
I am thinking of Moving to Arusha.

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Hi, everyone I like to join a group of ex-pats or locals.  I like to communicate and keep informed on what to expect there in Arusha. 

See also

Living in Tanzania: the expat guideAre you looking for Business partnerNew Member looking to connect with new friends in Dar es salaamLooking for female expat friends in Arusha!Interested in meeting locals from Tanga area

Hello Simona,

Have you ever been to Arusha?

Yoginee team


No, thanks for your reply.  I wish they have a messenger on this site.  It would be helpful.  I was looking on Y-tube to gather information and I like what I heard from the ex-pat person living there in Tanzania.  She describes the pro and cons of living in places like Zanzibar and Arusha.  I am looking for a much cooler climate because I staying in a tropical part of Mexico. I am from the United States originally from Pennsylvania.  If I don't respond right away I working from home so I will reply when I am free.  If you want to collaborate more on this I don't if you have telegram messenger.


Hallo Simona

Am Solomon and am living in Arusha since ten years now . you can check me on telegram messenger

Via *******. Then we can further talk about your plans of moving to Arusha.

Moderated by Yoginee last year
Reason : For security reasons, do not share phone numbers on the forum
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct
young babelon

@simona45 ok welcome m currently here in Tanzania you can take my number so that we can communicate


Oh thank you for your response. My telegram is SimonaHerder, ***

Moderated by Cheryl last year
Reason : Contact details
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Hey simona45,

Please note that contact details should not be posted on the forum for security reasons.

Such information can be shared via the private messaging system. 1f609.svg


Cheryl team



I would like to talk to you about Arusha. I was there in February 2018 and I'm thinking about moving there.

I have Whatsapp and Telegram. My number is ********

Thanks in advance,


Moderated by Yoginee last year
Reason : For security reasons, do not share phone numbers on the forum
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Hello Jean,

For security reasons, it is not wise to share your contact details on the forum.

What you can do is click on the profile of Njau00 and send her a private message1f609.svg


Yoginee team


Thanks. I will try...


@Yoginee , Sorry I just noticed your message from 2 moderators.  You and Cheryl.  Sorry


@Cheryl Hi, sorry, I was late noticing the message.  Okay


@Cheryl Hi, sorry, I was late noticing the message. Okay

It is fine. Now you know. 1f60a.svg




Thanks again !


@young babelon Hi YB,

As you know, I'm planning to move to Arusha.

I've visited Tanzania in February 2018 and I fell in love with the country.

What is your activity in Tanzania ? Where are you established ?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best regards,



@Cheryl Hi Cheryl,

Several inquiries:

. I'm not used to the site and would like to send a message to several people.

. As you said, we can't send data through our messages. How can we do to start exchanging through Whatsapp or others ?

. How ca I contact people living in Arusha or Tanzania ?

. Where are you based ?

Hoping to hear from you soon,

Best regards,



Hello Jean,

You can exchange your whatsapp number via our private messaging system since it is much safer there as compared to a public forum.

Simply click on the profile of  a member, and you will be able to send a private message.

I suggest that you try it and in case you experience any difficulties, you let me know.


Yoginee  team


Thanks again !

How can I contact Expats in Arusha (or Tanzania) through whom I can learn tips and and get advice in relation with my project of moving to Arusha ?


young babelon

@Jeannot10 currently am a banking and Finance student taking bachelor degree, am living in Tanzania so if you don't mind text me via whatsap ****

Moderated by Cheryl last year
Reason : Contact details
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

@simona45 you are walmly Welcome Tanzania, it is our pleasure to welcome you Arusha City


Thanks for your message Simona !


@Yoginee Dear Yoginee,

I've received many answers to my request and I thank you for your guidance.

I've noted that most of the answers come from locals. I thought that most of the participants would be real expatriates. Is it like that ?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,



Hello Jean,

I've noted that most of the answers come from locals. I thought that most of the participants would be real expatriates. Is it like that ?

I think that it depends. Sometimes expats feel that locals are more inclined to give reliable information as compared to them.

Personally, I think that it's nice to see that the locals in Tanzania are so welcoming towards future expatriates1f609.svg


Yoginee team


@Yoginee You are right, but as I said, I thought that most of the member were expatriates.

It is obvious for me that real expatriates have experiences that are close to what I will be facing.

But all the messages I've received are very instructive and useful.

Thanks a lot,




There are other Towns in Tanzania which are much better in living standards than Arusha.

Arusha was good in time passed over 20+ years ago.

I am from Moshi, just 90 kilometers from Arusha,

I know the place my whole life, I have lived there, I was there last month.

As of now:

  • Arusha Town is highly congested
  • Most 85%+ of Arusha Town is Squatter, unplanned.
  • Center of Arusha town (bus stand, markets, round shops) is noisy, is full of hawkers, motor bikes taxis etc.
  • Many parts of Arusha are dirty.
  • Many parts of Arusha have water scarcity.
  • Food and cost of living in high.
  • Around Arusha there is The worst environment degrading i have ever seen in Tanzania. All around Arusha is a crying scene of treeless wilderness.
  • The only part of Arusha with cool weather

            and good environment is on just one side

            the high up te Mery mountain side where most

            of limited land belongs to peasants families.

Arusha Used to be very good.

Not now.

If you need optional areas look for MOROGORO:

  • A Town well planned, spacious,
  • Cool to mild weather.
  • Very accessible with Roads, Railways etc.
  • Very low cost of living.
  • Very low crime rate.
  • Cool nice people.
  • Large swathes of land for many projects etc.
  • The best farming land in Tanzania.
  • Near world famous Wildlife parks etc.
  • Very accommodating locals.
  • Very well preserved natural vegetation all around.
  • Beautiful water streams.
  • Low crime rate.

if you need any more info. You are very welcomed.

I can send to you lots of pictures and data.

Articles to help you in your expat project in Tanzania

All of Tanzania's guide articles