VN wife moving from NZ to AUS and different name order on 2 key docs


Together with my wife, who is Vietnamese, we are planning to move to Australia (or different country potentially) from New Zealand. I have a specific question. Perhaps you will be able to help me.

My question is specifically about names. We got married in New Zealand. On our marriage certificate has her names (and she has 3) in the normal order (1,2,3). But Vietnamese passports are arranged so that her names are written in the order: second third first. For this reason, for example, we book airline tickets by giving the middle name (because once we flew by giving the first name, there were minor problems). So I have some concerns that when applying for her temporary visa as my partner and presenting a marriage certificate together with a passport, the office may not accept that it is the same person? I don't know if anyone here faced such a situation moving to any country (not necessarily Australia)? Was there a problem? Or the order of names doesn't matter and there is nothing to worry about?

Thanks for your help

My wife, also Vietnamese from Can Tho, is currently in Christchurch with a visa grant approved and also has a current visa grant for Australia, having visited Australia a number of times in recent months.

I have experienced the importance of ensuring that, with all flight tickets, visa applications, my wife's name is presented the same way as shown on the passport, with the application/flight booking panel boxes indicating surname, middle name, and last name were assigned correctly.

@Wayne Esplin Thanks for replying. Yes, we also didn't have a problem because we filled everything that way. But for some reason we put it in the normal order in marriage certificate which is pretty important document when you apply for visa based on a partnership. What I'm worried about is the difference between passport and marriage certificate (just order difference). That would be the first time we would apply for something based on orr marriage so we are anxious if we can move anywhere now or do we need to divorce and marry again... to get a new certificate

...I have some concerns that when applying for her temporary visa as my partner and presenting a marriage certificate together with a passport, the office may not accept that it is the same person?

What does the office say?

Have you attempted to contact them?

Certainly they must have dealt with similar situations before?

@OceanBeach92107 The thing is it looks like something very complicated to get in contact with Australian Immigration (if you've managed that, please tell me how). The closest I got to getting any kind of contact is to get a phone number to australian high commision in Fiji. I might give them a call but I kind of doubt it that they would know anything about it as it's not them who process visa application. You send it directly to Australia (can't do it online for this visa). But I failed to find any contact form or email or anything to the correct department. I emailed few immigration agents but haven't heard anything back yet.

@OceanBeach92107 The thing is it looks like something very complicated to get in contact with Australian Immigration

So this wasn't helpful?

I see you've cross posted to the Australia forum, and that's likely where you'll get the most dependable feedback.

Good luck!

@OceanBeach92107 Unfortunately after few clicks I land on Fijian branch of Australian Commission and it says:

"We do not provide pre-lodgement migration advice. You can find visa information by visiting the Department of Home Affairs website or the Embassy / Consulate / High Commission website for the country you are in."

If you want to ask about your visa application then there are mandatory fields to fill out, passport details etc. But you cannot ask anything before applying apparently. Which seems crazy to me. How you're supposed to know something if you cannot ask...

In NZ everyone complains about immigration cause you have to wait long time for them to reply or pick up the phone but at least they provide clear advice if you have a question. Australia doesn't seem to have anyone who can answer your question so you're just flying (and spending your money) blind. I'm still hoping there is some contact option and I just haven't found it yet.

@kiw9  In my 10 years experience with Vietnamese and other officialdom - go with whatever order is listed on Vietnamese passport.

Hopefully her VN ID card is the same.

You should have followed this order on your marriage certificate, drivers license etc. she can call herself whatever she likes on non Government documents. Booking airline tickets and applications for credit cards should all follow this procedure…?

I dont think we have run into any issues with anything other than at the airport. My wife is VN and US citizen. She has 2 middle names which makes it worse. In the US the order is First, Middle 1, Middle 2, Last and thats what her US passport says. Her VN order is Middle 1, Middle 2, First, Last. Most of the really important documents they specify First, Middle and Last names then they order it how its appropriate for that country.

@TaurusTiger Yeah I know that now. But at the time of marriage I didn't think about any naming orders, visas and tickets. Just filled out documents as I would normally do. Hence my question now if it's gonna be a problem when applying for AUS visa.

@jrharvey Yup my wife has the same amount of names as well. Wow she has different order in two passports. From what I've learnt so far it's very rare. Vietnamese people usually always have to pretend on official documents that their middle name is first or just use all names together as the first name in other countries to avoid issues later. Anyway they're always consistent. At least people I talked to. So they don't have a 2 documents with different names like us.

But thanks for your comment. It made me hopeful. I don't know how Australia looks  at things but in my mind US is always very strict and follow the rules to the letter so if they can acknowledge that the order is different then hopefully Australia can too ;)