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Hello, I’m both excited and nervous considering a move to Montevideo with the next four months. How and where do I find expats in Montevideo?

See also

Living in Uruguay: the expat guideIs there a place where expats meet in Montevideo ?Is there any expat community in UruguayAmerican Musicians in MontevideoPossible Expat Meeting

Just do a search for, for instance,

facebook expats in uruguay

...and you will get a few hits.

Before you consider moving, you should visit at least once!  You should know that the majority of expats end up back in their home countries within several years - your chances of staying for the long term are better if you already know what to expect and are not reliant on other expats but instead immerse yourself in the local culture, and if you have or are working on a good fluency in the native language.



Many thanks. I appreciate the advice. I plan to visit the end of February. I’m looking for ways to connect with  Expats. I found that helpful in previous adventures.


Greetings and Happy New Year to you in Canada!

If I may say so: moving is hardly an adventure - it is a lot of work, organizing, planning, running around, and a lot of money.

I am just going through this having started a year and a half earlier, from the same country you are hailing from. 

Depending on your situation you will have to do a lot of work before you leave as you apply (different than in most countries) when you have arrived.  Getting the documents before you come the second time is much easier and more efficient from your home country.  And you have to bring your personal belongings within 6  months of your last arrival.  So putting the puzzle together does require some conscious effort and persistence.

If you just want adventure travel through South America for six month - it is cheaper, more fun and an adventure!

OsageArcher is right, come here for a month, look at statistics before you come, verify by checking personally-  Montevideo has many faces, depending where you want to go and how much money you can afford to spend.

All the best!


Articles to help you in your expat project in Montevideo

All of Montevideo's guide articles