process was slower than anything imaginable.For starters,you,once a friend now become a stranger to them.they treat you like everybody else no favours whatsoever .second,the bribery part:you have to bribe at just about every stage there is before you are done.different amounts depending on the urgency and the individual you are dealing with.not mentioning you have to make follow ups and continously 'remind' them to work on your case.The only upper hand if i can call it that,that i got was no queueing,other than that ,the experience was not something here i am,working there,interacting with those concerned just about daily,they are no strangers at all to me,i bribe whenever i have to so as to 'remind' them and this.... is my story...take a guess,what is the writing on your script?miles away,working with 'experts'that means you are dealing with them indirectly,you r against bribes,(so am i) by the way.see,your story may or will not be different from mine only worse.Longonot is right.Come to kenya if you want to put all this behind you.
How sure are you that they are in Parklands, or Westlands? i would have thought that in either of those areas, they would be very conspicuous. One of those photos was taken at the coast somewhere. How do know they are not there?
He works in the mobile phone business. I'm pretty sure he's in the areas whereby he friends and the Indian community is located. I've been told that a lot of people from India work illegally in the two main areas. There is comfort in numbers. He operated the same way in Hong Kong when he was there, always within large groups, before he went to jail. And his wife says it was his way in India. I've learn that child molesters are often live a life whereby they don't think they are doing anything wrong. Hence, they just go about their lives. Maria can't do anything without his authorization. He is mean and dangerous and she is very scared. Hence, I remain very confident that if someone would simply print out the pictures and show them around these two areas, he will be located.
You are uploading most of the photos in facebook of your daughter and ahmed's in nairobi, how do you get those photos?
They were on Maria's fb. He's obviously placing them as a badge of honor, trying to convince himself and/or others that there is no need to worry. His wife (yes, he's married - he married a 14 year old girl in India by lying ab her age) complained that he would do the same thing with her. In the morning he would beat her and she would cry for hours. In the afternoon he would take her to the park and shot pictures.
What is marias Facebook name , might send a friend request to her and see where she is updating from or look at the background and see if i can recognize the surrounding .
Hi Diana -
We've tried everything. She won't add friends to her fb. Anyway, he controls her friends. It's terrible. At this point, I just hope that the Kenya gov is proceeding. That's the word I got from the nice people at the Kenya Embassy to the US... It's just been torture. Every day is worse than the one before...
if money is not a problem for you, then create an advertisement saying, who ever can find my daughter wil get a reward money of some dollars or shillings, then distribute those leaflets or ads to local people, then sure you will get to your daughter. just making your daughter popular in Expat.coms wont help. take some action, if you really want your daughter.
I have been sending money to Nairobi with no result. I really do not know who to trust. I have always been offering a reward for pictures or reliable information of Maria and/or Ahmed's whereabouts. When asked about why I am not in Kenya, I say not being there is the hardest part. However, from the US I have been able to have many important meetings. I believe that the meetings last week will lead to his arrest and Maria returning home. I am sure he has convinced my daughter that if she talks then he will really hurt her. Knowing what I do about Ahmed, especially from my conversations with his wife, he's absolutely threatening her. Bottom line, if I do not get a result soon from Kenya, then I will travel there, since there will be nothing else I can do from here. If so, it would be nice to meet with you and others who have contacted me.
Scared , you can create a Facebook page with her foto and reward money for anyone who has seen her and will give information to her whereabouts . This should be a page and not a profile that one needs to add friend . Then i can also post it on my profile and ask my friends to do the same . Then maybe just maybe someone has seen her . Make sure you write both her names , will be easier that wAy , all the best and praying for your family
You have been sending money to whom? kenya is a corrupt country. If you want your things to get done, then fly here and deal yourself. that would be better, money is nothing than own daughter. You cannot trust people here. You r money will fry and no work would be done.
How can you say he would be arrested? do they know where he stay? if they know where he stay its matter of minuets to arrest him. But how can you make sure they wil arrest him? He can also pay money to those corrupted officers and fly away.
think once before you take any step further, if he come ot know you are doing something wrong to him then he might fly away to another country and then it will become a difficult task to get your daughter.
think think think
note:- do not give money to anyone until your work is done.
The more I read of all these posts, and emails sent privately to people here the less I believe the whole story. For example, Jay/Jason/whatever name you're using this week, I know you have been in contact with a very good lawyer here, with contacts in the government, senior CID officials and many members of the Indian community. When she suggested that the best way to proceed would be to come to Nairobi, and work directly with her contacts, you sent a long ranting email about people only trying to rip you off for your money. This after the lawyer in question had done many hours of work on your behalf and had not asked for one cent from you. Apparently you had a contact in the security services who was going to help you for free. Pray tell, what happened to him?
My own contacts in the security services would be able to make progress from the IP address you say you have, you refuse to provide it.
So Jay/Jason/whoever, what is this really all about? If it was my child I would have been on the next flight from Bucharest to Nairobi, not heading the other way to USA.
Your intention to come to Kenya to actively participate in this whole 'rescue operation' is one good decision if not the best that you have made in as far as your daughter is concerned.Wishing you all the best as you seek to take one of the many steps in the right direction.
Well said Kevin, and very interesting. If it had been my daughter, I would also have immediately gone to Kenya. You could be right in that there is a lot we are not being told and there is 'something else' going on under the surface here, which could be partly to do with the real reason you won't go to Kenya.
Jason, if you really want peoples assistance, I think that you really must give the whole story. For example, above you were asked for Maria's FB name. Rather than give it out, you just say she won't accept friends. Not very helpful.
@kevin, thats what even most of them are suggesting but i dont know why he is still thinking to come here. we can only believe in all the stories unless we come to know the truth. even no body is sure, how cruel is that guy or how much his daughter and that guy love each other. Is it that you are trying to create sympathy from people by showing that guy is cruel towards your daughter? or is he really that kind? It dosent make any sense being in USA and running all these stories. You better come here and solve things ASAP.
I absolutely agree with the previous posts.
As writing on a blog wont help you boss. Instead of procrastinate, you should be here and liaise with the Govt officials / Police.
I Kenya & I like to help u, Pls contact me & I will see how I can hlp u or u can get me on fb my account name is Elijah Akaki
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