
Home brew, airport customs, home appliances and antenatal care?

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As my time to enter libya rapidly aproaches I have a few direct questions I would like some help with.
Thanks Sandman and Geoff for your out of forum help!

There are going to be a few of us coming out at the same time so I here goes with some quieries?

Home Brew kits.? I know that previous posts have said that you can bring these in, however does this mean that you can bring in the beerkeg style kit complete with half a dozen packets that are clearly labled 'dutch larger' ect? or do you have to disguise them or not bring at all?

Airport and customs? Do they really go through you bags 'like McCartney in Japan' (old beetles reference)? As most of my travel has been through the western world and Europe, I have been blessed by not ever having my bags checked at customs anywhere! I have heard that they xray all bags at the airport and I was wondering what other things they look for other than alcohol. Below is a list of the specific stuff I would like to bring with me in my suitcases.

Cordial (squash or syrup).? If all I can drink is the water I want to give it some flavor.

DVD's box sets and single ones.? I have over 400 and they are all just normal western (not cowboy) type movies and tv series.

Vegemite? (kind of the same as marmite but Australian, need a little taste of home)

Old knives and Swords? I am not an axe wielding homicidal maniac, I just collect them and have quite an extensive collection that I would rather have on my wall than sitting in my motherinlaw's garage!

Computer and memory devices? Do they scan memory sticks and laptops? I don't have anything to dogey but it you never know?

Ok, now to appliances. I have read on previous posts that it may be best to byo toaster kettle ect.
What about knives forks glasses and plates ect.? Are there shops where these are readily available?

Finally, any info on what type of antenatal care there is? We will have company medical insurance.

Thank you in advance for all your help!


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Home Brew kits.? I know that previous posts have said that you can bring these in, however does this mean that you can bring in the beerkeg style kit complete with half a dozen packets that are clearly labled 'dutch larger' ect? or do you have to disguise them or not bring at all?

I got hold of a plastic fermenting barrel here in Libya from an expat who was leaving, but I understand that they don’t show much interest in empty vessels…

With the malt extract tins, just remove the paper label from around the tin, plus the instruction notes and the yeast sachet from under the plastic cap. Just make a XXX or XXXX on the tin with permanent marker so you know what brew it is. I’ve been stopped at customs with up to 6 tins in my bags before and they give it just a cursory shake when I say it’s “baby formula” heh heh.

Airport and customs? Do they really go through you bags 'like McCartney in Japan' (old beetles reference)? As most of my travel has been through the western world and Europe, I have been blessed by not ever having my bags checked at customs anywhere! I have heard that they xray all bags at the airport and I was wondering what other things they look for other than alcohol. Below is a list of the specific stuff I would like to bring with me in my suitcases.

Most of the time there is not even anyone looking at the screen so see what’s going through the Xray. They are looking for GLASS BOTTLES, no matter what the bottle contains. Last time we came in we had a large bottle of soy sauce and they had a right fecking giddy….and ended up rifling through most of our other stuff. Fortunately they couldn’t be arsed to look through the cool bags where we had all the sausage, bacon and ribs stashed.

Cordial (squash or syrup).? If all I can drink is the water I want to give it some flavor.

Don’t bother, you can buy cordial and decent quality juice here.

DVD's box sets and single ones.? I have over 400 and they are all just normal western (not cowboy) type movies and tv series.

Never had a problem with DVDs or CDs at the airport, although they’ll probably keep back any boxes marked DVD/CD/Books from your shipment to take a closer look. They still have 6 boxes from our shipment which arrived 3 weeks ago. It makes things easier and quicker if you can compile an inventory of these things and include with your packing list/shipping docs. If it’s in Arabic even better. 

Vegemite? (kind of the same as marmite but Australian, need a little taste of home)

Is that the shaite you pick from between your toes? Justifiably banned lol. Na, bring it in, you can’t find it here.

Old knives and Swords? I am not an axe wielding homicidal maniac, I just collect them and have quite an extensive collection that I would rather have on my wall than sitting in my motherinlaw's garage!

(personally) I wouldn’t bother bringing in anything remotely weapon-associated as it’ll delay your clearing.

Computer and memory devices? Do they scan memory sticks and laptops? I don't have anything to dogey but it you never know?

Not as far as I know they don’t….but it’s always a good idea to create a hidden directory to hide the nawty pics of the missus/girlfriend/boyfriend.

Ok, now to appliances. I have read on previous posts that it may be best to byo toaster kettle ect. What about knives forks glasses and plates ect.? Are there shops where these are readily available?

You can buy all these things here, but the choice of brands is limited and the shelves are full of Chinese made crap.

Finally, any info on what type of antenatal care there is? We will have company medical insurance.

This is available through the Medilink clinic who have agreements with BUPA / CIGNA etc


Hi Ed,

I'll do the best I can here with your questions...

Home Brew kits?  We brought in 6 kits last month without problems - labels and all - and this was not the first time.  Have heard rumors that some people have had them confiscated out of their bags at the airport lately but these are all those "a friend of a friend of mine" type tales so not sure if this is accurate.  IMO - always worth a try!

Airport and customs?  They scan all bags through an x-ray machine and if they see anything they are interested in they will go through it.  Most of the time the person running the scanner is not watching - chatting with friends is much more interesting I suppose.  I have never had anyone look in my bags.  A friend of mine had his bag checked because he had a bottle of juice in there - looked like a bottle of booze - but they just sniffed the juice and put it right back in his bag next to the packages of frozen bacon and pork sausages.

Cordial - If they are looking at the scanners, they would probably check this.

DVDs, Computers/Memory Sticks - Theorectically they could check for porn but I would highly doubt they would.  I have never heard of anyone having an issue.

Vegemite - oh you Aussies and your vegemite! Shouldn't be an issue.

Knives/swords - I don't know about that one.  If they are precious to you I would suggest you leave them at home or ship them seperately.  Then again they do sell travel pocket knives in the duty free shop in Tripoli airport before you get on the plane...

Keep in mind that it is all really touch and go when it comes to Libyan "procedures" so really anything could happen at the airport.  They could say "no food" and take your Vegemite, (heaven forbid), or they could let you through with 14 litres of vodka because they are not watching the scanners - it is all a bit of a gamble.

You can get anything you need in the way of plates, forks, knives, etc.  Do not fret about bringing these.  IMO there is no need to bring appliances with you either - though most stuff here is crap I would rather buy 5 $20 blenders than pay $200 in excess baggage to get my good one here.  All up to you and what you have for space, storage at home, etc.

Wowsers - that was long winded!

Good luck!


Ha ha - should have known Sandman would be on it -


laurieloo82 wrote:

Ha ha - should have known Sandman would be on it -



Wow! You guys don't muck around with answers!
I was kind of expecting to need answers off a few different people, but I should have guessed that Mr Sand would take care of it!
Thanks a million Laurieloo and Sandman.
I guess I will have to just suck it and see with the beer brew packs, I don't think I can put baby formula on a plastic pack with a picture of a beer stein on it!
If they only look for bottles in your bags maybe I could bring my in JD in a camelpak!
Thanks again!


aussiedutchie wrote:

maybe I could bring my in JD in a camelpak!

After all the hooch smuggling stories I've heard, I imagine you wouldn't be the first to try it.....


Is anyone doing whole grain?  I know it takes more luggage space, but I'm curious...


gabacho wrote:

Is anyone doing whole grain?  I know it takes more luggage space, but I'm curious...

Yep, there are a few ardent whole grain brewers here, along with the winemakers and flash fiends :o:lol:

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