Julie, a job interview in The Bahamas is like a job interview in the USA. Follow the same rule: have a recent resume, possess a certified work permit or residence status, know background info about the company/position you're applying for, be well-acquainted with the duties expected of you, dress professionally, be polite, and be on time.
While the culture is laid-back and tropical, professionalism is never so and you are expected to be everything you say you are. Professional dress entails a suit with a camisole/button-down and well-polished shoes. Professional behavior means being on time for the interview (they will not wait for you), possessing the appropriate information (resume, certificates, references, residence/work permit) in English, speaking standard English, and being able to 'hit the ground running' (knowing what you're talking about not just 'talking the talk' of your industry). The Bahamas is a developing nation and is only interested in persons that can assist in the growth of that development so the job interview structure is stringent. It will seem that they're trying to find fault with you and they are! But once you're part of the team, they're very supportive.