
What's the deal with "Noivas do Cordeiro"?

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Just learnt about this community in rural Minas Gerais.  Sure, there is a lot of history how the men went away to work leaving the women behind to take care of the fields.

But, is the widespread display of "beautiful, hard working women" just that - tourism marketing?

Don't get me wrong - I understand that people have freedom to express themselves  in any way that they want - but from looking at the google reviews of the place, it appears that people all over the world seem to feel that this is a place for catalog bride order.

Apart from eye candy, is there anything else to take out of a visit there?

See also

Living in Brazil: the expat guideBeach TrikeBrazil Visitor E-Visa Is OnlineDigital Nomad Visa RenewalBringing animals ( dogs and cats) to Brazil

KKKKKKKK never heard of the place.


    KKKKKKKK never heard of the place.

    -@Gasparzinho 777

I am waiting for the "investigating story" from @sprealestatebroker.  Hoping that this story has a happy ending as I am a sucker for this sort of thing....


It was documented the gender imbalance in the State of Minas for a long ago.  This comes to no surprise.

Mind you, the imbalance is not by a wide margin. Probably way less than 5%.  And the localities pulling the numbers are on places like Govenador Valadares, Ipatinga,, where the most contigent of men migrated to the US.

Being this was aired by Globo, chances are, it is likely to be  hype, and little substance.   Which was the same that started this rumor, out of some inacurate IBGE data set. And then the other outlets foilowed.

And  that eye candy women,  on divulged pictures , well then, fat chance. Good to boost visitor's attendance.

And add to the picture, Mineiro man is very protective of his, while he filander with other's. I've seen plenty of anedoctal evidence to is. My own.  The expression, "Mineiro come quieto" comes from their own reputation.

You better off to Ukraine or Russia, where real catalogue brides are famous for.   Russian women getting married to Chinese Farmers

You show up to this town, seeking bride, you will look like the biggest fool around.

Brazilian men's choice of subjects during casual conversation are soccer, the domestic politics, and drooling over  women's features.  Stuff like that adds fuel to the fire, and it is a favorite serving for the local media.


@sprealestatebroker, thank you for the background.

What happened to the men who went to the US?  Did they go back?  I am asking because I have several Brazilian friends in the US and they all married non Brazilians and stayed.

Re: Russian - I also do have a couple of friends with Russian wives (1 Indian in the US and 1 Chinese in Singapore).  I cannot comment on the beauty of their wives but based on the discussions with my friends, their wives are really enjoying the freedom of not being in Russia.

Re:  Noivas do Cordeiro - is this a place worthy of a visit?  And what should we be looking for, realistically, if going there?


    @sprealestatebroker, thank you for the background.
What happened to the men who went to the US?  Did they go back?  I am asking because I have several Brazilian friends in the US and they all married non Brazilians and stayed.
Re: Russian - I also do have a couple of friends with Russian wives (1 Indian in the US and 1 Chinese in Singapore).  I cannot comment on the beauty of their wives but based on the discussions with my friends, their wives are really enjoying the freedom of not being in Russia.

Re:  Noivas do Cordeiro - is this a place worthy of a visit?  And what should we be looking for, realistically, if going there?


As I said before, waste of time. 

Just a gimmick or an oddity worth publishing to get eyeballs. 

The Brazzers who married there did so for the Green Card, Same as for women. Some stay married. A majority ends up in divorce.  Men and Women.

And this place in Minas , is not far from Belo Horizonte.  Very unlikely to have such a gender imabalance.

They took their findings and went on to hunt for a spot, as if they said,..... "See it, it is really true:"  Straight out from the script on the "Here comes the brides" where jason Bolt sails to Fall River, MA to get brides for the lonely loggermen in Tacoma WA. 

The only time you will have a disproportional number of female against male population is in war ravaged countries.

Way before the war, Anglo men flocked to Odessa to snag beautiful and younger women. With the war in progress, odds are, there are a lot more females.

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