Residence permit

Can I start the residency process here in Punta Cana or do I have to fly back to the USA to begin it there?

I am currently in Punta Cana now.

You must start it in the USA or wherever you are from.

I have just arrived from the Boston MA area with my Permanent Residency (retired min $1500/month). documents all certified, apostatized and translated at the Boston Consulate and my 60 day visa.   Any suggestions/tips on how to present them to the Migracion office in Santo Domingo? 

Thanks to all.

You must now create profile and upload All required documents in the DGM portal.  The documents will only be accepted in JPEG format.

Once that is fully completed and sent you will monitor status change and appointment scheduled. That process for intial review is running between 15 to 30 days.

Also recommend seeking some legal assistance because it can be stressful and unforseen delays with the DGM … kuNjAuMC4w

I strongly suggest you have a lawyer guide and walk with you through the entire Part 2 process of securing your permanent residency card. We used Wilson Rood in Santo Domingo. One of his staff members accompanied us to the Dirección General de Migración office in Santo Domingo. In my opinion, to have an expert with you is a must. The immigration building is massive and chaotic. Staff speak little to no English. The process involves another medical at a clinic chosen by immigration and situated on the other side of this city of 7 million. You should make sure to apply for your cedula at the same time. You will need your resident card in order to get your cedula card. All this to say, we could not have gone through it without the assistance of a lawyer. Wilson was great and made the process much easier!


Additionally, sorry the entire 2nd part of the process to complete and get issued your IDs is running currently between 3 to 6 months.

Agree with the "highly recommend" to get legal assistance to complete the DGM process

Even if you are fluent in Spanish, I also highly recommend an attorney who knows the process and the players! Lishali Baez is excellent! Many of us on this forum have used her and have had wonderful experiences. She typically likes to be involved prior to applying for your visa to make sure all that paperwork is done correctly, but she might be able to help with just the Residencia application. She knows the folks at DGM, which really seems to help! She's originally from Boston and fluent in English.

Lishali Baez - 809-860-1231