Expat family meeting

Hello everyone,
Some expat members will be meeting at Segafreo coffee on the Khobar corniche. It's near by a big Jarir Bookstore. At 19:30 in Thursday, 17th of November 2011.
The meeting is especially for women but you the husbands are welcomed too.
Anyone coming?

i'm coming

more info https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=119320

:( so i can't come then i gotta pave the way for my wife when she comes out here i'll be a good boy and sit in the corner as tmaesaller i'm a good boy honest :D

u're funny. I am just worry about the saudis hanging around just to get to know women. you are welcome. no problem with you. i hope :D so see u there.

R80GS'er wrote:

:( so i can't come then i gotta pave the way for my wife when she comes out here i'll be a good boy and sit in the corner as tmaesaller i'm a good boy honest :D

I'll join ya.. :D

Topic sticked.;)

I think the boys should meet in the single section and the women in the family section. Because a boy alone may have problems to enter in the family section. I don't know. What you think?

alexandra17sa wrote:

I think the boys should meet in the single section and the women in the family section. Because a boy alone may have problems to enter in the family section. I don't know. What you think?

ok so we have telephone conference call at the same time so we can feel like we are together and chatting lmao never mind it's kinda hard sometimes init?

still something i have to get used to i suppose till my wife gets here

R80GS'er wrote:

:( so i can't come then i gotta pave the way for my wife when she comes out here i'll be a good boy and sit in the corner as tmaesaller i'm a good boy honest :D

hey.. you can't proxy me.. im coming too.. but ill be a liitle late and maybe just staying a short while coz i got something going this weekend.. plus i went to an even better cafe in corniche.. its called Mondo Cafe at the back of Red Tag store.. The red tag store is beside zara and mossimo dutti.. its private, nice comfy seating.. has a very nice ambiance and really good coffee and food too.. its better there and the guys can join us there too coz the family section is private.. more spacious than segafredos.. so i do i contact you guys?

Ok then. Let's meet at Mondo Cafe, same time. Is there any other woman except Tmaesalle at the meeting?

Ok guys. I'm not coming anymore to the meeting since just "tmaesalle" will be there and for a very short time.but you should go on.exchange numbers between you or find a way to recognize each other and have fun. let me know how it was!

ok. so how was the meeting?

alexandra17sa wrote:

ok. so how was the meeting?

don't think anyone went in the end

al khobar is kinda dead....:(

i'm new in town and gonna try and build a group that want to do things like going into the desert ....not deep just off the road out of town and have BBQ shisha bit of fun.

I will see what i can organise and will post on here when/if i get anything sorted...

good luck with that!
hope you will find someone to join u.

I am new in Khobar, single expat. Can I come too? or restricted for singles as per Saudi rules lol

sure you can. y don't u contact the guys from here directly and meet up?

^ sure

Ok guys. So when you will be meeting? Fix up a date. Wednesday? Thursday? Friday? You could go play some billiard, have dinner together, meet in a coffee shop or anything. Go ahead!

So you didn't make it ! That's really disappointing !
Next time I & my wife will join you, but you need to be more serious first.

Can single be part of it?

i was very serious but there were no women coming. i just felt kind of weird to go to a meeting where i will be the only woman. when can you meet up?

How about a meeting for couples only next week ? couples only

Let me see if my husband is not in call, and if he is not we are in. Anyone else?

Ok. So we can't meet the next weekend, but we can make it this weekend. Is it ok? Who is in?

So kind to the husbands...next meeting 22 December in Al-Hasa, my treat :p...and u can bring the wife...lol

do you guys still have meetings ?

Yea...if ur an expat

well.. i am Saudi but lived out of Saudi for about 8 years and will be back to Saudi in May.

I respect what you guys wanted to do but if its ok with you to let me join that would be cool.

Hy everyone.
In Jubail, we already set up a community for women. I don't know anything about the girls in Khobar, but if you will come by Jubail, let us know.

No more meetings
I am single but i need to feel family style :)

Good lUck guys

I'm glad that I found out here a romanian nationality person . All the best for you and your family.

ya if ther is any meeting for coules only let us know ,, we r coule with 2 kids .. moving to alkhobar next month ,,,, woud like to have nice openminded couple meetings .,,

Do you mean couples?

any new gatherings going on, i suggest a hotel with a nice view where everybody can enjoy :cool:

lets have a group of 5 to 10 and i will take care of the rest