
Husband and I thinking of moving to Malta, have lots of questions??

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HI Everyone i hope that someone can help answer my questions, im a Trainer, / visual merchandiser by trade and my husband is a photographer. We are in the very early stages of thinking about making the move to Malta. I have Family that live in malta which i will get to know better if we move there, but i wanted to get opinions on where the best places to live are, we like the beach but also like the country side. We have a monthly budget of arouond 600 euros but need somewhere that will be suitable for 2 dogs with outdoor space. we can live without a Pool as i dont think we would get this for that sort of money. Also work wise we both need jobs for the above trades. Healthcare, is this private or is it similair to the NHS?

What are the weather seasons like and when?

Seee so many questions and i have more if there is anyone that can answer even one that would be a help and a step in the right direction. I look forward to any replies.  thanks  Rachel

See also

Living in Malta: the expat guideTravelling to Malta with two dogsTravelling with 3 dogs from UK to MaltaLong term room /apartmentHow to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in Malta

Hi Rachel.

welcome to our forum. Browse around a bit , there are many previous posts about which areas to live in. There are many different opinions about where is best !

I'm not quite sure what Trainer/visual merchandizer means in the Maltese context.

As a photographer I presume your husband has his contacts and contracts outside of Malta. If not it might prove difficult to get into the Maltese networks as a newcomer but I don't really know much about that area.

For EU citizens healthcare is not based on residency as in the UK but on contributions if you work or you can pay privately.

The UK has agreements on transferring entitlement to national healthcare in Malta if contributions to the NHS have been made in the past. That can be for up to 2 1/2 years . You should check  out the exact terms and conditions in the UK (NHS) while you are still there. THere are also previous posts on this subject.



if you hold UK passports, there is also the reciprocal health agreement

jim IPTV

Hi guy's welcome to "The Source" we moved to Malta 3 months ago and the forum has helped us with all our questions, introduced us to new friends and gave us a laugh as well. If we can help please ask, we have a dog, and the best sea view ever, I can even put my boat under the window (well 50 feet away). I am a photographer/videoographer although don't do much work with the camera now all computers and web-work. I do have a Yachting project I want to move to Malta because the opportunities here I believe are great. Anyways, welcome and hope to see you here soon. JIm n Bev


hi rachel
exciting times coming up for you and your big move!!
i moved here from bristol just over a year ago.
my wife is maltese and has family here which, believe me, will help you in your first few months settling down.
the great thing about malta is, wherever you live, you will be close to a beach.
summers are great , winters can get a bit chilly due to the humidity.
we live in santa venera, no countryside whatsoever but it suits us fine, (10minutes from a beach !!)
but after reading jim's post, im seriously considering selling up and moving in with him n bev!seaview and boat outside the window??perfect!! to jim, we often come to qawra for sunday afternoon walks with our two girls. we'll have to catch up some time for a cisk, my wife is half maltese/half scottish. i havent worked out which half is which yet though!
good luck rachel and hope to see you here soon


HI all thanks so much for your quick replies, Its nice to see so many people make the move and for it to be successful, i think the main sticking point is Work, i have been looking for jobs that myself and husband could do with the knowledge we have and there isnt alot. Jim it sounds like you have the right sort of life out there. We went sailing for the first time a month ago in england ,it was freezing it actually started hailstoning whilst we were out to sea, which was bizzare sunny one minute hailstones the next.
Cheers Ricky for your advice, Trainer means to Train people in a certain field i currently train people in jewellery industry about all aspects of jewellery, and a visual merchanidser is someone creates window and instore displays with merchanidse . I done know whether there are many roles within these fields but im open to suggestions. I Also enjoy Art and Chocolate so if there is anyone in this field that can help also that would be interesting to talk about. As for my husband and his photography it would be a case of maybe making some new contacts.,

Cheers all look forward to your replies.

rachel and Brett :-)


rbm wrote:

I Also enjoy .. Chocolate

so do I, and beer even more so - yet to find a career though either though :-)


cracked it! ... cisk in chocolate bottles ... everyones a winner hehe


It might work! ha


Hi Rachel and Brett,

yes,so your job description is what I thought it would be .

Well, I think most Maltese dealing with customers whether local or foreigners could do with your services. The first step would be to try and get them to put price tags on the stuff in the shop window as required by law and the second step would be to get them of the phone with their friends when a customer enters the shop and the third step would be to get to know the articles that they are selling. I usually have to show them and explain myself. The last time was at Mothercare and I'm a Nannu !

But from my experience nobody cares and is certainly not going to pay for training -))) Sad but .....

Shop windows are usually visualized(decorated) by the owner or staff .

I'll keep my eyes open for job openings in those areas but maybe your Maltese family can network and find you work. Malta is a small place. I'm sure there are jobs but just expect the so called 'Maltese' salary.

When are you thinking of coming to Malta ?



Thanks for that ricky, we will keep doing our research. Whats the demand like for english food out there like traditional scones, cup cakes etc ?


Magic Words....

"Cupcakes".... "Scones".....

Ricky and myself are the main Testers in this area so if you would like to get the samples to us we will endeavour to give you a fair response... please note that there may be the need for further testing which would include the fabulous cornish clotted cream... but we will advise.



Big Sam

Hi, welcome to my Malta, I am a Maltese, 100%.
It seems all your questions have been answered satisfactorily, so i only need to show you this: [Moderated]

good luck and good bye,


Hi Alfred,

your post should have been under 'Classifieds' but as you confirmed our advice from a Maltese point of view -)) and the rates for your apartment seem reasonable (from an Expat point of view) and you charge rates through the meter you are excused this time.

I wish you good luck with renting out.


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